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NEW TIKI LongBeach CA!!! coming soon

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crazy al posted on 01/09/2006

announcing the "PUKA BAR" uptown Long Beach, CA
COMING SOON.......... brought to you by a 'Big Foot/Lucky Tiki' insider....
sure to be a class act all the way.... details TBA

Here is some handy work I did last week on the vintage wooden bar rail!!
19 some tapa designs... all deferent.... designed/carved free hand as usual

the bar.......

sneak peek at potential.......

tikis & more TBA

Benzart posted on 01/09/2006

Nice transformation under way and Nice tapa rail C,Al!

Polynesiac posted on 01/09/2006

Great looking work al! If that rail is just the beginning...then I can't wait to see what's to come! Where in Long Beach is it going to be?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/09/2006

Ah Ha!! That's where you've been!! I thought you blew it all off for Mammoth on your new Shag Snowboard.....

Nice tapa dude! You are now the Tapa King!!! or, King Tapa!


When does the bar open?

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/09/2006

Bitchin! And nearby!

Tiki Bird posted on 01/09/2006

LBC is long over due for a tiki bar, keep us updated on dates & pic please!!!


kaha kii posted on 01/09/2006

Hey brah,
Aloha! Great tapa work cuz! All da kine freehand huh? Shoots! Good to hear about the new bar opening up in LB. The wife and I spend a lot of time on the mainland here at our gallery so it would be nice to head down to a new "tiki" bar someday....
Keep up the good work!

Malama Pono!

MTKahuna posted on 01/10/2006

What style of tapa design is that???
Needs mo' dark brown :)

[ Edited by: MTKahuna 2006-01-09 17:28 ]

christiki295 posted on 01/10/2006

On 2006-01-09 12:51, Tiki Bird wrote:
LBC is long over due for a tiki bar, keep us updated on dates & pic please!!!

Bring it on! I'm tired of going to the Bayshore or Mumm's.

crazy al posted on 01/10/2006

thanks for the prop's.... the owner wants to open 'as soon as possible'... but we know what that means... so stay tuned

most all the tapa design i 'use' is of Fijian oragin...rather then Hawaiian

funny this bar rail idea/job was given to me just before Ben asked me to go to Oakland and the Kona! that had another vintage wooden bar rail!! tiki is going off like a string of fireworks tied to a Chinese pony tail!!(shit, that may be the most P[I]C thing i ever wrote) well anyway some great things happening

this carved bar rail is not a piece of Fijian tapa cloth or meant to look like one, however there is just enough dark browns in the piece to make it a perfect bar rail... but art/design is all a personal crap-(sh!t)-shoot anyway.

Benzart posted on 01/10/2006

Aw C'mon, I thought you glued the real thing to the rail thing. Are you Sure it isn,t a Real Rail? Thought I saw one just like that in the Authentic Hawaiian tapa rail book.

MTKahuna posted on 01/11/2006

It's all good...
Mi jas fookin with yah. I admire anyone who has time to carve.
I know I'll be hangin there once it opens.

It's pure niceness

christiki295 posted on 01/11/2006

Not that the Fijian tapa cloth bar rail isn't enough, but will a Crazy Al tiki also grace the decor?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2006

On 2006-01-10 10:43, crazy al wrote:
tiki is going off like a string of fireworks tied to a Chinese pony tail!!!

You can say THAT again!!!

this carved bar rail is not a piece of Fijian tapa cloth or meant to look like one, however there is just enough dark browns in the piece to make it a perfect bar rail... but art/design is all a personal crap-(sh!t)-shoot anyway.

Looks good to me!!!

It's so Arrrrrrrty-full!! ( beautiful )

Tapa Lapa Ding Dong!!!

How long did it take?? ( lol !!! joking)

There's a present on your tiki at my shop. Oooooo

Poppy. Not in the eye!!!

TikiJosh posted on 01/11/2006

Looks awesome. Can't wait until it opens. C'Al, killer job. How long did the bar rail take to carve?

suicide_sam posted on 01/19/2006

Is the owner actually going to be able to open this place. My friends used to bartend theer when it was teh KB Liz and Jessica. They told me how incredibly cheap teh KB sold for, $165K total, but I heard teh new owner was having allot of trouble with one of his permits now and might not be able to open for awhiel?

Anyways, it looks like you are doing beautiful work. I can't wait to see it done. LB has been seriously devoid of anything tiki or even nautical after Java Lanes got bulldozed and Captain Jack's got stripped inside and became DiPiazza's. Dpn't get me wrong I love Mark and Marylin DiPiazza, but I just mean there aren't any themed bars in Long Beach with that tropical flavor. The place your working on looks like it will restore some sorely needed island vibes to the LBC.

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