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Hawaiian Grammys

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pablus posted on 02/12/2006

Category 70 - Best Hawaiian Music Album
(Vocal or Instrumental.)

Slack Key Dreams Of The Ponomoe
Kapono Beamer
[Kapono Beamer Enterprises, Ltd]

Sweet & Lovely
Raiatea Helm
[Raiatea Helm Records]

Kiho'alu - Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar
Ledward Ka'apana
[Rhythm & Roots Records]

Slack Key Guitar: The Artistry Of Sonny Lim
Sonny Lim
[Palm Records]

Masters Of Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar - Vol. 1
Various Artists
Daniel Ho, Paul Konwiser & Wayne Wong, producers
[Daniel Ho Creations]

Hey hey - Slack Key is taking over. BUT - Makana should have been in there. His latest is absolutely incredible.
And that Sonny Lim - off the charts good.
The Winner is good too though, although it's a compilation thingie and I personally don't think that should qualify.
But at least there's a catagory now.

Kaiwaza posted on 02/12/2006

The inclusion of a Hawaiian category in the Grammys has been interesting here in Hawaii. It was fought for for a long time, but it seems many are disappointed with the results..nothing against the winners, of course. It's bound to happen when people all over the U.S. who most likely know nothing about Hawaiian music are voting and, it's likely instrumentals will capture more votes. Also, I understand several CDs that were good candidates were excluded because they did not do paperwork, etc. on time. (Surprise, surprise.) I think the Grammy category is good and will give a wider exposure to the winners, but I think our own local "Na Hoku Hanohano" Awards are probably a better indication of new releases appreciated by Hawaiian audiences.

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