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you have got to be kidding me!!! - shagmart

Pages: 1 7 replies

paranoid123 posted on 01/29/2003

Okay, I've got all these reminders to tell me to jump on Shagmart right at 12:00pm today to order the Red Phone print that went on sale today. On the dot, the item appears. I order, fill out the info, and on final check, I realize that the order button is referencing the wrong item!! I quickly call Shagmart's number and I get a recording. I leave a message telling them about the problem and give them a number to call me back at. I keep checking the website if the item is still giving the same problem. And pow! Sold out. It was only on sale for 16 minutes.

Great.... I REFUSE to buy it for $350 on eBay tomorrow.

I guess mere mortals don't deserve to get Shag prints.

Sorry, I just want to complain.

Chacha posted on 01/29/2003

well, RATS! That is so irksome. That really takes the fun out of it.
I'm with you, Paranoid, I REFUSE to take part in the EBay madness.
Oh well...

PolynesianPop posted on 01/29/2003

The Shag stuff is not going away. You'll get your chance sometime....

Anyways, my prediction is one day his stuff will be readily available for pennies on the dollar. At which time, you can snatch them up - trust me. If you are a true admirer and collector now, you'll still be an admirer and collector then.

I'd say a large number of those buying the stuff now are reselling it for the $$$ or only like the stuff because it is the current "hot" item.

Rain posted on 01/29/2003

A similar thing happened to me, minus the wrong item reference:
I really wanted to get a Mark Ryden Quadratum mini-portfolio. It was sold out everywhere before I could buy it, because all these eBay uber-capitalists had decided to buy a bunch of a $30 item and sell it for hundreds.
Talk about the a-hole thing to do.

tiki410 posted on 01/29/2003

First time participating but wanted to express appreciation for the information. I thought I got a particular print but now looking at my confirmation from Shagmart am unsure of what I am actually getting. Maybe it will be something better. Staying positive

tiki410 posted on 01/29/2003

Continuation from above, I just got a call back from Shag Mart 1 hour after I called them to confirm the order. I was advised that the print will ship tomorrow. I cannot believe my luck on this finally some good kharma.

johntiki posted on 01/30/2003

Don't get me wrong I love Shag's art but with that much demand for his prints I'll do without! I'm not going to get into a circa 1983 Cabbage Patch Kids frenzy for a friggin' print! I've got enough stress in my life without worrying about how I'm going to score Shag's latest print!

paranoid123 posted on 01/30/2003

Continuation from above, I just got a call back from Shag Mart 1 hour after I called them to confirm the order. I was advised that the print will ship tomorrow. I cannot believe my luck on this finally some good kharma.

Darn, that means I should have just ordered that T-shirt, that ended up in my shopping cart. Bummer.

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