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Guess the mug giveaway....Round II

Pages: 1 11 replies

Tiki Matt posted on 01/10/2006

I didn't think i'd have another one so soon, but blammo! This one has a couple of glaze flaws, but no chips or cracks and will show nicely in your collection. Again, if you already have it, don't play, let some other freeloader win it. The last one went in record time, so hopefully this one's a little tougher.
Here's how it works: Below is a snipet of the mug, guess the mug and you win. First one to post the correct mug gets the damn thing whether you want it or not. If your overseas you aint gettin' it unless you pay for the postage! Ha!
Good luck....

Moki posted on 01/10/2006

Treasure Craft Tiki Mug with handle.

This is fun!!

tikipedia posted on 01/10/2006

Napco handled Zombie mug?

Tiki Matt posted on 01/10/2006

No and No....

This mug is actually one of my favorites. Keep guessin'!

badmojo posted on 01/10/2006

This OMC Guy?(photo borrowed from Tiki_Kate)
Does he even have a name other than "used at Jimmy Wong's, Luau Hut, Chin Tiki"?

teaKEY posted on 01/10/2006

I didn't think it was badmojos pick because the eyes on all the pictures that I see of that mug, the eyes lines droop down on the sides. Until I saw this one. No downward eye lines but still different, I will still keep looking.

teaKEY posted on 01/10/2006

Nevermind, that picture at the top is the inside eye.

Tiki Matt posted on 01/10/2006

Badmojo is the winner! It's from the Luau Hut.

Just PM your address and I'll mail it off this week.

Stay tuned for the next one.......

badmojo posted on 01/10/2006

Very cool, Thanks Matt! Obviously I'm not going to turn down the mug but I think this idea of "Guess the mug" should be a regular Topic. Maybe start a thread, and the first person to guess correctly can then post their own mystery pic, and so on, and so on.

teaKEY posted on 01/10/2006

What if this game is started a certain time of the day instead of random. I guess my luck would be up again all TC members or five minutes after the correct guess is given from a random game.

Matt, good for you to bring life to TC during this slow new year.

MachTiki posted on 01/10/2006

Way to go Mojo! Thanks for the contest Matt. More, more, more...

Tiki Matt posted on 01/10/2006

All great ideas! Again, if I find a dinged up mug or, to be honest, one I can't sell on the website (I gotta make some $$ suckers!) it'll go up on TC. I encourage others to do the same. The fact that folks new to collecting can't get a mug for 50 cents or $1 like many of us used to, is a damn shame (insert your own "I remember when..." story here). So again stay tuned for more.....maybe tomorrow or in 6 months, but as soon as I can, Round III will begin......

Pages: 1 11 replies