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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

UKe Stand

Pages: 1 7 replies

HelloTiki posted on 02/14/2006

hmc posted on 02/15/2006

Very, very clever!

kaha kii posted on 02/15/2006

Hey...Nice one bruddah! Doesnt get mo bettah than that and now my ukes gonna be jealous! One sits on my desk and the other is on a shelf! Let me know if you make one that holds 2 concert size, yeah?

Great work! Hana Hou!

Malama Pono!

HelloTiki posted on 02/15/2006

Mahalo all.
I plan on making all kinds of uke & guitar stands. But they're not the kind you'd easily bring to a gig.
This buggah might as well be made of lead (It's Mango wood). Thanks again.

tfisherart posted on 02/15/2006

Been thinking about making a guitar stand, for home use.
Lots of mago trees in this area is it easy to work with?
Drying carving and stripping.
Thanks for the cartoons,

HelloTiki posted on 02/15/2006

The Mango I used was pretty dense stuff, but not too hard to work with. However, the colors of the mango wood can be gorgeous. I used mostly chainsaw & angle grinder on this cutie.

Yes, lets make more Practical "Working" Tikis like uke stands, and uh... (Butt plugs?? as in the Bilge Section).
Has anyone around here made a "Carved" Tiki guitar? I saw the nice Fleamarket uke with the Tiki design by TIKI KING who just posted again today (Nice Stuff King !!!) Beautiful!
Got any with a Tiki body??

Glad you like the cartoons. I moved them over to Beyond Tiki, until the characters become Tiki..

[ Edited by: hellotiki 2006-02-15 09:00 ]

Bete posted on 02/16/2006

What a very cool idea, I like that stand.

Matt Reese posted on 02/16/2006

Nice! What a great idea.

Pages: 1 7 replies