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Mamie Van Doren AND a Shag book signing (and me in a mini skirt) JAN 14 - THIS SAT

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Cherry Capri posted on 01/13/2006

m modern gallery presents

MAMIE VAN DOREN to host BLONDE BOMBSHELL art and photography exhibition at m modern in Palm Springs

m modern heats up January with BLONDE BOMBSHELL, an exhibition of original artwork and photography celebrating platinum icons from Mae West, Harlow, and Veronica Lake to Monroe, Mansfield and Bardot.

Hosted by legendary 50's sex-kitten Mamie Van Doren and David Lachapelle muse Amanda Lepore, the opening reception on Saturday, January 14 is from 7-10 pm.

Artist SHAG (aka Josh Agle) will be signing copies of his new book, Shag: The Art of Josh Agle from 4 to 6pm. This is the most comprehensive book of SHAG's original works yet

Featured artists and photographers include SHAG, Cherry Capri, David Lachapelle, Shepard Fairey, Chris Reccardi, Glenn Barr, Ron English, Dave Burke, George Hurrell and Bernard of Hollywood among others.

Go-go dancers in custom Trina Turk costumes will shimmy & shake to the sounds of Super DJ Victor Rodriguez. Many of the artists and surprise legendary Blonde Bombshell guests will also be in attendance. A special THANK YOU to Trina for the amazing designs.

Complete List of Contributing Artists and Photographers INCLUDE MANY TIKI CENTRALITES
Alan Mercer * Alex Meyer * Alexander Youssoupoff * Amanda Erlinger * Amy Crehore * Bernard of Hollywood * Bob Dob * Brad Burkhart * Cherry Capri * Chris Reccardi * Dale Sizer * Dave Burke * David Lachapelle * David VonDerLinn * DENNIS LARKINS * DON KRACKE * Donella Vitale * Eric Carpenter * Eugene Robert Richee * Ewik (Eric Rider) * FOURTEEN 14 * Francesco LaCastro * Frank Powolny * Gemma Jones * Glenn Barr * George Hurrell * Jaclyn Presant * James Naccarato * Jasmine Worth * Jeff Stevens * Jennifer Janesko * Jessi Lawson * Joe Chiodo * Joe Ledbetter * Joe Vitale * Joey Remmers * JOHN MONN * Jonathan Skow * John Bell * JOPHEN STEIN * Josh (SHAG) Agle * Joshua Petker * Julia Marchand * Jurgen Jacobsen * Kimberly Nichols * Kipling West * KORIN FAUGHT* Lisa Pettruci * Liz Renay * Loomis Dean * Lynne Naylor * Mitch O'Connell * Naoto Hattori * Natalia Fabia * Nathan Spoor * Niagara * Otto Dyar * Paul Hesse * PlasticGod * Poptarts * Ray Jones * Robert Pokorny * Ron English * RON JOY * Ryan Heshka * SAKE * Sam Gambino * Savanna Snow * Scott Radke * Scott Scheidly * SexyInkGirls * Shaunna Peterson * Shepard Fairey * STONE * The Pizz * Thomas Hahn * Tim McCormick * TOM KELLY

Show runs through Sunday, February 5th, 2006
m modern is located at 448 N. Palm Canyon.
There is no charge for admission and the reception is open to the public

Lastly, a Special THANK YOU to JAMIE KABLER, SUNHEALTH & THE 24 HOUR HOLLYWOOD DIET, TRINA TURK, VICTOR RODRIGUEZ and PALM SPRINGS VIP for their sponsorship and especially friendship in helping put this exhibition together!

MEAN GENE posted on 01/14/2006

Hi Cherry!

I'm going.... Anybody else going?
I'm meeting DJ Lee out there.

Amyaloha posted on 02/06/2006


I'm new... I just joined this forum.

I was at the M Modern Blonde Bombshell opening and met Cherry Capri there. Remember me Cherry? The girl with the painting of
Brigitte and a poodle.

There are some fabulous pictures of Mamie Van Doren with Carol Baker, Amanda Lepore and Liz Renay from that night on her website:


I had two paintings in the show.
Sadly it closes today, but the show is still online at:

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2006-02-05 17:33 ]

[ Edited by: Amyaloha 2006-02-05 17:34 ]

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