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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Even in Canada there are tikis.

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Cuisson posted on 01/25/2003

I'm delighted that even in remote Vancouver, B. C. Canada there is a Tiki place. An article in the Westender last week let out the secret that the Waldorf Hotel on Hastings St. still has a Tiki Room that has been functioning since the 1950's. You never know.

emspace posted on 01/25/2003

Hey Cuisson, aloha from a fellow Vancouverite! Not only does the Waldorf harbor amazing rooms, they even have occasional events in them. The thing being: I am not into the whole "lounge" scene hosted by the Blue Lizard Cocktail Club. To me, Polynesian and Lounge ain't the same thing at all, Lounge seeming cool and elegant and distant, while Tiki is about fun, warm fun, family fun even even, upbeat and colourful, the aloha spirit if you will. Though booze and nostalgia are common themes to be sure...

I do not begrudge these folks their get-togethers at all, but do wish the place could re-open and perform the function (many functions?) it was so well designed for. But what an awful neighbourhood to try to run a warm, friendly bar in!

I'm planning to ask for permission to get in and photograph the place some day. Prob won't happen till Spring-ish the way life is going right now. Keep in touch!


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