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Can anyone Suggest Aquarium safe TIKI decorations

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LavaPants posted on 01/31/2006

I thought that this question might be better answered in this section than any other.

It's been really hard finding cool Tiki stuff for my Tiki Aquarium besides the Easter Island statue (The one that comes in 3 different sizes). Unfortunately alot of the materials used to make alot of great Tiki stuff is not safe for fish. Can anyone out there suggest any items that would be fish friendly? It would be great if some of you artists could create some Tiki themed Aquarium Decorations or suggest some materials to use to create my own.

Thanks for any help/creations

[ Edited by: LavaPants 2006-01-30 16:46 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 01/31/2006

I've seen finding nemo and spongebob squarepants themed aquarium stuff, both having a tiki flair

rodeotiki posted on 01/31/2006

Around here the only thing i have seen is different sized Moai for fish tanks , they are at all different stores.

I have also seen old mugs used.

[ Edited by: rodeotiki 2006-01-30 19:21 ]

Matt Reese posted on 01/31/2006

See if Polypop has saved any of his broken mugs. If he has, you might end up having to get a bigger aquarium.

Rob Roy posted on 01/31/2006

How about small glass floats anchored to the bottom of the tank.

tikigap posted on 01/31/2006

tiki mugs! A great Idea - I'm going to run home and drop one in my aquarium. What about resin? I've seen a couple of cool tikis (small, too), that would look pretty good in an aquarium. I don't "think" that stuff is toxic...

teaKEY posted on 01/31/2006

The only thing that I wonder about mugs is the only part of a ceramic mug do sealed is the ring on the bottom. Show us the pictures when finished

monkeyskull posted on 02/01/2006

Okay, I know you're looking for something a little nicer and a little more tiki than this, but I just added these two (with supplies and fish from the local PetCo) to my bathroom wall.

HelloTiki posted on 02/01/2006

Beware! Lead in some ceramics may kill everything in the tank. You'll find this out rather quickly.

TikiJosh posted on 02/03/2006

If you're industrious and want to make your own, you could always try shaping lava rock. I'm sure there's people around here who know exactly how to do that. Lava rock is generally safe for fish tanks, other types of rock of tufa that are soft might also be good but tufa's possibly a little too crumby for shaping. Just an idea.
Plastics and resins should be okay, but remember that saltwater and freshwater will react differently. Most things you'd buy at a pet shop would be fine, but I'd think twic before sinking a CocoJoes or something to the bottom.
A glass float would look cool if your tank's big enough, or you could always get a little one. I might go put one in my tank right now. That's a great idea to whoever suggested it.
I haven't seen any of the finding nemo decorations. I'll have to go have a look.

Luckydesigns posted on 07/20/2006

So did anyone ever figure out what mugs would be safe for a fish tank? I just finished building and carving a stand for our new 55 gallon tank and I'm ready to get it going. I know that the older mugs contained lead based paint but what about the newer ones? I'm planning on washing the mugs with bleach before putting them in to the tank. The two busted mugs that I want to put in are like this one http://www.tikiroom.net/gallery/marked/ama but are from Trader Dicks. Does anyone know if these mugs are cool? I think they are on the newer side of things.....

LowKat posted on 07/20/2006

I'd think any "newer" ceramic pieces would be lead free. In my tank is a ceramic tiki salt and pepper set from a thrift store. It's been set up this way for a couple of years and I haven't had any mysterious fish deaths.

I have a bubbler stone under the tikis so the air collects inside of them, then every once in a while bubbles come out the top of their heads.

[ Edited by: LowKat 2006-07-20 10:38 ]

Luckydesigns posted on 07/21/2006

Well, I guess I'll give it a shot. We'll see. Thanks.

john posted on 08/06/2006

i've set up a large aquarium with crushed recycled glass for rocks and fused glass decoration pieces. went ahead and used a fiber optic unit to light up both the glass "rocks" as well as the decorations. the coolest part was the use of these silver metallic fish (i dont know what type they are), the light from the biber optics reflected off the fish and as the colors changed, so did the fish.

Unkle John posted on 10/23/2006

I just set up my aquariums toay, well two of them, and I wanted to add some tiki flare to them. I have 4 of the polished aluminum framed aquariums ranging in sizes. The first one is my 12 gallon tank that I added some beautiful rocks in that the previous owner used to cut for jewerly. Don't worry, I let them soak in hot water over night in a bleach salution. I also added an Easter Island head that I picked up at Hobby Lobby a few years ago (I believe there is a thread about it her in TC).

The second one is on my rattan bar. It's a small 2 gallon that has been decorated in vintage aquarium decor with some added tikis that were shot glasses that came in a set a few years ago from Marshals.I filled in the shot glasses with stones so I wouldn't have fish go in and get stuck (same thing with the rapa nui in the above photo. Next weekend we are getting some fish for them. I've been thinking of getting freshwater puffers for the 2 gallon. If anyone has any comments about them I'd be open to hear about them (i also will search for any threads talking about fish here aswell)

christiki295 posted on 12/25/2007

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