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Tribute to "Lee Teg"

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Suburban Hipster posted on 01/25/2003

I thought this was a particularly funny ebay auction title and description. SHAG "TRIBUTE TO LEE TEG"

This is a very cool,very hard to find & very sold out Shag serigraph from a few years back called "Tribute to Lee Teg" In this great vintage piece the artist Shag pays homage to one of the early pioniers in black velvet painting and a icon of the tiki culture movment and a master at getting beautiful island girls to pose naked for his black velvet paintings mr Lee Teg. Yes with out Mr. Teg's smooth talking and smooth brush strokes who knows maybe there would never of been the infomis black velvet painting of the bull fighter or even worse may be there would have never been the Black velvet ELVIS!Think of it the King him self loved to see his likenes depicted on black velvet.

If the seller's feedback wasn't -2 I'd bid as I'm a big fan of anything to do with Mr. Teg.

[ Edited by: Suburban Hipster on 2003-01-24 19:49 ]

tikigreg posted on 01/25/2003

Hard Times

Suburban Hipster posted on 01/25/2003

Here's another surprising Shag auction.


The item pictured is primarily blue.

but the print is actually primarily green

Likely explanation: the seller has used the image for the YANOMAMI HUNTER T-Shirt rather than for the print.

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