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My Pop [PopTiki of Colorado]...(First look at our 2010 stuff: Page 14)

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Helz posted on 01/10/2006

When I started getting into the Polynesian Thing and collecting mugs and recipes and all, my Dad got interested in it as well. So we often chat about cool mugs, or something on eBay or how he and my Mom are going to do the upcoming Tiki room in their basement. Heck, we even go out and hit the flea markets when I get back home for visits.

So, being the creative guy that he is, he got inspired by the Tiki Bob mugs he got me (San Francisco) and my Mom (San Francisco and Sacramento) for Christmas. Consequently, he decided to try and give carving a chance, and figured Bob would be an easy one to start with. So he sent me these pics, and I wanted to put them out here for everybody to see, because I’m pretty proud of ‘em.

Doing the rough work.

a bit of detailing...

Bob coming along nicely.

He also took a shot at making a volcano mug last year, after seeing the Coco Joe’s one in Tiki Quest…

I also know he's been know to prowl around here (and post a time or two) and would probably really appreciate the feedback.

Thanks for looking!

[ Edited by: Helz 2010-02-18 13:44 ]

Tiki-Kate posted on 01/10/2006

I love it. Can't wait to see the finished Bob.

The mug is fabulous also. The color is great.

Loki posted on 01/11/2006

Looks like he nailed it...very cool work.

foamy posted on 01/11/2006

Tiki Bob is one of my favorite tikis. Your Pop has/is doing a great job! I like the volcano mug too. It must be great to have tiki as a common interest with your Dad. How lucky does a fella get?

Benzart posted on 01/11/2006

[ Edited by: Benzart 2006-01-11 13:59 ]

Benzart posted on 01/11/2006

Yes It looks like a perfect large replica. Your pop has the "Hands" of a carver
Did you get talent from him??
Nice post.

Alldo posted on 01/11/2006

Pops got skills. Nice job. You can teach an old dog new tricks eh. Tiki hold no age limitations

kaha kii posted on 01/11/2006

Nice work bruddah...pretty cool your ohana has taken to the "tiki"! Tell pops to keep up the good work!

Malama Pono!

SilverLine posted on 01/11/2006

I was going to try carving a "Bob" a while back, but as I started laying it all out I realized that Bob's not as easy as he looks! Your Pop is doing an outsatnding job there!!

tikivixen posted on 01/11/2006

Wow!!! Those are killer!!! I really dig 'em. Please post a pic of finished Tiki Bob!

I'd LOVE one of each :wink:

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/12/2006

Your pop's a natural!

freddiefreelance posted on 01/12/2006

Did he use chisels at all or just sanders, rasps, sandpaper, etc?

I really, really like the volcano mug, especially the place to put the flame, or is it for dry ice? Either one would look great!

I see you have 2 kinds of limes, I'd say the little ones are "Key Limes," are the others Mexicans or Persians/Bearss?

teaKEY posted on 01/12/2006

I wouldn't put a flame near that wooden mug. What a cool mug. I really liked that mug when I saw it in Quest and your mug, looks just like it. I figured that the mug, had two openning for pouring. Whatever it is, its cool.

Unkle John posted on 01/13/2006

Those are awesome!

Would your pop mind adopting me? :D

GatorRob posted on 01/13/2006

Tell your Dad "great job!" I fixed a tiki drink for my dad for the first time a few weeks ago (a Reverb Crash) and he liked it. I was thrilled! Funny how as adults we still seek approval from our parents.

Helz posted on 01/14/2006

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful comments. I just spoke to my Dad and he's been reading them and is really encouraged by all the support.

I apologize for the long post, but I'm going to try to reply to as much of this thread as I can. He tells me that he has used chisels, his old farrier's rasp (Pictured), the electric chain saw and mostly a small makita grinder with a sanding disk. He's currently working on getting the eyes finished up and contemplating how to color it. Right now it looks like it's going to be pickled on the face and top, then either a cherry or mahogany stain for the dark parts. The black parts are just going to be paint.

And the mug is ceramic, and his first venture into that medium as well. The little space on top is exactly what was mentioned, a little reservoir for either 151 or a bit of dry ice, to give the cool smoke or flame effect. He's currently trying to figure out how to mold it to make more than the one he has, which was sculpted and isn't entirely sound as a drinking vessel.

But as far as I'm concerned, I don't know whether or not I've got the skill to do something like this. But after reading all the great posts and seeing all the wonderful pieces the Ohana are creating, I'm definitely getting the bug to give it a try.

Thanks again!


(and, yes, those are both a Mexican lime and Key limes (not bad for December in Colorado)).

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/14/2006

Helz, I think your pops is cool as hell and he needs to get on-line and join us. Pass that on for me, will you? :)


poptiki posted on 01/14/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:29:01 ]

Loki posted on 01/14/2006

Welcome Pop...its about time :lol:

Great work on 'ole Bob...i cant wait to see him all finished.

Helz posted on 01/15/2006

Well, Pop's out here posting, but hasn't got the pic thing down just yet, so I thought I'd post these photos he sent me today of the pretty much finished product...

Here he is getting the first coat of pickling.

And a little stain for the dark parts.

The finishing touches.

And here's Bob, Bob and my Pop.

And yes, the bandage is carving related, but it'll take more than a couple of stitches to slow him down.

Thanks again for looking and all the positive comments.

I dream of tiki posted on 01/15/2006

Fantabulous work! To say Big Bob is beautiful is an understatement! Well done, Pop of Helz Tiki.

rodeotiki posted on 01/15/2006

WOW , I would say he nailed it. Now get dad another log and keep us posted.

Loki posted on 01/15/2006

Pop, that is kick butt....it is perfect...looks like it runs in the family...two more carvers enter the world of tiki....this is so awesome...a little blood only makes it more realistic....heal well my friend....

poptiki posted on 01/15/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:29:41 ]

JohnnyP posted on 01/15/2006

If only drinks came that big! It looks just like the real thing only "biggie sized". Great job and glad you posted it.

teaKEY posted on 01/15/2006

That carving looks even better than the mug. You put more time, more love and more blood into it. It would be a great piece to put next to 8FT Tiki's tiki. It would be cool if everyone pick one different mug to carve and there could be a showing of them. Here is 8FT's if no one minds.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2006-01-15 09:03 ]

poptiki posted on 02/05/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:33:37 ]

Loki posted on 02/05/2006

Great news Poptiki...starting a wish list yet? If so, I'm good for one...

HelloTiki posted on 02/05/2006

Yes. One cup like that, and we could all cut down on the number of drinks that we consume.
Great (hick) idea.... Loverly!

Benzart posted on 02/05/2006

Excellent Bob, Pop, HT you are proud I'm sure . Pop, you must Also be very proud of your carving And your son. Happy carving.

Howland posted on 02/05/2006

It amazes me that you nailed that with such perfection, they look identical, aside from the size difference. If you can do that, you can carve anything you want on a top notch level. Don't you wish you had started sooner!?!? ( I know I do)

Tikisgrl posted on 02/05/2006

Bob is awesome!!! Can't wait to see the volcano bowls too! If there is a list can I be put on it?



P.S. Heal up quickly!!!

poptiki posted on 02/12/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:35:40 ]

Caber-Net posted on 02/13/2006

Wow...that really is perfection...i really got to start carving...I got a good friend who owns a "Woodcrafters" too

poptiki posted on 02/22/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:36:57 ]

El Bastardo posted on 02/22/2006

How awesome!

JohnnyP posted on 02/22/2006

Now that's a drink!!!! Bartender, I'll have one of those.


GatorRob posted on 02/22/2006

Hahahaha!!! That totally rocks! That's going to give someone one helluva hangover! When do you go in business? I want one!

foamy posted on 02/22/2006

I think it's great! Tiki Bob is one of my all-time favorite tiki designs. You did a fine carving of him. The garnishes look great, but he dosen't suffer without them.

rodeotiki posted on 02/22/2006

Pop, you rule!!! That is just amazing.
Cant wait to see whats next.

poptiki posted on 03/17/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:40:44 ]

poptiki posted on 03/17/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:41:21 ]

pdrake posted on 03/17/2006

wow, that's amazing. good job.

put me down for a volcano mug pop! i'll have to show my dad this thread. maybe i can get him to switch from southwest carving to tiki.

poptiki posted on 03/17/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:42:01 ]

GatorRob posted on 03/17/2006

poptiki, can't wait to see your mug pictures. I'm really excited to see TCers making their own mugs!

Edited because your post beat me by a couple of minutes... Nice pictures! Really good work. Thanks for sharing!

[ Edited by: GatorRob 2006-03-16 19:17 ]

TravelingJones posted on 03/17/2006

Pop-Rocks! Tiki JumBob...what a hoot!! Can you imagine the size of the Bar-nuts to go with that thing??? Great work poptiki and the volcano mug...drool is flowing like lava down my chin! --Roll up tongue and firmly close mouth,now. Keep up the great work and pic's coming!!!

Helztiki: Thanks for letting Pops come out and play!

waiter...uhmM..Waiter! Yes,'Grande-size' my Zombie puhleeze.
MAHALO --TravelingJones

poptiki posted on 03/18/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:26:51 ]

rodeotiki posted on 03/18/2006

Tiki carvings , Mugs and Hotrods ......Could you adopt me please!!!

Very cool stuff Pop's

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 236 replies