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Another Lamp 5/24/06 page 3

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Monkeyman posted on 02/05/2006

fresh from the monkeyman

Lucite panels courtesy of a recently banned user who wants to remain anonymous (big thank you)
Seagrass braid courtesy of Onatiki (again, thanks)
Illumination courtesy of Sylvania :)


[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-02-05 00:24 ]

[ Edited by: monkeyman 2006-02-06 10:31 ]

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-05-24 23:25 ]

tfisherart posted on 02/05/2006

Very nice work, did you etch the panels?

virani posted on 02/05/2006

excellent and with lots of details...really nice

Benzart posted on 02/05/2006

Excellent work there Monkeyman. The carving in the lamp is really WellDoneeeeeeeeeee and the panels are cool too.

The Sperm Whale posted on 02/05/2006

Hell Yeah Monkeyman that lamp totally kicks ass!!! I am glad that you are posting your work again because you are one of my favorite artists here!!!

Monkeyman posted on 02/05/2006

On 2006-02-05 01:58, tfisherart wrote:
Very nice work, did you etch the panels?

The lucite panels are made using a mystery process that will not be revealed here....:)

The wood area surrounding the lucite is all poplar and I carved the simple design at the top and bottom.

The tiki are separate pieces with a v notch cut into the back so it can wrap the corner.

When it was assembled, I used a scooped gouge to texture the entire lamp for that hand cut lumber look.

The acrylic craft paint was mixed 50/50 with water so that when I stain OVER it , the stain permeates the paint for that aged crusty look.

A little hot glue for the sea grass and then lightly hit it with a torch for a more aged look.

Coat the entire thing with 3 coats of laquer, hand buff and your done.

Spermy, thats a real nice thing to say.. thanks.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-02-06 10:32 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/05/2006

Hot Damn!

Your craftsmanship just keeps getting more and more amazing.

more more more!


congatiki posted on 02/05/2006

wonderful work Monkeyman.....very cooool.

Tiki-bot posted on 02/05/2006

Holy baloney! That is one amazing lamp! Amaazing work again, MM.

OnaTiki posted on 02/05/2006

Most amazing!! Can't wait to see it in person. The attention to detail is very apparent.

Tiki Matt posted on 02/05/2006

Nice work, keep 'em coming....

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/05/2006

i echo spermy mm, i have really missed seeing your work. thanks for sharing again.

midnite posted on 02/05/2006

I have to swing by the "creating" area more often. The lamp is top-notch, fine work, that. You know, it would be a great compliment to the frame you made for me. Remember that one, it was a while ago, many carvings ago for you?

Perfect match for that frame, perfect.

Well done...again.

sirginn posted on 02/05/2006

Awesome lamp MM, glad to see you put those lucite panels to use.

Please resume posting your stuff, it really is top notch.

Your frames always get props from our guests.

pablus posted on 02/05/2006

What's up with San Diego?

All this art and now Oasis and TV shows and...

Monkeyman, that thing looks like something that should be hanging in the Mai Kai.
Completely chic.

...and fish tacos and cool bike trails and...

rodeotiki posted on 02/05/2006

I am very happy to see a new MM creation posted. Top notch as always.

KAHAKA posted on 02/05/2006

that thing is f-ing beautiful. wow.

hmc posted on 02/06/2006

Love it. Want it.

ookoo lady posted on 02/06/2006

Just beautiful. You did a great job.

kirby posted on 02/06/2006

"I love Lamp"...

OceaOtica posted on 02/06/2006

burnt out my butt, if you were takin a break this is a hell of a way to come back to the fold.
i think i need to go back to my creating thread and remove the picture of lamp i made.
beautiful work, the lucite panels are rich too.
truly, thanks for sharing.

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Tikiwahine posted on 02/06/2006


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puamana posted on 02/06/2006

Monkeyman, that lamp is awesome !! Its always great to see your work, very very nice.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 02/06/2006

i like the lucite panels, my compliments to the person who made them.

MR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5c9fbb6144642fc0d3f468726050fd4c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Matt Reese posted on 02/07/2006

Great work! You've got a real talent.

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TikiJosh posted on 02/08/2006

Over in the general (might have been marketplace) forum there was a thread about a witco lamp, sold for close to $900 on ebay. I think I might like this one a little more. I noticed you don't have it on your website (not that I could afford it), but I'm a sucker and I have to ask-- did you sell it, and if so, how much did you get for it (I'd like to save up and get one commissioned) :)

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Unga Bunga posted on 02/08/2006

That is another beauty MM!
Glad your still here!

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FLOUNDERart posted on 02/09/2006

I love lamp.

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Slacks Ferret posted on 02/09/2006

I'll sing in this choir...
the lamp is gorgeous

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virani posted on 02/09/2006

Hey, what's up with the shirts mm ?? Are there available yet ?

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tiki5-0 posted on 02/09/2006

WOW!! that's got to be one of the best looking lamps i've seen! i don't know if i like how it looks with the lights on or in the dark the best. it's awesome either way!! MORE, MORE!!

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Formikahini posted on 02/09/2006

oh, MAN, Monkeyman!!

I have never seen any lamp made by anybody anywhere at any time that was cooler or AS cool when lit up. Those sillouetes(sp?) are HYP-mo-ti-zing!

I too just GOTTA start spending more time on "Creating"!! I have been seriously missing out!!

Too bad a lamp like that can't be mass marketed (NOT so we could devalue its worth or undercut its price - rather, so THAT WE COULD ALL HAVE ONE!!!). How cool would that be if all our fine carvers' beautiful works could be as accessable as Witcos were in the day. Just pop by Sears and pick up a Bamboo Ben bedroom set, a Gecko display shelf and a Benzart tiki to go along with your Monkeyman frames and swag lamp. Ahhhhh, shopping made Paradise!

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bongofury posted on 02/10/2006

Great work Monkeyman (and eel). One of those would look great in the Rincon Room. You are the master of detail.......keep em coming.

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LavaLounger posted on 02/10/2006

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa, awesome.....just mind-numbing lamp!!! Creative ideas, and art too!!

I thought I was a bit crafty now and then but I got a LONNNNNG LOOOOONG way to go!! I bow to the master!!


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Monkeyman posted on 02/10/2006

Thanks everbody.

You are all very kind.

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Hakalugi posted on 02/10/2006

On 2006-02-04 23:27, Monkeyman wrote:
Lucite panels courtesy of a recently banned user who wants to remain anonymous (big thank you)..

On 2006-02-10 07:34, bongofury wrote:
Great work Monkeyman (and eel).

Eel was banned? WTF?!

Well, anyway, that lamp is beautiful! Are there more on the way?

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Monkeyman posted on 05/25/2006

This is definitely not a new style of lamp but since everybody else has made one I thought I would give it a try also.

The resin base tutorial from Ona tiki was a big help... Thanks

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With the room lights off.
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Beachnik posted on 05/25/2006

MM, that lamp is just way too cool! I'll take five...maybe ten! I'll keep dreaming!!


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Benzart posted on 05/25/2006

Cool looking Lamp MokeyMan, I Love the green's nise calming and soothing effect.

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pappythesailor posted on 05/25/2006

Really nice. Now I wanna make one just like it.

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Tiki-Kate posted on 05/25/2006

That is one incredibly gorgeous lamp.

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hodadhank posted on 05/25/2006

Far out Monkey! That green bulb really pushes it over the top. There's no green in the tapa to begin with, right? You have done well grasshopper...

Legend has it Ona's rigorous tutorial program begins with the snatching of the pebble from his hand and culminates when you can lift the giant scalding urn with your forearms...

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(Actual photo of Monkeyman in OnaTiki's hidden Chamber of a Thousand Lamps)

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Monkeyman posted on 05/25/2006

Correct Hodad,

The tapa fabric has no green in it. Just the bulb. I messed around with yellow, blue, white, and red and the green seemed to yield the best effect.

MR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5c9fbb6144642fc0d3f468726050fd4c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Matt Reese posted on 05/25/2006

Wow! That is very nice. I like the angle cuts on the top protruding bamboo. A subtle yet striking touch. Those words contradict each other don't they? Anyway, great job.

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suburbanpagan posted on 05/25/2006

REAL sweet MM! Your skills have no bounds!

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KAHAKA posted on 05/25/2006

Whoa! Lookin' good! Lookin' REAL good!

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Sam Gambino posted on 05/26/2006

Very fine lamp, Monkeyman. I'm amazed at your craftsmanship with carving, etc.

O Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f504efb2fb6a8d209c43ebb5a296d933?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
OnaTiki posted on 05/26/2006

Yes, you have done well young Kwai Chang Monkeyman!!

Take the knowledge you have learned and go forth. Do not use the power of the lamp unwisely.

Next you will have to master the lava wall!!

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snatch the pebble from my hand grasshopper!!!

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