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BETA: Black Tiki Central Logo T-Shirts

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hanford_lemoore posted on 01/10/2006

Would you like to beta-test the new BLACK Tiki Central Logo shirt?

CafePress has finally added black shirts to their inventory. They're expensive, they're just a small logo on the breast pocket and nothing on the back, and Tiki Central doesn't make much money on them. But hey, they're black.

I've not seen what they look like personally (I've yet to order one as I just got it working a few minutes ago), so if you'd like to beta-test them go ahead and make a purchase and let us know what you think. CafePress's other products are of decent quality so I'm sure these are too.

Please, if you want to wear a Tiki Central T-Shirt with pride, go ahead and order one by clicking here. But if you're buying it just to support Tiki Central then a Grand Membership is money much better spent.

Thanks to everyone for supporting Tiki Central!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-01-10 02:26 ]

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