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Grand Membership: Blue Stars

Pages: 1 46 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 02/07/2006


Not the kind that get children hooked on drugs but the kind that denotes three years of Grand Membership!

I want to thank everyone who contributes to Tiki Central! Tiki Central would simply not be where it is today without everyone pitching in to make this place great ... through messages, photos, art, stories, questions, answers, in-person events, and through Grand Memberships. This year I'm ratcheting up the Grand Membership star color to blue for users who have contributed for three years. Users who contribute for two will still get green stars. I know it's small, silly gesture, but what the hey, I like being small and silly.

Please remember that you don't have to renew until your membership has expired (or a week before). If you renew before then, you won't get the new color star.

As usual, the system is creakier than the floorboards of the Mai Kai, so if anyone has problems with their membership or thinks they have the wrong color star, please contact me and I'll take care of it!



[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-02-06 23:58 ]

dogbytes posted on 02/07/2006

Thanks for all you do! i renewed, and i'm just wasting bandwidth to see if my blue star appears yet.


Jeff Central posted on 02/07/2006

Me too! I want a blue star. Keep up the good work!!

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/07/2006

and purple horseshoes! :)

aquaorama posted on 02/07/2006

I feel like such a 2nd class citizen with my plain old green star. Damn!

Tangaroa Ed posted on 02/07/2006

I agree...second class all the way!

: )

something to look forward to on TC!

Tiki Flange posted on 02/07/2006

Woohoo, 3 more months and I'm true blue!

[ Edited by: Tiki Flange 2006-02-07 11:32 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/08/2006

Apparently I wasn't paying attention... I've been demoted since yesterday :(

the check's in the (e)mail!

Tikiwahine posted on 02/08/2006

Mine lapsed too FZ, but now I'm true blue! Wahoo!

Chongolio posted on 02/08/2006

On 2006-02-06 23:57, hanford_lemoore wrote:

Not the kind that get children hooked on drugs but the kind that denotes three years of Grand Membership!

Hey Rainbow brother, Just give me a half a star man, I swear I will pay you back as soon I sell my Shecky mug.

AAAAAAHHH, I was just crazy talkin' I wouldn't sell my Shecky for half a star. I sent in my greens so I can get your blues I wanna be a blewbie. Man, I dig blues...Blues, scooters and Who music.


FYI I also like yellow moons and green clovers

Lost-Isle Trading Post
Barefoot bloggin'

Formikahini posted on 02/08/2006

So even though I was one of the first ten to be a Grand Member, the fact that I let many months stupidly lapse before I renewed makes me start over as a first year ? :( :(

Wishing I were a Green Starred Sneech,

Trader Woody posted on 02/08/2006

A blue star is better than blue balls.

Trader Woody

Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/08/2006

am i blue?

cynfulcynner posted on 02/08/2006

Why is my star still yellow? I'm all paid up.....

cynfulcynner posted on 02/08/2006


cynfulcynner posted on 02/08/2006

Just don't ever use red stars, or a certain department store (the one with giant balloons on Thanksgiving) will sue your ass for copyright infringement. :lol:

hanford_lemoore posted on 02/09/2006

Thanks for everyone who re-upped. I am out of town and will deal with misc. issues surrounding the blue stars when I return this weekend. Until then, hold tight!


Feelin Zombified posted on 02/09/2006

but I want to read all of the amazingly witty commentary in the GCFOM now.

Now now now.

Now I say!


naugatiki posted on 02/09/2006

Yellow Star () = 10 to 49 points
Blue Star () = 50 to 99 points
Turquoise Star () = 100 to 499 points
Purple Star () = 500 to 999 points
Red Star () = 1,000 to 4,999 points
Green Star () = 5,000 to 9,999 points
Yellow Shooting Star () = 10,000 to 24,999 points
Turquoise Shooting Star () = 25,000 to 49,999 points
Purple Shooting Star () = 50,000 to 99,999 points
Red Shooting Star () = 100,000 or higher

finkdaddy posted on 02/09/2006

I love my yellow star, it's so "retro"! :D

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/09/2006

tikifish posted on 02/09/2006

Stars are so last year! I'm kicking it old school.

MachTiki posted on 02/09/2006

It's not easy being green.

Formikahini posted on 02/09/2006

On 2006-02-09 05:04, Feelin' Zombified wrote:
but I want to read all of the amazingly witty commentary in the GCFOM now.

Now now now.

Now I say!

"Simon says, 'Update FZ's star!"

Raffertiki posted on 02/09/2006

My blue star matches my eyes. Makes you wonder about the peeps with yellow stars.

hodadhank posted on 02/09/2006

Damn If only I'd joined when I found the place instead of lurking like a timid rabbit. Sonofabitch! I dig this board and swear I'm gonna put my money where my big mouth is soon and become a Grand Member.

Hanford, perhaps membership could be divided into five color coded catagories.

red for Severe Members

orange for High Members

yellow for Elevated Members

blue for Guarded Members

and green for Low Members

Ya know, something like this...

Just kidding, I'm jelous. **

teaKEY posted on 02/09/2006

I hope the CIA isn't watching. Unless they Google search this.

aquaorama posted on 02/09/2006

Grand Memebership color deciding time....

Feelin Zombified posted on 02/10/2006

alright... you leave me no choice.

if my demands are not met I will be forced to start posting pics of the above product in use.


aquaorama posted on 02/10/2006

On 2006-02-09 02:02, hanford_lemoore wrote:
Thanks for everyone who re-upped. I am out of town and will deal with misc. issues surrounding the blue stars when I return this weekend. Until then, hold tight!


We are all SOOOOO busted when dad gets home this weekend!!

Aaron's Akua posted on 02/10/2006

Aaron's Akua
Grand Member


ookoo lady posted on 02/10/2006

Are gold stars next?

dogbytes posted on 02/10/2006

Chongolio posted on 02/14/2006

Now I have no star! How sad is that? I have been stripped of my pointy goodness.


Chongolio starless outcast

Chongolio posted on 02/16/2006

Have you seen my star? I had it when in walked in. It is small blue and pointy and answers to the name of Betleguese. It may have been dyed green to escape detection. If seen tell it to come home. My life is dull without it. :cry:


Lost-Isle Trading Post
Barefoot bloggin'

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6414af1d196a575c37653c32a9c61cef?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikivixen posted on 02/16/2006

I go blue in July, I see! coooool. It'll be most appropriate to keep my green for St. Paddy's Day...I should have green...now I'm curious and have to check. Hence this post.

Can we do designer red stars for four years? Pretty please?

J$ and Formica, you guys crack me up! :lol:

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6414af1d196a575c37653c32a9c61cef?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikivixen posted on 02/16/2006

Or maybe I go green...burp...I have no idea! The math confuses me.

Still want a red star someday...sigh...

aquaorama posted on 02/16/2006

No Blue Star for YOU!!

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I dream of tiki posted on 02/16/2006

:music: Oh where, oh where has my little star gone? Oh where, oh where can he be? :music:

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alohabros posted on 02/16/2006

... will trade 6 pints of one shot lettering enamel (various colors), 1 quart (full) of ultramarine blue enamel screenprinting ink (naz-dar 59000 series), 1 box legal size hanging files, 2 packs quitar strings (fresh), 5 blue 22" x 60" vinyl banner blanks, 1 box blue stabilo pencils, various one stroke & striper sign painters brushes (6 total and in great condition for a star of any color...

Chongolio posted on 02/28/2006

Hey Hanford, Hey I paid my dues a few weeks ago and I am still star less. Can you help a brother out?


Johnny Dollar posted on 02/28/2006

damn, now i'm totally starrless

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Benzart posted on 02/28/2006

Hey Chongo, I think you need to check your Monkey in the fes hat wearing your benzart pendant. He has an Awful guilty look in his eyes and a smirk on his face that screams trouble.

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PockyTiki posted on 03/07/2006

i don't even have a star sniffles so sad.

Chongolio posted on 03/07/2006

Well guess who came home smelling of cheap perfume, fine cigars and telling drunken stories of debauchery. Yup, lil Betelgeuse found his way home at long last. Thank you Hanford for sending him home before Unga Bunga found him and did irreparable damage to his moral fiber. But apparently a bit to late to have gotten us both kicked out of the Grand Cermonial Forum of Mystery. We seemed to have been banned and nobody will open up the back door for us. C'mon give the pointy little feller another chance, I promise I will make him leave the orangutan and lipstick at home next time.


Lost-Isle Trading Post
Barefoot bloggin'

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/07/2006

On 2006-03-06 18:17, PockyTiki wrote:
i don't even have a star sniffles so sad.

maybe you can ask for one as a graduation gift :D

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Unga Bunga posted on 03/07/2006

On 2006-03-06 18:18, Chongolio wrote:
Thank you Hanford for sending him home before Unga Bunga found him and did irreparable damage to his moral fiber. I promise I will make him leave the orangutan and lipstick at home next time.

No problem there, the orangutan is with me now, and she looks hot with lipstick by the way.

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