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Book of Tiki vs Tiki Style?

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Does the Book of Tiki contain most info, Pics etc that the poket size Tiki Style??

I've been waiting for a chance to vent on this. Tiki Style should come with a big warning on the front:
"ATTENTION, this is just a teenier version of the Book of Tiki! If you already own the BOT, don't shell out your hard-earned money for this book. Buy a bottle of Meyers's instead."

Love you, Big Bro...

On 2006-01-12 05:29, theartcoach wrote:
Does the Book of Tiki contain most info, Pics etc that the pocket size Tiki Style??

The Book of Tiki is more complete and has about 30% more images and info. It is the mother, TIKI STYLE it's bastard child. I call TS the "Reader's Digest" version of the Book of Tiki. To fit the format of the "Icons" series by Taschen, I had to take out some chapters, cut all the captions, and some text. The positive difference lies in the fact that I redid the lay out and enlarged images that were too small in the BOT (but also edited out quite a few).

I agree with the need for a warning. The publisher felt that it is known that their "Icons" series contains compressed versions of their larger books. They do this to make an additional buck out of their catalog. They even wanted me to choose a completely different cover, but I insisted on using the same cover than the big BOT to make clear it was essentially the same book. And on the inside opening page I added the subtitle "A pocket Bible Version of the Book of Tiki". That's what they should use as a subtitle for it on Amazon, to inform potential buyers.

I also announced the difference on Tiki Central, saying that it was a cheaper, lighter version usable as a "Traveler's companion", or as an intro gift for the un-initiated.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2006-01-12 07:57 ]

I just look at it as an easier way to have one in every room. :wink:

I love both

SO I still would benifet from a larger Book of Tiki...Thanks!


I also love the pocket version for gift to friends that don't care so much about our passion but wants to understand why I spend all my money on it.


I have them both and enjoy each. The Book of Tiki, being largish is a lovely display piece. But when I'm reclining and enjoying some nice tropical music, Tiki Style, being smaller and lighter, is easier to gaze at.

The good thing is Tiki Style costs only peanuts & makes a nice little present.
And you can cut out the pictures and frame them..

We have the BOT which seemed to have revolutionized our collecting and bought it's baby from Sven in Daytona at the Daytona Inn Tiki event last January. You can never have too many tiki books lying around. I do like the idea of having one in every room ---- BRAVO!!!!

I ,for one would love if they would invest in a little more quality. for a reference book it sure falls apart much to easy. TD

Thanks you for all your thought..esp Sven. I wanted to order it from B&N ( I have a gift card) but "A new copy is not available from Barnes & Noble.com at this time"

Any Idea what is up with that?

I guess mine must be the only one falling apart.

Does Tiki Style censor the more suggestive prints in order to appease Walmart, etc.?

hmc posted on Sun, Jan 22, 2006 7:37 PM

On 2006-01-21 07:55, TIKI DAVID wrote:
I guess mine must be the only one falling apart.

Nope, mine is falling apart as well.

I took it on holidays recently and had the time to read the book 1.5 times over. Now the spine is coming away from the glue... not very happy :(

hewey posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2006 2:51 AM

I have a few of the "icons" books. I love em, great eye candy in a concentrate

On 2006-01-22 12:27, christiki295 wrote:
Does Tiki Style censor the more suggestive prints in order to appease Walmart, etc.?

Just to clear up that misunderstanding: NO.

The TIKI STYLE Icon has all nudity intact, and includes the original "phallic symbol" definition (No.3) of Tiki. This, and any images with bare breasts were taken out only for the OLD NAVY version of Tiki style, as described in a previous post:

"...One last anecdote from the book publishing world:
Taschen made a deal with OLD NAVY, who wants to sell the Tiki Icon at their stores, plus some greeting cards (12 cards with 4 motifs from the BOT).
What irony though that I, Mr European free thinker nudist camp kid, was asked to supply alternative images for all frontal nudity pix to make the Old Navy copies family friendly. My pal Jeff Berry rightfully quipped “That proofs what B.S. their name is, would they really be Old Navy they would dig just that very stuff!” So soon (supposedly in March) you will see another version of "Tiki Style", with the same title but altered cover, and 9 new (and “decent”) images at your local hip bargain clothing retailer."

Does anybody have the two different versions of TIKI STYLE to post them next to each other?

I do!

I'll start scanning the differences unless someone beats me to it.

Here's a link to the differences between "Tiki Style", the regular Taschen release, and "Tiki Style", Old Navy/Taschen release.

(I've placed the pic from the regular version first on the page in each instance)


[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2008-05-07 01:09 ]

The differences listed are:

Top cover
Back cover
Left of Contents page
and pages:
34 and 35

Granite Tiki & BigbroTiki for the (very comprehensive) clarification.

Indeed, wow, I never expected this spread, thank you!
Note the tell-tale difference of the Old Navy cover: The BOT emasculated, sans Tiki!

As y'all can see, I got to put some of the images that fell under the table in the transition from BOT to MiniBOT back into the Old Navy version, but also used some never before seen ones. There is one more difference not shown: The Tropics matchbook on page 89 also got switched.

Thanks again for the link!


BOT Rocks! ( no matter what version)

"Mr European free thinker nudist camp kid"


"If we were meant to be nude, we would have been born that way."

No, wait, errr...I was never a MEMBER of a nudist camp, I just went to this Baltic Sea island called Sylt for summer vacation each year, and they had a beach, and I collected all the lady bugs, and I...but I digress.

But this allows me to bring up one of my pet Tiki-search items: There MUST be photos of Tikis and Nudism followers somewhere out there! It was all about being primitives again, and 50s nudist camp photos are so hilariously corny, Tikis would multiply that tenfold!

You're very welcome, it was my pleasure to analyze "Tiki Style"
It was fun!

I've added page 89 to the web page as well.


On 2006-01-12 18:56, theartcoach wrote:
Thanks you for all your thought..esp Sven. I wanted to order it from B&N ( I have a gift card) but "A new copy is not available from Barnes & Noble.com at this time"

Any Idea what is up with that?

Yes, I'd have to echo this. I searched around and this thread, and quoting artcoach above, seemed the best place to do it. My wife asked permission to give my "mint" BOT to a coworker who's "into tiki" around Christmas time, and order me a replacement. Hey, why not spread the love, I figured...

Well, it's nearly May and my wife says Amazon keeps sending vague "not yet..." notices. Note, this is not a complaint -- the market works as it will -- but can the author or anyone else with industry insight shed some light on the matter?

So happens as a stopgap she got me "Tiki Style." Hey, it's a fine product and I'm glad I have one. It'll make a great gift come holiday time too. But ... how 'bout that full length product? Is the scarcity timed for the launch of Tiki Style? And, most ominously, am I possibly going to have to tell my wife she gave away my "Book of Tiki," and it's now out of print and a collector's item?

I will inquire about that, Thomas. I hope Taschen did not decide to let it run out. I know that it still sells in retro stores today.

I've carried Taschen books for years, Taschen is a unique book publisher as they actually print their own books in house. Almost all of their titles are limited run printings, the only exception is when there is a great demand for an item, they reprint them or do a budget second printing (usually in a plastic-coated flexi-cover). Then the final version is the "Icons" series. My biggest sellers are the Gil Elvgren books and Sven's "Book of Tiki" both of which have been sold out for awhile now. The Taschen book distributor tells me that there is a chance there will be a re-print soon, but no official date has been announced. I think that is why Amazon hasn't posted the official "out of print" statement, and the reason I haven't pulled it from my web site. I know there are stores out there that still have some left, you just have to find them. Try the more Mom & Pop independent book stores, I know a few months ago I saw a couple at Wacko... My suggestion is, with Taschen books, if you want it that bad you should grab it when you see it!

Kono posted on Thu, Apr 27, 2006 2:39 PM

On 2006-04-25 20:25, Thomas wrote:
Well, it's nearly May and my wife says Amazon keeps sending vague "not yet..." notices. Note, this is not a complaint -- the market works as it will -- but can the author or anyone else with industry insight shed some light on the matter?

So happens as a stopgap she got me "Tiki Style." Hey, it's a fine product and I'm glad I have one. It'll make a great gift come holiday time too. But ... how 'bout that full length product? Is the scarcity timed for the launch of Tiki Style? And, most ominously, am I possibly going to have to tell my wife she gave away my "Book of Tiki," and it's now out of print and a collector's item?

There are three new ones for sale by individuals on Amazon. Just click on "New and Used" and the list will pop up.

There are also a few for sale on ebay right now. Just search for "book of tiki." (If you do this you will also find another classic "tiki" book that is a "must have." It's discussed in BoT. The auction ends in less than a day and there are no bids on it yet!")

[ Edited by: Kono 2006-04-27 14:40 ]


My local Half Price Books had 2 or 3 of the soft cover edition.

Yeah, great, and at the same time than my new book being delayed, it DOES look like the BOT is out of print. I'm gonna get behind getting the 4th printing going now so it won't take til the next year to have it available again.

So here's the question, folks:

Exactly how does one go about getting a copy of the "with nudity" version of Tiki Style?

The online sellers don't seem to be aware that two versions exist, and so no note is made on Amazon, for example, as to exactly what is on sale there.

Anyone know how I can get hold of one of these? I have no interest in the censored version, unfortunately.

I believe it was only the Old Navy version that was edited, so you should be okay.

Of course, BigBro will clear it up for sure.

Correct! The Old Navy version was made "family friendly" by replacing 5 or 6 images that featured bare breasts. PLUS my Maori dictionary quote of Tiki being a phallus symbol was taken out. :)

So the regular "Tiki Style" from Amazon or other booksellers is fine...IF you can get it. Last time I asked, it too was out of print.

Yeah...you see, Tiki Style is indeed listed on Amazon and Ebay. A used or less-than-pristine copy is fine. I just don't know if these are "original" stock or maybe leftover "Old Navy" stock...the items available on these online resellers tends to come from everywhere, and the sellers are often not experts, they just want you to buy the stuff.

Go look at "Tiki Style" on Amazon, for example, and read the customer reviews...they mostly complain that this version is the "censored" version of the BOT, and is therefore evil and to be avoided. Sounds like someone bought the book online and got the Old Navy version, because they are complaining about the lack of nudity...

In fact, I recently got a copy of "Tiki Style" in the mail and gave it away to a newly-discovered Tiki friend. I had been reading it for, oh, about a day, and was pleased as punch that it was the uncensored version..."No nudity? I don't know what those people are talking about...plenty of it in here."

So I am looking at getting another one, and after a little research (here) I have discovered that there are in fact these TWO versions of the book--one that is wholly good, and one that is wholly evil.

By the way, "Tiki Style" is cool. Not only is it a convenient thing to carry around, but, it offers you a closer look at some of the photo elements that are small in the BOT big-version. That's cool! Big and little versions are both essential items, I think.


Finding "Tiki Style" & this web page is
what got me into Tiki in the first place!

Sven do you know whether the BOT will ever
have a reprint run OR just whats on the open


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