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eBay: Ren Clark Tribute

Pages: 1 37 replies

WenikiTiki posted on 01/27/2006

One of my "Tiki Buddies" is also an artist. She recently made this cool display mug. Check out her work on eBay:


She and I are both named Wendy, but don't let that confuse you!

Benzart posted on 02/06/2006

Good Luck Wendy!

teaKEY posted on 02/06/2006

I thought this whole time is was a real Ren mug. Fooled me. I thought it was strange that it hadn't when from more monet when I thought it was the real thing.

amiotiki posted on 02/06/2006

oh, and look who's bidding on it...our dear friend 'kohalacharms'



p.s. I hope it sells for many hundreds of dollars! :lol:

[ Edited by: amiotiki 2006-02-05 19:18 ]

Atomicchick posted on 02/06/2006

Geez, don't you guys every get tired of ripping on 'kohalacharms'? Leave the guy alone! It is so unbelievable that adults can be catty, jealous, and childish all at the same time.

[ Edited by: Atomicchick 2006-02-05 23:44 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 02/06/2006

you have been here since 9-2003 and you are STILL surprised by the petty -ness?

tikicleen posted on 02/06/2006

i still find this mug remarkable. and i had no idea that wendy was so talented. i know that they have one rockin' huge rare tiki collection, but to have this hidden talent as well? pretty neat in my book.

now, for the next rare mug remake, could you guys do the zombie village one? doesnt seen like it would be too difficult...

WenikiTiki posted on 02/06/2006

I'm not suprised at all that Wendy is so talented! The name Wendy actually means multi-talented! Just ask any Wendy. It is in our "Wendy Club" By-Laws. And if you aren't named "Wendy" we will let you in our club as an associate member if your name is Cindy, or Mindy or any other name that ends in "NDY"...

P.S. Yeah for our Wendy for having a great first eBay sale! As an artist showing your work for the first time is like letting some one read your journal....
And thanks to Hanford for making this great site where I have made many friends and maybe a few enemies!

amiotiki posted on 02/06/2006

Well escuuuuuuzzzze ME! I wasn't being catty or any of the other derogatory things you all called me...but having just recently been sniped by kohalacharms on something that I really coveted (and I'm sure many of you have coveted goodies on eBay and have been sniped - so don't get snarky with me), I don't feel particularly charitable. And I also think some of you need to lighten up - I wasn't "ripping on kohalacharms" - I merely stated a fact of record.

I'm sure this person is a fine human being...and I don't appreciate y'all's attitudes because I am as well!

Furthermore - I hoped it went for hundreds of dollars for the benefit of Wendy, not for the detriment of the buyer!

Jeez...talk about being f-ing petty and childish!

Atomicchick posted on 02/06/2006

Refer to my previous post.

midnite posted on 02/06/2006

...but having just recently been sniped by kohalacharms on something that I really coveted

Shoulda bid higher.

I'll get ya next time, too. 'Cause I'm Koalacharms, the Koalaman, and you're not.

Can't touch this,
MC Koala

amiotiki posted on 02/07/2006

On 2006-02-06 15:33, midnite_tiki wrote:
Can't touch this,
MC Koala

LOL - not sure I want to MT!

But I wanna know...ya got pie?

mmmm, got fresh French Apple pie in the oven right now...mmm and I'll share with you anytime Midnite! 'cause you rock!


tikivixen posted on 02/07/2006

A certain good-humored resentment towards EBay high rollers from those of us whose wallets are less well-lined is understandable, AC. As long as it stays good-humored and mild-mannered, I see no reason to tear into fellow TCers who simply feel the need to vent a little.

If you use loaded words like "catty, jealous, and childish" (note neither Amiotiki nor Midnite did any name-calling...only you), then, respectfully, I think you are being the hurtful one. Based on my admittedly limited interactions with him, Kohalacharms has a thick skin--like most ubercollectors--and hardly needs you or anyone to defend him. Others may not be so well-armored.

In any case, if you're spoiling to jump on any of his detractors, there are far more truly "catty, jealous and childish" threads you might wish to explore at your leisure.

And in the meantime, I wish the full pics were still up for that auction! Wow! Even the thumbnail makes it look like an AMAZING piece of work. Wendy is obviously a very talented lady and I sure hope she feels like making more! :wink: And I second Tikicleen's request for the Zombie Village beauty. sigh I think Kohalacharms outbid ME on that one...LOL. (Or did I just dream it?!?) Those wishing to experience a true drool-fest should check out his postings at Ooga-Mooga.

the Koala sings at midnight, Qantas forever, etc.,


Atomicchick posted on 02/07/2006

Good-humored resentment? Is there even such a thing? Hum, something to ponder....

teaKEY posted on 02/07/2006

I think not knowing the results of the Munktiki contest is getting to us all :) :)

ZombieLee posted on 02/09/2006

I was the successful bidder on that auction...once I receive it I'll be posting pics on ooga-mooga :)

On 2006-02-06 19:02, tikivixen wrote:
And in the meantime, I wish the full pics were still up for that auction! Wow! Even the thumbnail makes it look like an AMAZING piece of work.

danlovestikis posted on 02/14/2006

Hi Everyone, I have never learned how to navigate tiki central but a friend, Benzart sent all the fun comments to me tonight. I come here frequently to read. It's been wonderful being a member of the Polynesian pop network. I'm the eBay bidder and Dan is the collector and I love him enough to keep his habit fed. He can hardly wait for his valentine tikis.

As to the request for a Zombie Village Mug I've done one for Dan. It is a combination of the mug and the picture of the Zombie on the menu, he leans out from the mug and his chest muscles show up. I've made Dan around 16 tiki bowls and mugs and recently have been convinced to sell on eBay (the head) and to also have a web page and to become a real artist. It's being worked on right now by my nephew who is in that business.

If any of you would like to see the Zombie mug just email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the photos. I'm such a ham I hope you will mention me again someday.

On another topic Dan and I have begun to take vacations where we travel to see other collectors. We have found that tiki people are soooooo nice. Some of the best visits were with Kohalacharms, Joanne, Sven, edgeoftexas, Holden and Frank, Suzee and Mykle. Kohalacharms would probably not want me to tell you this but the work he does for the human race makes him worthy of all the tikis he can find, we admire him and thank god there are people like him in this world. Try to meet him one day and maybe he will tell you what he does for a living.

Back to the clay waiting on the table there are so many tikis to make and I only have two hands, hey Dan could you make the chain a little longer it's hard to reach the computer....bye guys, Wendy

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/14/2006

Frank (kohala charms ) is is a class act guy for sure. I have met and hung out with him and we BSed about mugs and tiki for hours. Wenndy I saw the Ren Clark bowl you did, SWEET!

Atomicchick posted on 02/14/2006

Kohala Charms does deserve everything he has. Saying he is a great man does not say enough. He is the type of person we would all be honored to have as a friend. Incredible, giving, genuine, intelligent, humble...I can go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. Simply an amazing person!

Tikiwahine posted on 02/14/2006

Wendy your Ren Clark reproduction is simply stunning.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work, and hopefully purchasing one in the future.

Unkle John posted on 02/15/2006

I'd like to see a pic, every time I have checked the ebay listing the images come up broken.

kingstiedye posted on 02/15/2006

frank's cool and the ren clark repro is fantastic!

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-02-14 18:21 ]

danlovestikis posted on 02/15/2006

Wow, I'm going to run out of paper, I have to print all these wonderful compliments for my scrap book. There are three more severed heads coming up. They are spaced out so the next one may be next week. I'm thinking about starting on the Zombie mug tribute next.

So happy to see all the nice comments on Frank-Kohalcharms. He would tour anyone who wanted to see his wonderful collection. I made the heads from photos supplied by him and edgeoftexas1 who is also a wonderful guy.

I sure am having fun, thank you all, Wendy

Benzart posted on 02/17/2006

Wendy, I'm so glad you are finally coming around TC more. Your Ren Clarke bowl was really great and I'm glad youare saying hello to your fanz.

danlovestikis posted on 02/17/2006

Hi Ben, thank you for the compliment. Coming from one of the most talented and highly regarded tiki carvers of our age it's thrilling for me to hear. If any of you have missed the Benzart web page please go there. The photos are wonderful. The author of Tiki Quest, Duke Carter commisioned a tiki from Benzart and it was inventive yet classic, truely a work of art. I hope he will post photos or maybe Ben will share some with us. Wendy of danlovestikis

bongofury posted on 02/17/2006

Very nice Wendy. A great alternative to the rare and expensive real thing. I also have met Kohalacharms and he is very nice, so I'm not sure why he gets so much flak here.

danlovestikis posted on 02/18/2006

Hey There, you know over the years we have been collecting I've gained so many tiki buddies and after putting out the Ren Clark mug tribute I think I've gained even more. It is so much fun meeting collectors on-line and then visiting them on our vacations. Everyone should go on a tiki road trip. Duosonic put up my next mug last night and you knew it before I did, now how amazing is that? My tiki art web page had major progress yesterday but is not yet ready. I'm having so much fun that I can't hardly wait until I can display all the bowls that I've made for Dan. Thank you all for the notes, love them, Wendy

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 02/19/2006

Hi Wendy-
I had to let you know that your tribute mug(s) are really amazing! The detail is great but you really captured the different strokes & colors of paint.
Very BLOODY good!!
I would love to see the Zombie Village mug & whatever else you've done. ([email protected])
I'm blown away, please keep em coming!

Benzart posted on 02/20/2006

Yes, Wendy, I think you should post ALL the mugs and Bowls and Sculptures you have done. I Promise you Peeps you will be zazzed a bit, Pleasantly. C'mon Wendybelle, fork over the pics.

tikicleen posted on 02/20/2006

i agree! i think the entire community would love to oooh and ahhh over your creations. :)

kingstiedye posted on 02/20/2006

On 2006-02-19 17:49, Benzart wrote:
Yes, Wendy, I think you should post ALL the mugs and Bowls and Sculptures you have done. I Promise you Peeps you will be zazzed a bit, Pleasantly. C'mon Wendybelle, fork over the pics.

amen! i'd love to see all your work.

tikivixen posted on 02/20/2006

Add my "please do!!!" to that :wink:

danlovestikis posted on 02/20/2006

Hey there everyone, I'm so jazzed at these messages. I have a cold and feel really bad but you all brought a big smile to my face. What a wonderful tiki community. I have a web page under construction that has everything I've done in clay. I have a nephew in the business doing it as a gift of love. He thinks I have a future as a tiki artist and nothing would make me happier. I'm working on a Zombie Village tiki mug for eBay right now.

I'll post when the site is up and running for review. I've sent out some letters to see if some things on the web page have current copy writes and shouldn't be made to sell. Otherwise I'll be making more of most of them for eBay in the future. Sure would be fun to do this but I don't want to starve so I'm keeping my day job!

Thanks again for your notes, I'm still printing them for my save album, Wendy of danlovestikis

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2006-03-09 19:33 ]

hewey posted on 02/21/2006

What a great tribute mug. Very cool, and vey well executed. A great substitute for an actual ren clarke.

danlovestikis posted on 03/04/2006

Hi Ren Clark fans, I have two left to go on eBay the next will start up on March 9th. Right now I'm working on my version of the Zombie mug and one will go on eBay when the Ren Clark's are gone. One year ago this month I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand. Working clay is helping the healing process. If anyone else reading this is having trouble with strength and pain following this type of surgery get some clay and go to work! I'm almost well. Thank you for all your support, Wendy

Mai Tai Matty posted on 03/04/2006

Just got the mail and low and bohold my tribute mug arrived that I won on ebay . The pictures do not do this mug justice it is HUGE and heavy . Wendy you did incrediable job .Will send photos soon as I figure out how ..

danlovestikis posted on 03/08/2006

Well Hello Mr. Mai Tai, I'm so happy that you liked the mug. The next one goes up on March 9th. Thank you for posting this note. I can't help but enjoy doing this art when the people who buy it are so nice. Wendy of danlovestikis

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2006-03-09 19:32 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/11/2006

Hey there Ren Clark fans. I spoke too soon the next tribute mug will go up on Sunday the 12th of March. Duosonic said he and his woman had a dinner out and he fell asleep rather than put up my auction, imagine that! Well he's a great friend to do them for me so I can't complain. Two to go then the Zombie, Wendy

Pages: 1 37 replies