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Oahu Tiki?

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Sea-Tiki posted on 02/20/2006


Sea-Tiki and I are going to Oahu in April--very excited. Any recommendations for tiki on the island?

tikiyaki posted on 02/20/2006

On 2006-02-20 11:56, Sea-Tiki wrote:

Sea-Tiki and I are going to Oahu in April--very excited. Any recommendations for tiki on the island?

The Polynesian Cultural Center...that is a must see for Tiki on Oahu.
International Marketplace in Waikiki...they're tearing it all down soon, but it may still be open. Get a good glimpse of the heyday of the 50's and 60's Hawaii.
La Mariana Sailing Club....I didn't go when I was there, but I regret it.
For a great not-necessarily-tiki day go to Turtle Beach on the North Shore and swim with giant sea turtles...amazing, they come right up to the shore, take food from your hand (be careful tho') and come up on the sand an fall asleep.
TIKI'S in WAIKIKI...a new Tiki restaurant with lots of great tiki art...TC's own GECKO has a carvoing there, as well as others.

There's so much Tiki on Oahu, you'll see it everywhere you go...it IS after all...HAWAII.

Tiki-Kate posted on 02/20/2006

This thread is darn helpful.


My personal favorites are the Polynesian Cultural Center (despite the fact that they won't let you have any booze or caffeine) and the Bishop Museum. Don't miss La Mariana either. It's just gorgeous there.

Wow. I really want to go to Hawaii again.

Hope you have an amazing time.

christiki295 posted on 02/20/2006

Also, check out the Hawaiiana Hotel, just in from the Halikulani.

I would also reiterate Tiki's Bar & Grill at the Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel.

Here is a link with photos:


T_lifehater posted on 02/27/2006

I don't knopw if I posted this or not but I seem to recall a small tiki bar in the Wailana Coffee house in Waikiki. Right near the Hilton, I believe.

lanikai posted on 02/27/2006

On 2006-02-27 11:05, T_lifehater wrote:
I don't knopw if I posted this or not but I seem to recall a small tiki bar in the Wailana Coffee house in Waikiki. Right near the Hilton, I believe.

Not by many's standards, for it does not contain one "tiki" in its decor. Its just yer typical tropical bar.

jimbo posted on 03/09/2006

True, but the Wailana has such a good Loco Moco, and bannana pancakes too.
Besides seeing Gecko's work at the La Mariana, and Tikis, there is also a cool carver named Moa you can watch work at the International Marketplace. A little store has just opened next door that is selling Sven's book, and crazy Al's mugs (Thors Stor). If Don Tiki happens to be playing that week, you gotta catch his show.

lanikai posted on 03/10/2006

On 2006-03-09 15:58, jimbo wrote:
True, but the Wailana has such a good Loco Moco, and bannana pancakes too.

get planny li'dat all around.

little store has just opened next door that is selling Sven's book, and crazy Al's mugs (Thors Stor).

Not so much al's mugs, as an assortment of Tiki farm mugs.

If Don Tiki happens to be playing that week, you gotta catch his show.

"his show"?
Their show. Don Tiki is a band. Composed of:
Perry Coma — keyboards
Hai Jung — bass, vocals
Delmar deWilde — vocals
Lopaka Colon — congas, bongo, bird calls
James Ganeko — percussion
Abe Lagrimas — vibes, marimba
Jason Segler — drums
Rocky Holmes — flutes
Sharene Boulos — harp
Fluid Floyd — your congenial host

da band plays so seldom, they don't even have a schedule page on their web site. Mostly very special occasions, holidays, special event once in a great while...
It would be nice to see a paired down version of their show say, about once a month, at la mar, then Waikiki, then wherevaz...but they prefer doing the full on exotica extravaganza they are known for. (which impresses the pants off anyone who is fortunate enuff to witnesses the show.)

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-03-09 16:22 ]

tikibars posted on 03/10/2006

What months are the slowest for tourism?
What months are the busiest?
Is stuff cheaper during the slow months, as is the case in most vacation spots?

lanikai posted on 03/10/2006


On 2006-03-09 16:22, tikibars wrote:
What months are the slowest for tourism?
What months are the busiest?
Is stuff cheaper during the slow months, as is the case in most vacation spots?

oct. slowest month.

december quite slow too, cuz most tourons like steh home wit' da kine.

Spring break very busy.
But at da same time, you get da factor of mainlanders wanting to be someplace warm during their very cold winter months at home.
So, it evens out pretty well...

no schedule as far as cheaper or more expensive. Ask yer travel agent when hotels give deals. Much cheaper per night if ya get a one week rate. The further away from your holiday that ya book, the cheaper yer trip goin be; air, lodging, car...

Howland posted on 03/10/2006

I can't give any reccomendarions, but I can tell you from watching 'Dog-the bounty hunter" (I should be ashamed) that you should probably avoid 'Hawaiian Brian's'. I believe locals actually eat tourists alive in there. Sorry H-Brian, if you see this--just bad press from the 'Dog'.

dogbytes posted on 03/10/2006

hey fellow Jet City Centralite! we just got back from Oahu! you **have to **go to the Bishop Museum and Honolulu Acadamy of Arts (yeah, muesums sound stuffy, but these are awesome) there you will see the Real Deal..

not so much tiki, but great artifacts at the Maritime Museum ~ and if you're into menus from the Matson Cruise Line,they have a eye popping display and an Original Savage Oil Painting.

ditto the Hawaiiana Hotel (if you want i'll post pictures, but half the fun is finding them in the bushes)... double ditto Tiki's Bar & Grill...La Mariana has great decor, and 'just ok' food. just for fun, annoy the chinese bartender and try to find out when the gift shop is open.

i cant decide where to post stuff.. my own thread or add to another.. decisions..

so if you want other recommendations for food and GOOD drinks, message me!!

lanikai posted on 03/10/2006

On 2006-03-09 20:26, surf-n-turf wrote: I can tell you from watching 'Dog-the bounty hunter" that you should probably avoid 'Hawaiian Brian's'. I believe locals actually eat tourists alive in there.

But it's the best pool hall around.

Locals eat tourists alive elsewhere, too, tho, so no need worry...

Howland posted on 03/10/2006

Lanikai--I probably shouldn't have gone there (to the subject-not the bar). I know some peeps in Aiea, I provide designs for CrazyShirts for tourists to be eaten alive in.

AFTER I spoke so poorly of Hawaiian Brians, I checked the web for their website and it looks to be pretty cool, however NON-tiki, but a good pool/darts/pub kinda place to hang.
My bad for even draggin' it into this thread.

Next time I'll research instead of going by the dogs bark!

BTW- I was thinking of naming my boat "Lanikai". Doesn't than mean 'heavenly sea' or something like that?

Forgive me Sea-tiki--not meaning to 'thread-jack' you!

lanikai posted on 03/10/2006

On 2006-03-09 22:24, surf-n-turf wrote: Next time I'll research instead of going by the dogs bark!

The bark is stimulated and motivated mostly by the fact he's on camera and they gotta pump it up. (a mellow island style bounty hunter does not high ratings make)
Otherwise he's a cool dude, the mispronunciations of locales and streetnames notwithstanding...

BTW- I was thinking of naming my boat "Lanikai". Doesn't than mean 'heavenly sea' or something like that?

yes, that is the contemporary interpretation...
well suited for a seafaring vessel...

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-03-09 23:48 ]

lanikai posted on 03/10/2006

On 2006-03-09 22:24, surf-n-turf wrote:
I provide designs for CrazyShirts for tourists to be eaten alive in.

Now I know why they do the beer dyed shirts! So we can have em seasoned and palatable!

ahh yes..
I remember Rick Ralston's humble beginnings...... usta watch him, mid sixties, hand doing his shirts in Waikiki back when they were making mostly designs us kama'aina wore. Now, all geared for da tourons. And then, bought out by mainland corporation...

lanikai posted on 03/29/2006

Come to Hawaii, spend yer money in our overdeveloped Waikiki and enjoy our yellow, smelly brown water.


christiki295 posted on 03/30/2006

10 million gallons of raw sewage - that stinks!

Particularly when Honolulu had notice of the risk based upon a lawsuit filed by the Sierra Club in 1994.

Have the City fathers destroyed paradise?

lanikai posted on 03/30/2006

On 2006-03-29 17:00, christiki295 wrote:
10 million gallons of raw sewage - that stinks!


Have the City fathers destroyed paradise?

well, this is the effect, though they will justify each and every act toward this end.
The almighty dallah rules.
Shortsighted planning is the way of life here, along with blameshifting and excuse making when da kaka hit da airconditioning unit.

This IS... a third world country.

lanikai posted on 03/30/2006

Oh, yea. yer visiting in April?
be ready for cold weather, snow. (yea snow) in addition to da aforementioned poopoo in da wattah.


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