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Tiki Tiki Shinjuku Photos

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The entranceway to the Tiki Tiki Shinjuku

Another entranceway pic, just before you go over a little bridge into the restauraunt

The Luau Party Room - the waiter was kind enough to turn on the sign for me even though it was not in use.

Tikifish and the animatronic tiki.

The bar.

The signature cocktails in their respective mugs.

Even the washrooms are highly decorated!

Domo Jane!
Wow, that place looks fantastic!
Gotta witness it in person someday.

did ya get to keep the mugs?



They don't let you keep the mugs, but the first time I was in Japan I went to the Tiki Tiki Yokohama, and after some negotiation, they let me buy 2 of them. But generally you can't do that. Hence their rarity I suppose.

My brother suggested lifting a few, but not only is that bad tiki karma, but one doesn't really need to get arrested on one's honeymoon.

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-15 15:35 ]

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