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SEATTLE Tiki Party Sat. Feb 4th!

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tiki-riviera posted on 01/18/2006

Hello All!

It's time for a Winter Tiki get together here in Seattle.
Mr and Mrs Tiki-Riviera are having a Party on Sat Feb 4th
and would like to extend an invitation to everyone near and far.
The Party Info:
Date: Sat Feb 4th at 6:30pm
Location: 9443 24th Ave SW 98106 (West Seattle)
What to bring: nothing! just your tiki threads
Menu: Mrs Riviera loves to make appetizers! you won't leave hungry
Drinks: Blue Hawaiians, Wine and another Tropical drink TBD
RSVP: Please RSVP here so I know how many bottles (or barrels) of rum to buy.

Please send me a personal message if you have questions!

Exoticat posted on 01/18/2006

i don't think i've ever attended a tiki party in the winter! Most of my tropical clothes are in storage too. Maybe you'll have a stash of hula skirts and coconut bras for us to wear when we arrive? :wink: Hopefully I can make it...you guys aren't too far from me. I hope Woofmutt is ready to teach us all how to hula since he got that DVD for Christmas and I hear he's been practicing. (Remember: Figure 8 with the hips)

dogbytes posted on 01/19/2006

rain or shine, we'll be there.

i'm guessing rain..rain..and more rain!

hey..Feb 4 weekend is the opening of the Burke Muesum Maori Exhibit ~ we'll work up an appitite there, then come over and pillage your bar!

great plan.. cya then!

sweetpea posted on 01/20/2006

I'm in!!!!
Thanks much.
Anything I can bring?
I guess I better bring Miss Exoticat a dress?

puamana posted on 01/20/2006

Selector Lopaka and I will be there ! We're looking forward to it !

tikibars posted on 01/20/2006

On 2006-01-18 15:34, Exoticat wrote:
i don't think i've ever attended a tiki party in the winter!

Tiki parties should happen ESPECIALLY in the winter.

Sealing yourself off from the nasty weather outside and letting a hula and a mai tai transport to somewhere sunny, sandy, and sexy is the very essence of what Tiki is all about.

Have fun, kids.

sweetpea posted on 01/20/2006

yes indeed, hope you have a nice warm fire, or at least
a blazing space heater so we can pretend we are somewhere tropical!!! hehehehe

tiki-riviera posted on 01/21/2006

We have two fireplaces to help keep everyone warm
from the never ending rain. We can make smores
inside while we sip tropical drinks!

Exoticat posted on 01/22/2006

But can we come to a general group consensus on WHERE that sunny, sandy, sexy place is?

Don't worry Pea, I'm not arriving naked...UNLESS...is it that kind of a party? Do we have to put our keys in a bowl once we arrive? That makes me think twice about my keychain: a big sparkly green enameled shamrock!

Exoticat posted on 01/23/2006

Looks like it's gonna be a pre-Seahawks Superbowl party too!

[ Edited by: Exoticat 2006-01-22 23:11 ]

Dancin' Lizard posted on 01/23/2006

The Mr. and I will give it our best shot to be there.

monkeyskull posted on 01/24/2006

The monkeyskull will be there.

Now who's going to be in charge of waking me up in time for the Super Bowl?

woofmutt posted on 01/24/2006

"Now who's going to be in charge of waking me up in time for the Super Bowl?"

The "Super Bowl"? Is that some sorta new Lava bowl type drink the tiki-rivieras are debuting? How many does it serve? Is such a drink a wise idea during cold and flu season?

PS: "I hope Woofmutt is ready to teach us all how to hula since he got that DVD for Christmas and I hear he's been practicing.

A bit of misunderstanding...I got a Hula-hoop DVD. I don't dance. The Hula-hooping is for a new routine the amateur drill team I'm a member of will be doing. I'm lead twirler, and this year I'm incorporating flaming batons!

tiki-riviera posted on 01/24/2006

Hey Woofmut, We have a big backyard, so if you want to entertain us with your flaming batons, we will watch you
from inside while we sip (or chug) our exotic libations.

sweetpea posted on 01/24/2006

woowheee, I'm looking forward to this shindig.

tiki-riviera posted on 01/24/2006

Hey Sweetpea,

I have several Rockabilly CD's for your listening enjoyment. We can't
play only exotica!

sweetpea posted on 01/31/2006

YAY, it's at the end of this week!!!!

tiki-riviera posted on 02/05/2006

A HUGE thank-you to everyone who attended the party and
for all the nice gifts (Dawn, I Love the book)! We must of appeased the Tiki Gods as today I woke up and no rain, the wind has stopped and the sun is out! Looking forward to the next time we can all get together.........

puamana posted on 02/05/2006

What a great time !! Many thanks to the Tiki-Rivieras for hosting a great party last night. As always, it was great to see the Seattle TC ohana, and enjoy some fine drinks and appetizers in the Riviera's cool home tiki lounge. Many thanks again, looking forward to seeing everyone again soon !

dogbytes posted on 02/06/2006

the warm feeling of aloha shines through the grey seattle skies! what a great house the TikiRivieras have.. so much Shag in one place!

great food and drinks and conversations ~ thanks for having us over.

a few more parties, and my Franciscanware will be complete!

Dancin' Lizard posted on 02/06/2006

I'm sorry we didn't make it to the party. We were one of the areas that lost our power Saturday morning and didn't get it back until Sunday morning. We spent all Saturday babysitting the kerosene heater so the house would stay above 50.

We hope you'll keep us in mind for the next party.

sweetpea posted on 02/07/2006

Mucho Mahalo for the party!
It was so fun, and I met some more new tiki people~
Nice place and perfect Pina coladas. Creamy, mmmmm!
Can't wait to see y'all again!

monkeyskull posted on 02/08/2006

Thanks Tiki-Rivieras. BTW, I saw Woofmutt slinking around your neighborhood, so if anything's missing ...

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