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Drunk again

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Hey Fred?

How bout you lay down some Tiki Graffiti on some canvas??

Have a Tiki-Graffiti art show at maybe the Lucky Tiki? Or, hit up the guys at the Cha Cha Lounge in Silverlake or, Billy at La Luz.

Would be kinda fresh and might just sart a new style for the kids on the street.

Mentor the kids! I bet that would make you feel better and proud as hell!

There comes an age where you can't be anarchy anymore. You become un-archy. ( is that a word?) Bills, work, etc.

I'd love to see an art show with some cool tiki-graffiti and you being the proud papa who put it together.

Hey Umm, okay. yeah, well okay.




On 2005-12-25 01:23, suicide_sam wrote:
Hey Umm, okay. yeah, well okay.




Woo! Hoo!

Gonna be a partay!!

Happy new years evry one. God I don't know how I got howme t0onight ut I did. so I sjpoould just thank my lucky stars.

I hope you all had a good one.

Why am I still at work? 2:30 AM on I guess it's Monday now. I got to take my dog to the vet at 9:30 AM, then I got to go to court and let a judge yell at me for being a dumb ass at 2:00, then I get to go back home and start making calls and hustling up the next job now that this one is done. Well at least I'm making decent cash again.

I'm not really drunk or anything right now, just tired.

I found my matches.

I just wanted to share that


I'm sleepy and fel like I'm drunk

How ya doin today Fred?

So you ever eat head/ Often when I get back form teh bar I stop off at a taco cart that sets up a block and a hafl from my place. I stopped bytonight and I asked for two tacoes "De Asada" which for those of you that ain't multilingual means BEEF. They todl me they were out of asadan and teh only thing they had left was "De Cabeza", which fo rthose of youse whose ain't multi lingual means of teh head. I was pretty drunk so I said okat. You know they weren't half bad. The meat was a llot softer and more tender than regular azada.

It re,inids me of how my mom tricked me into eating tounge. My mom make steh best tacoes in the world. I am all about my mom's tacoes. One day we were at a taco stand and tehy were running low and al lthey had left was tounge. I was disgusted by teh notion and said yuk, I'll just need eat right now. My mom then informed me that the tacoes she makes for em that are my favorite thing in the world are tounge. DAMN!!!!

I had no idea I was tasting something that could taste me back. They were good though!!!

I guess it goe sto show...

I don't know waht exactly it goes to show.

I don't think there was actually a poiunt to this story.

If I was you I'ld be pissed for having to read this whole mess.

aiight, g'night,


Parts is parts. They always say the sweet meat is closest to the bone and you can't get much closer that the skull. I think I'll stick to my tacos al carbon. The Volcano Burger on Atlantic serves up a pretty tasty shredded beef taco as well.

This is a picture I took at the bar last night. I was quite drunk.

[ Edited by: suicide_sam 2006-01-25 21:42 ]

Dude, that picture makes me wanna get drunk.
Cool thread Sammy!

I just got bacl from tehbar, not Alex's teh pther bar in Long Beach I go to, The V-Room. It's 2 AM and I have to go give a DNA sample tomorrow at 8 AM. Court ordered. WHat the hell is intent? You never heard of someone winning a Nobel Prize for "INTNEDED" science"

I'm just saying...


Good to hear from you Fred, keep up the good work. I just love your posts. :drink:

So I went to Alex's and saw a greta show tonight. Franki's Broiken Toys opened teh night , HIt By a Semi was aliright, I'm not that into them, but then Riverboat Gamblers stepped up and wrecked it. Throwrag headlined but I've seen them a million times so me, My buddy josh, and his girl Michelle all went down to teh V-Room. When we got there all we hear on the juke box was country music. It occured to me that it would be funny if I put teh worst songs on teh juke box on. I dropped a dollar in teh juke box and it gave me 3 songs. I played an acoustic version to "Footloose" - Kenny Loggins, "Here COmes The Rain Again" - Eurythmics, "You don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore" - Neil Diamond & Barbara Streisand. This was all very funny and good until teh bar did not skip teh songs and I had to sit there and listen to them. It was funny until it wasn't.

Goes to show,

A fool and his money are soon parted.

I don't know how exactly it goes to show that but thats what I'm going with.

to no one there
and no one heard at
even the chair

(Please sing along with conviction)

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-01-29 17:08 ]

I think I'm fetting shorter

My drunk test:

If I can still balance my phone on the bar, WHILE FOLDED, I'm still sober enough to drive

I had something els that would have been really funny to tag along to this but I forgot what tha was.


By the way, turns out I'm not getting shorter. I thought I was because myt pantrs are allot baggier on teh bottom and are getting caught up under the backs of my heels, but it turns out it might have something to do with teh 25 poundfs I lost in the last 3 months.

You know you'r eghetto when...

You get arrested and while in the holding cell you run into someone you know.

You have 5 pittbulls at home

You're diet consist of bologny and cheese snadwiches, eggs prepared two different ways, and hot pockets

You have had a hole in your wall for over a month you haven't gotten around to fixing it.

At your local bar you have to tell the bartender where they keep certain bottles in the back cause she can't find them.

You get a call from the strip club asking you if you're coming in tonight

Tonight I found teh only thing saddert than an attractive girl that can't dance.

Two attractive girls that can't dance, dancing with each other.

The horror

I was drunk and crumbin on someone who might be on Tikicentral and is currently signing my checks, had to remove it.

[ Edited by: suicide_sam 2006-03-01 09:16 ]

mbonga posted on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 3:01 AM

(I removed this humor message for ss's protection, just in case somebody recognizes him.)

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-03-01 03:03 ]

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-03-02 00:38 ]

mbonga posted on Wed, Mar 1, 2006 3:04 AM

Jus' kiddin' you sam, don't have a heart attack. :)

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-03-01 03:04 ]


So are you drunk or what????

Had to work late, I just got home. Damn I need a drink.

Responsibility Matters

it said that on the coastre under my drink.

When I get home drunk form teh bar, and my 5 dogs greet me. I look at the one of teh 4 that's a boy, show him teh house, and I say, "One day all this will be yours".

Just thought I'ld share.

les face it, dogs are gullible as hell. tey probly all excited and waggin their tails. It never occured to em that you might jus be rentin'. You say the same thing to a cat and he'll just shoot you a sideways glance with his ears cocked back and say: "save that shit for the dog. It don't work on me".

Aaaahhh so I'm drunk again, but I saw the Adolescents tonight and it's a Friday so it's not quite as bad as when I'm piss drunk on a Tuesday.

My J. O. B. is stressing me out. It was su[pposed to be over in 2 weeks but teh shit we did so far was so good they gave us another sequence so I am locked in for at least another month. All my debts are getting paid right now though so that's good. Working 7 day weeks isn't cool though, and I'm not even on teh heavy end of teh work load, I'm averaging 65 - 70 hour work weeks, there;s some heads averaging 100 hour work weeks. I get very disgruntled and fed up until that paycheck comes in though. then I figure "Okay, Iguess I can keep going" I have no life for as long as this job keeps going though, although I still manage to get quite a bit of drinking time in. drinking is teh only thing that keeps me sane. Getting numb makes you forget that you got 15 shots on a multi million dollar movie taht were due last week.

I dont get to hang out with my dogs as much though, that sucks.

I need new shoes. I'm eworking Saturday and Sunday this weekend and probably next weekend also. I should order soem Vans form the website, get them all custo, doen and stuff. I'll be like teh cool guy with teh spiffy vans.

I'm working so much right now I don't even have tiem to properly iron my clothes. I leave teh house in un ironed pants.

That's just worng. hoodie mentallity, your shit has to be ironed down clean. T-shirts too.

Whenever I do laundry I used t ospend 3 hours afterwards ironing my shit down, lately it comes out teh wash and as soon as it's dry it's up for weaing. My creases are a thing of the past. I gotta get my shit cleaned up soon.

I feel like such a slob if I 'm not sporting tight creases.

I;m drunk.

I saw teh adolscents tonight.

It was okay.

I've seen them a hundred tiems before though.

I should really sleep. I have to work tomorrow.



Aha, I was wondering where you were.

I have been working insane hours lately like 70 to 80 hour weeks, I haven't been drinking as much. Last Friday 2 of myt dopgs agot lost. I have been looking for them every night and every mornig before i go t work and going to animal control all teh tim. they're gone, I'm not getting them back. Lately after I go out looking for tehm I just REALLy need a fucking drink afterwards. I miss my dogs.

these are the two I'm looking for:


[ Edited by: suicide_sam 2006-04-07 00:51 ]


SS, I hope you find them they are awfully cute and healthy looking. Meanwhile, good luck...keep in touch.

Sam...80 hours a F#*kin' week! If your not careful you could become a workaholic and have to go into one of those 12 step recovery programs. The first step is to admit you have a problem. The second step is to realize that...WORK IS THE CURSE OF THE DRINKING CLASS!!!


Well, did you find your dogs or what?



I am very sorry. Hope you are doing ok.

SO I just got back form teh bar. Well a couple of bars. I ended up back at Alex's at teh end of teh night. There was a punk show that a friend of m ine had one of teh punk bands he sort of manages playing at. At teh end of teh night he was so concerned with talking to one o fteh other bands about working together that his band had to go and collect their take themselves and work out teh split. They got short changed a little. that is really bad on my bud. I haven't doen any of that band managing, bookib, or promotions in awhile but one thing I rememebr is that at the end of teh show teh band never knows if the venue tried to fuck them for money. You go and you gangaster up if you have to to get the money. You do teh split and make sure everyone gets their guarantee plus gets a little bonus. The band never knows if the ey tried to fuck you for money and you had to physically threaten someone. Or if you have to grab some guy by the back of teh neck and drag him around. Teh band just collects their take and does teh next show the next day.

Anyways I think my buddy really slipped on tonights how.

Hey I'm gonna be doing a muysic video this summer. I ramn into friend of mine awhile back. I booked teh band she played in "Betty Blowtorch", the lead singer died and teh band went away. Sharon told me about teh band she is playing with now, "Franki's Broken Toys". I checked them aout and I like dthem. I have been wanting to start getting out of visual effects and start doing music videos for awhile. I especially liked one of tehre songs so I talked to tehm about it and it looks like I will be doing their video this summer. I am very much looking forwrad to that.. We're finishing teh bnig par of teh effects work we're doing for Superman this week so as of next week I'll have time to start storyboarduing teh video and everything. I just dropped a couple of grand on a DVX100A panasonic 24P camera, it's wqorth allot more than that so I think I made out liek a theif in teh night.

alright drunk now, gotta work tomorrow.



Any news?

Just that I'm tired of working 65 - 80 hour weeks. Just as we're finishing up teh last shots on this damn movie trehy give us teh title sequence too. I'm not sure if I'll get pulled in to work on that or not. Honestly I feel like taking a month off. I have been working an average of about 70 hour weeks for about 3 months now. Funny how I still find time to drink though. I guess I'm just resourcefull that way.


SS, are you just about working your life away???? what..???


I can't believe I am posting here two times in a row and no Suicide Sam????? :(

We finished the movbie last week, Superman is on it's way. Man that last week I worked a 99 hour week and we delivered on Saturday and didn't work Sunday, so that was a 99 hour week in 6 days. On Friday alone I worked 21 hours. I got a little time off right now. I skipped the wrap party, it was in Vegas and it would have been paid and all by teh company that I was doing effects for , Frantic Films, but IO just needed to catch up on drinking and hang out some with my dogs. I needed a break from the folk at Frantic for awhile. I got one more week down time before I go back to Frantic though to work up some demos for a convention coming up in Voston called Sigraph. Anyways the bills got paid. Hey I'm going to be doing a music video this summer for a surf band from Huntington Beach called The Ziggens. The concept is all up to me and I'm gonna direct and evrything. I'm looking forward to that.


Congrats, ss.
It must be a relief to get a huge project behind you.

Time to hoist 'em.

I have very late in life started to learn how to play guitar. I fiuind I can play better when drunk.

Just thought I would share.


Hey hey hey, I see you are doing good. Catch ya later.

Just got home from teh V-room. Once again to much country music got played at the V-Room, but it was otherwise a goood night. I should really lay opff teh Patron if I hacve to work teh next day though.. When I got home Carson Daily was on TV. Man that guiy got old quick. He looks ancient. Can you believe that guy tapped Christina Aguilera, I mean to don't egt me wrong she's looking pretty haggard nowadays to, but still, ou know?

Ahh so , yeah, haven't sent out the drunken post in awhile. I've been pretty good about stayoing off line when I'me drunk. It's like making drunken phone calls, you always do stuff youi regret later, but you know whateveah.

So I decided what my next tattoo is. I've been wantoing to do my knuckles for awhile, o my finger fronts, you knwo what I mean. It just took me really long because I didn't want to get something that everyone else has. A friend of mine Al;ex who has Alex's Bar in LB has LAST CALL across his knucks and I think thsat is very appropriaptte since he owns a bar. I just really didn't want to eght something I might ever see on somone else. i finally decieded what I will get. Across my fingers I'm ginna get "NUKL SMCH" as in knuckle Sammich, yeah that's pretty cool.

aiight drunk now.



How is the guitar playing working out with being drunk????

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