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LWID posted on 02/04/2006


Here, it is.

I am looking for the most amazing tikis ever. Let me know if you know of anyone, or if you got what it takes.

Oh, and don't bother, unless you made it youself.



HGTV (Home and Garden Television) and Weller/Grossman Productions are looking for unique, cool and creative projects designed and done by real people without the help of contractors or experts. We're searching for individuals across the country that would like to share their fun stories and incredible results.

To apply, e-mail a description of the project with photos (zip or jpg) of the area you've improved and your contact info to Pirooz Kalayeh at: lwid@wellergrossman.com

Bargoyle posted on 02/04/2006

Boy did you come to the right place Pirooz!

Just check out the CREATING TIKI thread, and prepare to be dazzled by the talent on here.

Benzart, Lakesurfer, tikiG, basement Kahuna...the list goes on and on....

Poke around, you'll find much more than you bargained for!

Benzart posted on 02/04/2006

Welcome to TC, LWID,
Like Bargoyle said, You came to the right place. You will find our Amazing artists over in the Creating Tiki forum. If you see something you like just log in and post a greeting.

RevBambooBen posted on 02/04/2006

HGTV (Home and Garden Television) and Weller/Grossman Productions are looking for unique, cool and creative projects designed and done by real people without the help of contractors or experts.

What do you consider an expert? ( is there such a thing in Tiki? )

Is it one who makes tiki and sells it or one who makes tiki and keeps it for their personal use? ( or both?)

Also, are you talking about Real Tiki, or that New Tiki Look?

Just curious.

badmojo posted on 02/04/2006

On 2006-02-03 20:15, RevBambooBen wrote:

Also, are you talking about Real Tiki, or that New Tiki Look?

Just curious.

"Is that a real poncho...I mean is that a Mexican poncho, or is that a Sears poncho? Hmmm...no foolin’...."

Formikahini posted on 02/04/2006

On 2006-02-03 16:32, LWID wrote:
I am looking for the most amazing tikis ever.

Oh, and don't bother, unless you made it youself.

HGTV (Home and Garden Television) and Weller/Grossman Productions are looking for unique, cool and creative projects designed and done by real people without the help of contractors or experts. We're searching for individuals across the country that would like to share their fun stories and incredible results.

To apply, e-mail a description of the project with photos of the area you've improved and your contact info to...
Do really mean "tikis" (carved statues of Polynesian idols) or "projects of an area improved, created not with the help of an expert," meaning a tiki bar/tiki room, from floor to ceiling, chock full of tiki goodness?

I get the impression from your post that you actually mean the latter. That is, there's not THAT much involved, "fun story"-wise, about carving a statue (enough upon which to base a program, that is).

"And now let's watch as Gecko picks out a log.......OK, he's picked out his log and he's loading it on his truck.....Now that he's home, watch as he unloads the log from his truck....."

Of course, watching Crazy Al as he rhythmically whacks on one onstage with Ape is another story, but I don't quite think that's an episode on HGTV.

Well, not a TYPICAL episode. But it's certainly one that all of us around here would watch!

hodadhank posted on 02/04/2006

On 2006-02-04 05:19, badmojo wrote:

"Is that a real poncho...I mean is that a Mexican poncho, or is that a Sears poncho? Hmmm...no foolin’...."

The Sophisticated Savage...

HelloTiki posted on 02/04/2006

The only Tikis that I'd have to offer around here, have sultry leather bikini'd virgins worshipping them.
I think that would make great television.

boutiki posted on 02/04/2006

Well, since he is probably too modest to do it himself...
you want unique AND amazing...

Crazy Al is a great carver as well, but hodadhank, maybe you should post a picture of his Tikis...

rather than him in his exotic underpants...

Just maybe.

hodadhank posted on 02/05/2006

On 2006-02-04 12:43, boutiki wrote:
Crazy Al is a great carver as well, but hodadhank, maybe you should post a picture of his Tikis...rather than him in his exotic underpants...Just maybe.

Aloha Boutiki! Sorry to disappoint, but that's actually a photo of Frank Zappa (the source of Badmojo's signature quote). While I've never actually seen Crazy Al and Frank Zappa in the same place I'm pretty sure they're two different people...whether one owns a "real poncho" and the other a "Sears poncho" being unimportant, but what baffles me the most is how you know what Crazy Al looks like in leopard print Jockey shorts!


The talent is awesome here on tiki central.

LWID posted on 02/06/2006

What do you consider an expert? ( is there such a thing in Tiki? )

Is it one who makes tiki and sells it or one who makes tiki and keeps it for their personal use? ( or both?)

Also, are you talking about Real Tiki, or that New Tiki Look?

Just curious.

Anyone who made a tiki room qualifies, as long as the room is their own. In other words, they didn't make it for someone else.

We are looking for tiki rooms not just a single statue.

I will check out the 'Creating Tiki' forum as suggested. In the meanwhile hit me with some pics, if you think your tiki rooms got what it takes for telelvision.



RevBambooBen posted on 02/06/2006


Mahalos for the explanation.

So, I guess most of my tiki rooms like this one,


are not allowed. Bummer.

I just can't win. :(

Benzart posted on 02/06/2006

Hey , Other Ben, you won already, you are totally top shelf. The Real Bummer is that I Don't have a Bamboo Ben room of my own.

tikigap posted on 02/06/2006

On 2006-02-06 10:26, RevBambooBen wrote:

Mahalos for the explanation.

So, I guess most of my tiki rooms like this one,


are not allowed. Bummer.

I just can't win. :(

I'm a bit cynical myself, but you must be joking. Lee and Laura's hideaway is fabulous! That's a winner if I ever saw one. You are over the top dude! It's great!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/07/2006
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