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Tiki soap on a rope

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tiki5-0 posted on 02/10/2006

I was at the 99 cent store last week and got one of these. They had a decent ammount in stock at the one i was at. i hadn't seen anyone else post about them, so i thought i'd let everyone know who was interested in it.

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/11/2006

Last time I saw these was at the Local Hipsters Clothing store. It was $25 originally and marked down to half price...I definately have gotten it if it were $1.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/11/2006

To me, these were always the symbol of how amazingly far the Tiki revival had come. When I first discovered one of those Amway/Paul Marshal Soap-on-a-rope Tikis (BOT page?) I thought it was the pinnacle of absurd use of the Tiki icon, and NEVER would I have expected something like this to be manufactured again. And then, VOILA!

We tend to forget that only a few years ago, nobody was even making Tiki mugs again, Bosko being the only one who was toying around with that "novel idea". What a big difference now, there are even some collectors now that concentrate on NEW mugs. I would have never thought of that.

And this soap is a well done product, a finely sculpted noveaux Tiki. Interestingly, the same design has popped up as those light-up-eyes Tiki lighters a year or two ago. The typeface of "Tiki" on the soap box above is taken from the yellow tile apartments in the BOT, by the way.

In my opinion, it's a moot point to theorize about the end of the Tiki revival now because they are showing up in 99c stores. It just means that for one they were kinda overpriced in the first place, and now that the target group is saturated and the manufacturer made their money back, they are being dumped.

As a special interest pop culture, the Tiki revival will gain new ground as old one is left behind, and I am looking forward what other little surprises will pop up.

(At the moment it seems to be new bars more than anything !)

Chub posted on 02/11/2006

I got one of those two years ago for a birthday gift. It still sits proudly on top of my porcelain throne.

spy-tiki posted on 02/11/2006

nothing at the 99 cent store in Glendale/Burbank

motiki posted on 02/24/2006

Real Tiki Soap isn't made in China. It's made by me with real tropical ingredients and sold by me at Hukilau every year. I was even mentioned in "Marooned on the Mainland". (Hee, Hee, Hee!) The shelf is the perfect place for your dollar store find, which I estimate was made about 4 years ago by the same company who made Homer Simpson shaped soap.

Motiki, Maker of Soap

Tikiwahine posted on 02/25/2006

motiki's soap is the best! It gets you 'Tiki Clean' :wink:

I've still got a bar I've been saving. It's my last one, and I love it so much, I can't bear to use it!

motiki posted on 02/26/2006


You seem adrift in a sea of inferior soap? I can't let that happen to one of my first customers. I don't believe I ever sent you a wedding present? PM me you address and you will wash ashore with Tiki Soap!

Mahaloz, Mo

Raffertiki posted on 02/26/2006

I've still got a bar I've been saving. It's my last one, and I love it so much, I can't bear to use it!

Wahine, use all you want, he'll make more.

I like his soap so much that I wrote hime into my comic. I have one left, a Hawaiian Lei scent, and I will definately be reordering.

midnite posted on 02/27/2006

My cellmates gave me one of these for a going away present when I was transferred out of County. Came in handy while domiciled at Chico. Although, I had to endure 18 months of relentless Jimmy Buffett jokes.

midnite con

ps No, I ain't on parole. That ended 6 months ago!

suburbanpagan posted on 02/28/2006

OK I think I have a really cool Tiki Soap on a Rope that I call "The Sacrifice Soap"! Indeed, it appears at first glance to be just another soap on a rope, but upon further inspection, the keen observer will notice an amulet buried deep within! So, in order to get to it, you must sacrifice the tiki soap! In order to save your soap, you must sacrifice wearing the amulet! ARGGH!


"Searching for the Novelty within the Novelty"

PS- Keep Soapin' Motiki!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2006-02-28 11:08 ]

Tiki Lee's posted on 02/28/2006

My Mom used to sell Amway when I was in Junior High, and we had TONS of that Tonga stuff! Why didn't I keep any of it? WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?

virani posted on 04/14/2006

that made me think of the great tiki on a rope p182 on BOT on the PMP design (I found mine in Hawai'i still in box, unopen).

I also found this french tahitian tiki soap, made in 1988, 3000 made (Nr1 given to the president François Mitterand) :

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