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I'm going to see if I can get my folks to "volunteer" babysitting services for the 14th. I'll let you know as soon as I can whether or not we're going.

Oh yeah - Is the Timex trip still on for the 21st? I've already secured sitters and am ready to go!

We're still on for tiki timex trip this weekend, although our place is in shambles, so advance appologies on that. (The dog & cat have conspired to destroy the house around me)

Anyone who wants in, PM me and I'll send ya some directions. I figure we'll meet at my place between 1pm and 2pm, chill with a few cocktials and then head to Waterbury.

The museum is open until 7pm, and admission is only $6 (and it gets you an extra 20% off in the gift shop!)

FYI, I don't think you can count on me for the Hu Ki Lau trip on V-day.

It's a legislative session day, so I will be up in Augusta fighting for good government. Until probably 5:00. And then it takes an hour to get to Portland. And then...



Ok, sent out some PM's to those expressed interest in the TIMEXPO trip this Saturday.

Anyone else interested?

Granite? SBiM? TikisGrl? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

For those who dont know what I'm talking about, the owners of Timex were close friends with Thor Heyerdahl, and have a bunch of stuff from the Kon Tiki expedition on display at their museum in Waterbury. More info here (plus a good pic of the Moai who guards the museum!) http://www.timexpo.com/

If anyone else wants in, let me know.

Rain posted on Tue, Jan 17, 2006 8:09 AM

re: timexpo - gonna have to pass, unfortunately. hope to see some photos up here, though :D

there's a possibility. We haven't talked about this weekend yet, but if there isn't anything else going on, it would be fun.


Unfortunately, I'm working. But it sounds great. Wish I could go.

Hopefully I'll meet some of you on Valentine's Day.

On 2006-01-16 11:21, Suffering Bastard in Maine wrote:
FYI, I don't think you can count on me for the Hu Ki Lau trip on V-day.

It's a legislative session day, so I will be up in Augusta fighting for good government. Until probably 5:00. And then it takes an hour to get to Portland. And then...


Hey, I thought you got laid off! Congrats on re-joining the workforce.

I'll be at the Ku Ke Lau and the Timexpo.


Tiki Mortis and his Wahine (from Bristol, CT) will also be joining us! Shaping up to be a little party here.

I wasn't planning on doing any major food, but we'll have snacks & the like.

If I start pleading with her now, I might even get Wahine Jess to make her Famous Buffalo Chicken Dip.

Only one beer on tap at the moment (I know, I know...sorry) but its a doozie!! Hoegaarden White Beer, from Belgium. This stuff is so good, I havent had a Mai Tai in weeks!!

I'll put an end to the Mai Tai drought on saturday, and whip up a pitcher or two of them, and if anyone else wants to jump behind the bar & mix something, they're more than welcome.

We may need a second designated driver to get us out to the Museum depending on final headcount, but we can burn that bridge on Saturday.

Really looking forward to seeing everyone and finally getting to the Timexpo!

I'm no go on the Valentine's Day trip however. Making it to the Hu Ke Lau by 7 on a weeknight is a near impossiblity.


I appreciate the invite, wish I could go!!! It seems that Saturday & Sunday are the only days when I don't have to drive a lot & get really crazy. In other words I get to do laundry and shopping and all the stuff that my normally crazy days do not permit... But, I know that you will post plenty of pictures and check out the souvenir shop for me. There is always the chance that I will get to go there sometime as I have probably driven by it a lot as my brother lived in CT for 10 years.

P.S. Click the link on the Website for e-cards every card you send/receive gives you a dollar off admission.

[ Edited by: Tikisgrl 2006-01-17 16:27 ]

It looks like timing will be against us for Saturday.
Thanks Pappy, I went back to work in December. Although I now have an inside line on a new job.

Wish me luck.



Good Luck SBiM I wore my shirt in your honor on Saturday on my trip to Maine. O.K. that probably requires a bit of explanation; First mug bought was the Blue Suffering Bastard so I got a t-shirt with him imprinted on it. Weird thing is they no longer sell the t-shirt or I would send you the link :0(

Well enough about me... Good luck with the Job!!!!


Thanks, and thanks for the explanation. I thought perhaps you got a shirt with my face on it, but then I'd have to ask why you were in Singapore.

Actually, this gives me an idea for a topic in Bilge. :wink:



SOrry you cant make it SB & Tikisgrl. We'll post a bunch of pics.

Tikisgrl, thanks for the info on the coupons. I spent a bunch of time monday making up fake emails & sending myself those $1 off coupons, so I've got about 8 of em now! heh heh.

SB, glad you're back working! Now we just gotta get you closer!

Rain, isnt there some exhibit in Providence on polynesian art or something? Maybe the next "educational" trip will be down your way!

If anyone changes their mind, PM me and I'll send ya directions.

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2006-01-18 08:15 ]


Timexpo here I come!

I just finished whipping up some Aloha Dip (see Taboo Table) for the pre-museum party at Bargoyle's. Warning - if you're allergic to nuts don't dip into this stuff, it has pecans in it.

Well time to get ready for the big ride to Tolland. See you all soon!


[ Edited by: johnman 2006-01-21 08:22 ]

I'm still jealous!

Have a great time and be sure to take pictures!


Had a great time yesterday for the timexpo trip. Was nice to meet Tiki Mortis & his wahine Nicole, and good to see Pappy & johnman again.

As far as the exhibit is concerned, I think we were all a little disappointed with the content (or lack thereof). It was interesting, and we got see most fo the KonTiki movie in the video kiosk, but I just wish there had been more stuff!! Also, they no longer sell the kon tiki or moai watches (which was another reason I had for the trip)

On the plus side, we had a great time pre-museum, snacking & having cocktails. Maybe even a little too good of a time, as we got there 5 minutes after the museum closed and I had to sweet talk our way in!

Pappy brought a nice bottle of Meyers, Johnman's dip was excellent (and thanks for the appleton) and Mortis brought some pimento liquor! I'm already scouring the Grog log & Intoxica for more recipies that call for it. Had a few Ancient Mariners last night (pg 16 of your grog log)...pretty tasty drink! Thanks again to all!

Got a few pics of the gang, and the 7 or 8 pics of the museum pretty much show the whole thing. If you're in the area, its worth stopping by, but I cant reccomend going out of your way for it.

The only pic I didn't get that I wish I did, was of Johnman & Pappy rocking out on the plastic guitars!! Next time. anyway, on with the pics....

Pappy caught off guard & johnman chillin in the bar

Tiki Mortis & his wahine Nicole at the bar (Wahine Jess behind the bar)

Group shot

The Moai outside the Timexpo museum

Entrance to the Kon Tiki part of the museum

A few inside the Museum...

And that pretty much summed it up.

I think we're gonna make it to the HuKeLau on Valentine's Day after all, so hopefully we'll see everyone there!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2006-01-22 11:26 ]

Thanks so much for the pics!

looks like a lot of fun was had! At least this weekend I found a couple of goodies at Goodwill that I will post when my DSL is back up.

I'd be willing to host some mid-winter tiki get together in Maine if people would be willing to travel. Let me know!



Many thanks for having us over Bargoyle! Even though the Timex museum was so-so, it was more than worth the trip to hang at your bar. And getting to sample some Pimento (thanks TikiMortis!) made it even better. You also mix a mean Mai Tai - haven't had one that good since the Bali Hai.

Pappy - we will battle in the land of guitar rock once again. Crack out the uke and start practicing man.

Hey SBiM - can't promise I can make it, but I'd definitely be interested in heading to ME sometime. The wahine and I are sure to get a little cabin fever over the next couple of months and a trip up north might be the cure.

Rain posted on Sun, Jan 22, 2006 8:12 PM

great photos - now i'm inspired to pop in the kon-tiki dvd again :D


How far up in Maine are ya SB? I'd be up for a trip, but might have to hit a nearby motel if that demon rum takes ahold of me!

Johnman-Was good to have ya man. Anytime you wanna head over & toss a few back, let me know. I'm up for it. And thanks for the Mai Tai compliment....makes me wanna mix a few more right now!

ALso, I bought tix online today for the Valentines show at teh HuKeLau. WooHoo!!!! I'm only gonna work a half-day so if anyone wants to meet at the bar early, let me know. I think if we explain to the hostess that we want to be seated as a group (and do it early enough) they'll accomodate us.

Who else is in on V-day?

I'm in, and my wife!

I'm just in Portland, so it's not too far.



One of these Days SB we should meet up at the really bad Flea Market as I am there quite a bit... & if it makes you feel any better I have not gone to any of the 5 or so Salvation Army's or Goodwill's in Portland!!! They are all yours!


Hey Bargoyle, thanks for the hospitality!
We had a great time meeting you, Jess, Johnman & Pappy.
Good to see everyone escaped from Waterbury in one piece.
We can't make the 14th but I'm sure you haven't seen the last of me (don't know if thats good or bad)
~Johnman, how did the pic of the Moai bum come out?

[ Edited by: Tiki Mortis 2006-01-24 07:26 ]

Tikisgrl, which one do you mean? The one in Saco? The one in Brunswick? Another?
Saco is closed for the season, but Brunswick is indoors.


On 2006-01-24 07:24, Tiki Mortis wrote:
~Johnman, how did the pic of the Moai bum come out?

[ Edited by: Tiki Mortis 2006-01-24 07:26 ]

LOL - it came out ok. I'll be posting some pics tonight and will most certainly include the Moai:)

Bargoyle - I have my stuff packed and will be moving into your bar this weekend. No worries, I'll dress totally retro so I blend in. You can just think of me as your most expensive collectible.

Bad news for VDay - the wahine and I won't be able to make it. I was so looking forward to the show and seeing the usual gang (plus some new folks). Oh well, I'm sure there will definitely be another time in the future.

Back to work for me...

Bad news for VDay - the wahine and I won't be able to make it. I was so looking forward to the show and seeing the usual gang (plus some new folks). Oh well, I'm sure there will definitely be another time in the future.

You bum! Bring them kids along.....


SBiM it's good to see you qualifying the really bad Flea Markets... Saco at the Cascades is according to rumor, gone forever and a great loss for all. Where ever will I get my imitations of imatation ceremonial swords? Brunswick, I am at all the time however, it's a little bit of a hike for you. There is the one down past Big Moose Harley Davidson that I occasionally go to! But in referring to the really bad Flea Market I meant the one at the Horse Race track. Sound familiar? This is the one I am at all the time!


And the moment you all have been waiting for...

TIKI BUM! (not to be confused with the bum not going to the HKL in Chicopee)

OK, maybe its not quite what you've been waiting for, but I couldn't resist.

Here's a couple more from Timexpo...

Am I the only one who thinks they look like ET from the neck down?

Hello all NE'ers..just wana let ya know I am still around...you can Email me at [email protected] for any NTN info thanks! (Put "tiki" in the subject to help sort spam)


Did i mention I own a liquor store?


Aloha all, sorry I've been away for a bit. We had to put our cat, Harley, down the other day, and I've been a little "off" ever since. Still not used to not having the little guy around...old age is a bitch.

Anyway, on to happier topics (sorry if I depressed everyone)

V-day at the Huke...we've got Pappy, Granite, & myself (plus our respective better halves) Is that it? No other takers? Pappy & granite, do you want to meet up early at the bar? I'll prob be there on the early side, so let me know.

SBiM- I'm up for the haul if you want to host something. Just let us know when & we'll work it into our schedule.

Caber-Net Welcome to our little section of TC. Good to see another New Englander, and one who is a stone's throw away from me!! And owns a liquor store?!?!!? What a coincidence, because I LOVE liquor!! lol If you want in on the V-Day trip to the HuKeLau in chicopee, just let us know. Plenty of room for everyone!

Also, an open call to all the New England Ohana: The Bargoyle's bithday is at the end of this month. Either going to have a little shin-dig at the pad in Tolland, or trek out to Western Mass to the Luau Hale (A long ride, I know, but I still havent hit that place!) Who knows, maybe I'll wind up doing both! Also, it seems that every year, my birthday party winds up moving to Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun at some point in the evening...just a heads up.

Anyway, this old fart gets even older on the 28th, so the weekend before is up for festivities (25th most likely).

Let me know if anyone is interested in joining!

Where's the Luau Hale? I'm always up for supporting the local tiki. We need to see 'bout getting sat together at da Hu Ke Lau. Looks like all the (southern) New Englander TCers are just fair-weather tiki friends who are going to spend Valentine's Day at Appleby's (and listen to Jimmy Buffet). We can see about getting a table for six (if Granite agrees).

You betcha! That sounds like a great idea.


Sweet. Table for 6 it is!! And pappy!! Yikes!! a little shot across the bow with the buffet remark! heh heh. I love it!!

Luau Hale is in Lenox, Ma....waaaaaaaaaaaay out west along the pike. Exit 2 I think. Definately a haul, and not sure if its worth the trip or not.

Maybe some intrepid tiki-hunters want to make the trip with me as a seperate occasion in the comming weeks/months? Its right near the outlet mall in Lee, so that might help convince some significant others to make the trip?

ANyway, 25th looks like cocktails & casino for any who are intersted, then do Luau Hale sometime in March? And isnt March when we need to have our quarterly N.E.T.C. meeting at the Kowloon?

Hey hey now, I understand not totaly digging Jimmy Buffett but he's a great performer and writes some nice tunes, he's even managed to work some tiki style in now and then, besides, no performer who's been around as long as he has, should be mentioned in the same sentence as Appleby's, the worst restaurant chain of all time!! :)


I'm with ya on the Applebees, Granite. I dont know what it is, but like once a year they'll advertise their new "Spicy Menu" or whatever they roll out.

And we forget how much we hate that place, and give it ANOTHER try, and it all tastes like the same old crap as before. I dont know what it is, but ALL of their food has this weird tang to it, no matter what it is. Beef, chicken , fish, pasta...like it all gets the same 11 secret herbs & spices, only it all sucks.....yuk...im feeling kind of sick to my stomache just thinking about it....think i need to go lie down

That is very funny, because that is my exact experience with Applebee's!

For some reason, their promotion makes me try it out every couple of years, and I try something different everytime, only to be disapointed in the exact same way!

There aren't many restaurants out there in which I like absolutely nothing on the menu!

But I digress, I'm really looking forward to hanging out with you all on Valentine's Day, and I hope we get some more takers!

Sorry for dissing Jimmy--oh, hell-- no I'm not. Bargoyle,
Sorry about Harley. How's Guinness taking it? Sorry, I gotta pass on the casino--must save money. I'm up for Kowloon, Luau Hale, Tahitian, Bali Hai--anywhere. Anytime anybody wants to hit a restaurant just give me some notice & I'll try to be there.


Bargoyle - my condolences on Harley. He seemed like a chillin kitty. Plus he never once drank my Mai Tai when I was over. That's one respectful cat. Now your dog on the other hand needs to get the drinking under control, or at least pour his own. :drink:

I might be game for your bday party and a March Kowloon NETC meeting. I'll check in with the planning committee and get back to you.

Looks like I'll have to hit Applebee's on the 14th. Heard they're bringing back the Shanghai Wings. Man I hope it's Buffet night when we go. That helps the wings just slide down... Or maybe I'll put on the sad face and get some buy in for the HKL.

Well sleepy tikis are calling. Got an underwriting training class in Norwood tomorrow and if I'm sleepy I'll be sleeping. Aloha all!


Thanks for the sympathies, and yeah, Guinness has been a little "lost" too. (More reason not to shut her off from the Mai Tais johnman! You just gotta learn to not let your drink sag down into "dog level")

Ok, I realize we're getting 1 trip ahead of ourselves here planning a March Kowloon meet before we've even done HKL on the 14th, and I'm gonna screw it up even more by suggesting a trip to the Luau Hale in Lenox, MA on Saturday Feb 18th. Thinking dinner time (6-ish).

Gonna hit the outlet mall in Lee with the wahine before hand then grab some grub & grog at the Luau Hale. Any/all interested are welcome to join in. The more the merrier. Sorry about the short notice. Let me know who's in and I'll make sure we get a big enough table. Also, as this is a long haul, carpooling might be in order. If anyone wants to hang out with me while the wahine shops, I'm more than glad to have the company!

Also, still thinking of having people over on the 25th, more to come on that front.

As far as Kowloon in March, 11th or 25th work for me. Lets fill that friggin place this time! I wanna see some new faces for the big March meeting!

Rain, Caber-net, tiki-greg, quincy, Tangaroa Ed, surfintiki, professahhummingflowah, Chief Lapu Lapu, Mr.Ho, tikisgrl, The Mayor Of Exotica, SBiM, Granite, Johnman, Pappy, tiki mortis, anyone I've forgotten, and any of you lurkers out there, its time to ROCK the Kowlooooon!!! (after rocking the Huke, and the Hale of course...sheesh, do I EVER stop rocking??? heh heh)

Hope to see you all sometime at one of these joints in the near future.

my condolences on Harley too. Never met him, but I have a cat who's getting close to his "time" so I understand completely.

A March trip to the Kowloon is certainly possible for us.

April 8th will be out because I am doing the MS Walk. Since we last met, my wahine was diagnosed with MS, so if you feel so motivated to sponsor me, go to https://www.nationalmssociety.org/pledge/index.asp and search for me (i think you need to know my name is Jon Bartholomew)

I'm still thinking about doing a thing here, but my grand idea for a winter thing probably will have to wait until next year - a fat Tuesday (or the weekend before) feast featuring PIG! I'm not going to do a pig roast (nowhere to do that anyway), but weenies in sauce in the fondue pot, bbq pork sandwiches, westcoast style chinese bbq pork (cold!), pigs in a blanket and other yummy treats made out of Ms. Piggy. Too little time to plan that this year.

What do people think of that idea?



Not to digress, but totally off topic... Please JohnMan tell me that you are not in "Insurance"? When I saw "underwriting" ever so early this morning a frown came on my face! I am an Insurance person and I'm now curious to see if you are one of the few the proud the totally manic? I'm a claims adjuster in other words I'm pretty nuts!!!

On another note, SBiM I am very sorry to hear about your Wahine!!!

And Bargoyle I didn't get to meet Harley but losing a pet is never easy so a Mai-tai from me to you & one for Guinness!!!


Thanks for the pledge, Beth!




SBiM, SOrry to hear about Traci. Our thoughts are with you. Good luck on the walk! Hopefully we'll see you guys at the Kowloon next month


yep, we plan on March for the Kowloon. :)


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