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ikitnrev in Portland, March 2

Pages: 1 6 replies


I will be in the Portland area for work (2 days only), and am currently planning on having dinner/drinks at the Jasmine Tree on Thursday evening, March 2. Are there any Portlanders who would be interested in joining me?

In case you haven't seen it, I just posted an update on the Jasmine Tree here ... this might be my last chance to experience it.



Hmmm...fund-raising dinner for daughters' school that night, or tiki drinks with you? What to do, what to do? Dang, I'll have to take a pass. Hopefully some of the other Portland tikis can join you.

Alibi! Skip the tree -

Alibi! is where it's at !!


I have already been to both the Jasmine Tree and the Alibi. Because my stay in Portland is so short, I thought I would start off Thursday at the Jasmine Tree. I also prefer the Jasmine Tree's mai-tais, and considering the place may disappear in a year or two, I thought I better patronize that location while I can.

I might then stop off at the Alibi afterwards.



I may be available to meet up at the Jasmine Tree on the 2nd, if others are.


I'm way behind on my posts and missed this one until today. Any chance you're still in Portland and up for a drink at Alibi tonight (Friday the 3rd)? I'll be going by after work. If you get this message in time, head over around 6 or 6:30 and ask the bartender for Mark - he'll know me (they all do). Hope I get a chance to see you!



I knew I should have stayed one more day in Portland. Unfortunately, I had scheduled an early Friday morning flight home to the East Coast - so I missed both the Alibi, and the new Velvet painting museum. There is a fair chance that I will be returning in Aug/Sept timeframe, and I'll try to stay longer then.


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