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Mom and Dad WERE cool...

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So I was goin' through some old photos at the mom's house the other day and came across this pic of she and my dad at a tiki establishment with some friends back in the day... She doesn't remember the name of the place but it was somewhere in south Florida since they used to live in Miami.
Anyway, I thought it was a cool shot so I figured I'd share it...

Oh yeah, Dad is the guy with the swingin' lei and mom is the chick with the groovy bob.

[ Edited by: tiki royale 2008-04-25 22:46 ]


Were it not for my Dad, I'd not be a Tiki-phile...he was the prototypical WWII vet as Sven outlines in BOT. He was quite the afficianado of many things Hawaiian/Polynesian/Bullfighting...ok, bullfighting is not Tiki, but it was cool. Although, I am still trying to cope, with much therapy, my Dad's infamous artillery punch-induced nude swimfest.

Here's to whacky parents!

I am taking a guess here...the pic looks like it was from the Luau, in Miami.



In true Bill & Ted fashion:

"Dude...your mom is hot."



Man, where can you buy a suit like that these days?! And the ties! Sah-weet!

On 2003-01-24 17:24, martiki6 wrote:
In true Bill & Ted fashion:

"Dude...your mom is hot."


Uhhh... Thanks?


Yep! I feel that a good part of the reason I'm into this weirdness is the fact that I used to awaken on a few Saturday Mornings a year only to find that the den in which I always watched my Scooby Doo was filled with Odd and Different Glasses with Stuff I Knew I Couldn't Have in 'em. Not Tiki Glasses, but Cocktail Glasses all the same. My Dad was too young for WWII and both of my Grandfathers were in the European Theatre (Not Acting), but I soaked up a fair amount of Tiki and/or Polynesian interest all the same. I think it's interesting that the Polynesian Influence was so Strong compared to whatever European Influence that came home with those fellas in that time. Perhaps it's because the Polynesians weren't seen as Enemies or Dependents but just Savages Caught In the Middle of a Horrible "Modern" Situation.
By the way Tiki Royale... Your Mom IS/WAS Hot! Of course... Your Dad is lookin' pretty damn sporty there himself! There are, of course, a few billion pics similar to that one around. That particular one, though, may just be Perfect! The Clothes... The Hair... The Decor... The Goofy 'Esquivel' Lookin' Guy in the Couple Across the Table...

[ Edited by: Traitor Vic on 2003-01-24 23:07 ]

Again... Thanks. Yeah, the mom was a dish and the old man had it goin' onn as well.
I really dig the guy with the red striped tie. I think he's had a few too many scorpion bowls and is just fighting to stay upright and focused.


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