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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

9 masks

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SCTikiShack posted on 10/03/2005

Hello Tiki Centralites,

If been rather absent on this website lately due to vacation and a hectic living. Luckily for you, I found some time today to post a little topic. A few months ago, there was a topic that asked why people weren't carving more mask style tikis. I was thinking, if this person could only see my backyard.

At an Aloha grill's B-Day event, my best customer saw some of my masks and he decided that he wanted 9 of them. He had previously purchase an expensive 9 footer, but didn't balk when I told him the price.

A few months later several tikis started to take form. Carving these masks can be quite difficult, because one missed swipe of the chainsaw your tiki can be in two pieces. This is especially true around the mouth area.

Another challenging part of this order was making each one different. Since I free hand them (never trace them out) the shape and design of each tiki was emerged while in the carving process. there are some interesting features that I added to a few of these tikis.

It looks like this guy got in one too may fights at the pub.

You better not get on this tikis bad side or he might stab you.

This tiki is flashing the double bro-bro shaka.

Thank you all for reading my little topic. I will be posting many more in the future.


[ Edited by: SCTikiShack 2005-10-03 14:58 ]

rodeotiki posted on 10/03/2005

Those are awesome !! I cant believe that you freehanded all those. I just finished my 4th mask and find that they are just as much work as carving poles .

Thanks for sharing .

Scott McGerik posted on 10/03/2005


Seeing those nine lined up as they were brought to mind a fence...an impressive, intimidating Tiki fence.

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/03/2005

Those masks kick some serious ass!!! I really like the way that Redwood looks with your carvings!!! Simply Amazing!!! Thank you for posting photo's.

Tikiwahine posted on 10/03/2005

Great chainsaw tikis!
Nicely done, that must be one happy customer.

Thanks for postin'!

McTiki posted on 10/03/2005

You commin to Hukilau with those? Those are nice. Why the absense?


Moondance posted on 10/04/2005

Very nice, glad to see your makin' money doing what you love.

SCTikiShack posted on 10/04/2005

I agree with you, carving these masks is quite tedious. I was very glad to get done with this order so I can move on to big tikis again. Personally I believe that 6-9 footers are the best to carve.

As a matter of fact, this customer is using these to cover his ugly fence posts. You should see this guys backyard. It is a huge redwood grove equipped with fancy stone lined spill ways.

Sperm Whale,
Thank you, I will have to look you up next time I make it don to So.Cal. My sister lives in San Pedro so I find myself there quite often.


Gosh, I hope this guy is a happy customer he paid quite a bit and waited a long time. However I am quite sure he is satisfied. Check out the tiki that he bought a couple of years ago.

I took a little trip to Europe. When I returned, I had to work double time to pay the piper, so to speak. Before the recent topics I have never heard of Hukilau, but it would be great to go someday.


I consider myself very fortunate to be able to make some money carving. Unfortunately, I also work part time as a stressed out money manager trading a half a billion dollars worth of other peoples money. To alleviate stress it is imperative that I go surfing, mountain bike and execute a little tiki carving action.

Thank you all, it is always great to feel appreciated and tiki central puts out lots of warm fuzzies.

Tiki G. posted on 10/04/2005

SC, those rock! Sweet! Good to hear something out of you. Been missing you.


Chongolio posted on 10/04/2005

Yup, them masks look super sweet in real life. The wood is beautiful and will does some nice things to those logs.
Everybody loves a SC Tiki. Here is a shot from Da Grille anniversary party:

Roscoe kickin' it with an SC tiki and Kamapua'a

Up close and personal with Roscoe and an SC Tiki

See you in around Will. Tell Roscoe I said Hi next time you see him.


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com
Kamapua'a the Hawaiian Pig God http://www.piggod.com

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/04/2005

Aloha, Will! Those tikis look pretty savage all lined up like that. That is quite as array of designs, somehow alike but completely different all at the same time. Is that the infamous "tiki shack" in the background? Someday you'll have to give us a virtual tour of your mountain carving hideaway, since I never had time to see it in person on the big redwood log haul. Thanks for the great pics!


Raffertiki posted on 10/04/2005

I'd like to see the look on the face of a theif creeping around your clients yard, when he realizes he's surrounded by a gang of armed tikis.

But really, that is an impressive piece of work. Quantity-, and quality-wise. Be sure to take a pic of them once they're installed.

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Benzart posted on 10/04/2005

Wil, Welcome back. You return with a Bang,9 Super masks. Excellent carvings there sir..

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GMAN posted on 10/05/2005

Wow is right! Beautiful stuff. I'm glad to see another chainsaw carver posting pics. I REALLY like your pieces.


SCTikiShack posted on 10/05/2005

Tiki G.,

It is trippy how posting topics in this forum seems to go in waves. Trying to fit in all my sporting activities, family time and tiki carving leaves me little time on the computer. I dig the last tikis that you made, good luck at Hukaliu you have become a great carver over the years. I guess you have become kind of a vetran now.

Rosko wants to give you big slurpy doggie kisses. It is always a blast hanging out with you at the Aloha Grill activities. We have to keep in touch and surf to prepare for the East vs West coast tiki surf off you can be the longboard contingency.

When are you coming back up. Next time I will take you up to my carving mecca for a little tiki action. Check out the beautiful tiki you made for me. It is currently protecting my newly acquired cabin from any evil forest spirits. Thank you again, any time you need redwood, come my way. I have it coming out of my ears.
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What can I say, you are one of my favorite tiki personalities/carvers out there. You piece dawning the Hawaiian shirt inspires me. What I like most about your work it that you seem to pull you ideas from out of the deep recesses of your mind. Maybe some day ,I will have to go on a surf trip to Montauk and visit you on the way.


Thank you, to me, you are the mayor of Tiki Central. I have been extremely tempted to reply to several of your topics, but many people already said what I had in mind. I always look forward to seeing your new creations and can't wait to get mine. Your carvings have inspired many and you should be proud. You have shown tremendous honor by encouraging new carvers, I know some of the old-time tiki artist don't feel the same way. At first, I felt a little threatened by the onslaught of new carvers, but I have learned to embrace it myself.

You are all legends,

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hewey posted on 10/05/2005

Wow man. Awesome! They have the same look, but theyre all individulas. Cool

Cant wait to hear about his response.

SCTikiShack posted on 10/05/2005

Tiki G,

I have never carved a tiki with anything else besides a chainsaw. It is amazing how you can learn to manipulate the saw to make elaborate cuts at different angles. The carving bar enables me to move lots of wood quickly.



Thank you, I am always trying to make my tikis different, but they all seem to have my style coming through. I am into tikis with big screaming mouths and flaring nostrils, as you can see. I jealous that you get to live in Sydney. Australia is the best, I have had some great surfing trips down in the Southern NSW and Victoria region.


[ Edited by: SCTikiShack 2005-10-05 13:47 ]

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Polynesiac posted on 10/10/2005

OOOH man! look at all those side by side! I'm sure that is one happy customer! Great lookin' masks SC

I was just down at Royal palms this morning...not bad waves today. I was up SC way a few weeks back (only just passing through) but we stopped at the surfing museum to watch the large rollers coming in from a storm...that's an insane place to go!

Raffertiki posted on 10/10/2005

SC, When you venture out to Montauk I will definately meet you there, though my doc says my surfin' days are over, we'll do a little wine tasting on the way there and I'll be happy to lay out on the beach and watch you carve it up.

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Hi sctikishack. excellent work keep em coming.

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Bete posted on 01/21/2006

Cool tiki artwork.

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congatiki posted on 01/21/2006

glad Bete brought this one back....don't know how I missed it....very nice long masks....

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