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Sometimes its good to be the only Tikiphile amongst friends

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Bargoyle posted on 02/24/2006

Got a package today from friends of our in New Hampshire. While going thru an inheritance they got, they spotted these and immediately removed them from the Good Will pile and sent em to me, knowing I'd give them a loving home.

As far as they know, they were bought in New Zealand in the early 70's.

Beautiful Maori...nickle there to show size

And this guy weighs a ton!!!

So, thats my latest score. And just in time for my birthday!! Happy tiki to me!

pappythesailor posted on 02/24/2006

Crack 'em open and see what's inside!

Bargoyle posted on 02/24/2006

I' afraid of what I might find! Those damn boots are freaking me out enough. These might have the feet!

Tikisgrl posted on 02/24/2006

Great "Finds" the Maori is super!!! No more cracking things open, my heart can't stand the excitement!!! I'm still laughing out loud and annoying the neighbors!!


Tikiwahine posted on 02/24/2006

Love the maori one! The other one looks really heavy! Tiki room doorstop? Or napkin paperweight on the bar?

I haven't seen a full bodied maori one like that before.
It would look awesome mounted on some type of fabric, framed up with a monkeyman frame!

I hate to be a party pooper, but the marble one is really Aztec (or some other Central American culture).

The Maori one is really cool though! Don't bust it open!


Bargoyle posted on 02/24/2006

Yeah, I thought the marble one looked Aztec or Incan. But what the heck, we dont discriminate in my bar. If the gods of Bali, Rapa Nui, Hawaii, The Marquesas, etc, etc can all get along, whats one more? Or do think all these Island gods will pick on the Mainlander?

I better seperate them just in case! heh heh

Tikiwahine posted on 02/24/2006

You could call him Chief Itchy Bum and place him in the center of a pond or water feature.

That would be his punishment for not being part of the island ohana - he must become an island.

Bargoyle posted on 02/24/2006

Lol, I love it. Now I've got even MORE of an excuse to add a fountain to the bar!!!

"Chief Itchy Bum" heh heh.... My wahine has actually called me that.

And once, when i had a stomache flu, she called me "Sir Poops-a-lot"...but perhaps I'm sharing a bit too much.

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