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Growing Up An Islander

Pages: 1 4 replies

TikiGardener posted on 02/12/2006

I put up a shot of my High School YearBook sometime ago.

But inside were many shots of the Tiki theme that was
around me during those years.

The year book.

The Tiki in the courtyard of my highschool.

The teams and the school population in general were known as Islanders.

Note the Moai is wearing a helmet!

we even had school provided folders with a tiki on it!

in the gym

So there you have it... I grew up as an Islander

mbonga posted on 02/12/2006

That's a pretty remarkable number of tiki images for one school. You left out an important piece of information, though: which year was that?

TikiGardener posted on 02/12/2006

First pic has the year: 1981

Gigantalope posted on 02/12/2006

So, I'm sorta guessing by Coronado that would be in or around SD?

It's funny how things have changed over time...the HS I went to was called the Aztec's and clearly nobody intended any harm...still, now anything tribal one expects some trouble to be raised over the name.

I like the iconography...thanks for sharing

TikiGardener posted on 02/12/2006

Well while yes it is in the vicinity of San Diego ( across the bay bridge ),
if you were to suggest it is San Diego, welll you'd get an earfull!

Coronado High is the High School that Jim Morrison went to. His dad was the commander of NAS North Island.

And my high school sociology teacher and the marching band teacher was Bob Demmon of Johnny and the Astronauts ( eventually just The Astronauts ). He was the bass player of that surf band.

So little did I realise or even suspect that I was immersed in tiki/surf culture.

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