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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

new shelf unit

Pages: 1 6 replies

pdrake posted on 01/26/2006

wow, i'm in such awe of all the talent here. i'm new to collecting and delving into tiki. my wahini thinks i'm crazy.

i told her my dream is to carve. right now i work in a big studio where we make props and other art. i'm lucky to have access to a lot of scrap stuff and stuff that's destined for the dumpster.

my first mission was to buy mugs and other stuff. i'm up to close to 50 mugs after a few weeks and need to put them someplace. i had this box sitting around and some other scraps so i decided to make a bookshelf. about a year ago. now it's going to be a mug shelf. remember, this is all from scraps. had to piece together some of the laminate.

i'm going to put split bamboo on the front, outer edge. that's tomorrow nights project.

mahalo for looking!

Jungle Trader posted on 01/26/2006

Aw yes, wahines that think we're whack,
as we escape to the green jungle intoxicating underworld of tiki. I'm glad I'm whack. Thanks for posting the progress pics. Hi-tech in the underworld.

hewey posted on 01/26/2006

It just starts with shelves, but it gets MUCH worse...


pdrake posted on 01/26/2006

heh, i always thought i was weird. i was the guy always wearing the hawaiian shirts out and being funky. i always collected weird art and made unusual stuff. my friends always told me i had a unique style. i've been meaning to start collecting mugs and just started. i then learned about the lifestyle known as "tiki". i feel as though that's been where i've been all along. it's kind of weird. i feel at home with my personal tastes now knowing that they have a ground that others believe in. i'm just sorry it took me so long to discover that my "style" had a name. i'm very happy to have found tiki central. i hope to become a good, contributing member.

Bete posted on 01/26/2006

I bet it's gonna be cool! Sounds like you are hooked on collecting tiki mugs if you got that many that quick. Can't wait to see your finished project and complete collection posted in here, good luck with your project!

pdrake posted on 01/28/2006

well, it took me an extra day. my little glue gun couldn't handle the big bamboo. (dave's not here)

had to get the big guns out. warning, glue comes out hot. burns fingers bad. sticks like napalm.

finished shelves:

man, it's hard to miter bamboo. that's not the whole collection, just need to get the rest to my house.


tikigap posted on 01/28/2006

Hey now THAT's Cool! Nice job with the bamboo - great idea, and I totally dig the mug collection! Let's see 'em all!

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