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hellotiki cartoon for 1-26-06

Pages: 1 4 replies

HelloTiki posted on 01/27/2006

Bete posted on 01/27/2006

Pretty funny!

Benzart posted on 01/27/2006

HelloTiki, I am Really enjoying these Daily Toons, Keep'em coming! Thanks

HelloTiki posted on 01/27/2006

Ben, thanks for your comments. Pretty soon the cartoons will have Tiki Characters based in a Tiki Bar. There will also be peripheral bar characters like the Shrunken Head ("Shrinky"), the Puffer lamp ("Puffy'), and the Tiki Torch ("torchy") of course.
The main group will be a family of Superhero Tikis who answer the call of justice only between the hours of 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. when the bar is closed. The rest of the time they spend in silence, concocting new drinks that will naturally help mankind.
So far the strip is called simply "Tikis", but I need a Bar name. And names for the (so far sketchy) main family members including Grandpa and perhaps some pets.
The "Tikis playing Poker" painting I've seen here on Tiki Central is genius, and that is the tone I'm looking for. (That mood crossed with Peewee's Playhouse).
Any suggestions would be welcome from any of you dudes and dudettes.


[ Edited by: HelloTiki 2006-01-27 14:37 ]

JohnnyP posted on 01/27/2006

Yes, thanks for posting your funnies, I get excited when I've seen that you have posted again!

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