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Tiki Central / California Events

Forbidden Island: Southland Assault - Phase One - February 16th

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martiki posted on 02/14/2006


Team Forbidden is launching it's two-tiered attack on Southern California starting this week.

Phase One: Aerial Assault aka "Hell From Above"

Martiki and Conga Mike will initiate a HALO jump over the Burbank metropolitan area at 0900 hours on February 16th, and immediately transfer to their armored battle tank (or, um, a Dodge Neon) and commence an immediate strike upon the City of Whittier. Our advance intelligence informs us that our first target is defended only by two older gentlemen, which should pose to immediate threat, although we are told they sometimes carry chainsaws.

The strike team will then invade the City of Rosemead and their heavily defended Fortress Bahooka. We expect heavy resistance in the form of flaming objects and chewy food.

We reach the enemy command center at 4427 Sunset Blvd at PRECISELY 1800 hours, and we expect our resistance to weaken very shortly thereafter.

Think you've got what it takes to join the struggle at 4427? The booze isn't going to drink itself.

Meet us there!!!

[ Edited by: martiki 2006-02-13 19:39 ]

christiki295 posted on 02/14/2006

They want you as a new recruit!

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