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Ever wonder what's INSIDE those resin tikis? (pics)

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Whats inside those things?? I found out the hard way!!

First, a warning to all of the Ohana in colder climates. Extreme cold makes those resin tikis brittle brittle brittle!

I figured they were perfect for our New England winters. I could keep 'em outside year round and not have to worry. Oops!

Well, we had a real cold spell last week (went below 0 degrees Fahrenheit) and there were wind gusts up to 40 mph to boot!!

The wind knocked this guy over (he was only dug in about 3 or 4 inches) and he snapped like a twig.

I brought him inside to see if maybe he could be reapired....

and while trying to balance the top back on, I noticed something PINK wedged deep inside his base...

I gotta admit, I was IMMEDIATELY freaked out. I jumped back, almost dropping the top half, and then slowly re-approached the base, peering inside from as far away as I could. I thought maybe it was some sort of animal, or nest full of baby animals or something along those lines.....as the shape took focus, my thoughts turned even darker...

"what is that??!?!"

"Oh my god, its like that movie House Of Wax"

"I think there's part of a PERSON in there!!!!"

I guess I watch too many horror movies, but when the zombie horde attacks (the ones who don't come in cocktail glasses) I'll be ready for em!!!!

Here's what it was...

It STILL pretty freaky to me!

Pink resin boots?!?!?!

I guess it was from some other resin statue, but why the hell is it in my tiki!??!?!!?

Or maybe its the pink nubbed boots of some elf who got too close to the resin machine?

I'm open to other ideas if anyone has 'em ........conspiracy theories welcome.

Kono posted on Thu, Feb 23, 2006 5:53 PM

Just glue it back together. Get on with your life and pretend you didn't see anything. OK? It's better that way....

If you do good you'll hear from me one more time. If you do bad you'll hear from me two more times...

[ Edited by: Kono 2006-02-23 17:56 ]


LOL As long as that freaky backward talking midget doesn't pop out of it, everything is cooooool.

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2006-02-23 19:17 ]

Perhaps the real question that was answered is, "What do tikis eat when nobody is looking?"


Neighbor missing a garden gnome?


The Trojan Tiki ~ the Strawberry Shortcake embryo implanted inside was discovered before her insidious plan could be carried out...


I'm spending a little too much time looking at the picture... But that is too strange? LOL, neighbor missing a Garden Gnome!!! Glue it back together and forget you ever saw what's inside...

Well it's official we now know what tiki's are made of or perhaps not? Maybe this was a rebel cannibal tiki and it ate it's creator?

There's no way I could keep that thing in my house after seeing those pink boots inside. It would give me the willies.


The donor sperm was a male pink booth?????and he?/ she? was carrying twins???

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-02-23 19:23 ]


At least now I know where where my daughter's dolls might be when they go missing. Perhaps resin tikis require a steady diet of plastic and feed on Barbies night...




That is the weirdest, CREEPIEST thing I have seen in months and months and weeks.

You should just throw that tiki away! Something is wrong with it~!!!!!

I wouldn't take chances. Keeping that thing around is a bad idea.

Err on the side of caution. You can always get another one that doesn't have the voodoo on it.


On 2006-02-23 19:14, ookoo lady wrote:
There's no way I could keep that thing in my house after seeing those pink boots inside. It would give me the willies.

I didn't get REALLY scared until I heard those mysterious footsteps last night.......

That's really frightening! And kind of cool, too bad it didn't have little bits of tiki inside it.


No way you can get rid of it!!! What a great conversation piece. Hey guess what's inside of my Tiki? It ate a Gnome & this is all that's left!!!

Foot steps he he he...

Send him to me! I won't be creeped out at all.


Oh man, now it's gonna kill me to not know what exactly lurks inside mine!

On 2005-05-15 10:43, badmojo wrote:
As I was loading it into the trunk I noticed there must be a fist sized hunk of resin inside, rattling around.

Tiki at The Christmas Tree Shops Thread


Crack it open mojo!!! Maybe you got the head?


Your tiki ate a 1960's go-go chick, and all that remains is her pink boots! It makes sense - 60's go-go chicks cannot stand freezing weather without a warm coat and other winter accesories, and neither could your tiki!

My opinion is that good things usually occur when go-go chicks and tikis intermingle. Maybe not for the 60's go-go chick in this case (the details of the intermingling recipe are still being tweaked), but generally, the outcome is a good one. Field testing in winter conditions are still necessary.

Here is the story of what evils can occur, when pink boots exist, with neither tikis or 60's go-go chicks around to counter the evil forces.


GET IT OUT.....OUT.....out of the house.....NOW!!!

(Perhaps a call to the resin tiki manufacturer is in order.)

So, what do you think is in yours mojo? Are you going to make a small hole and check it out?


Are you sure the boots are resin? Maybe some little girl was murdered and the murderer was a resin tiki maker and thought it would be clever to get rid of the evidence that way. You may have uncovered crime evidence. That hollow could also be the reason your tiki broke, not because of the temperature or weather. Maybe normally those tikis are solid inside, but somebody hollowed it out for ulterior motives and thereby unnaturally weakened it. I agree: none of that sounds good. It would make for a great Hardy Boys adventure though: "The Case of the Hollow Tiki."

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-02-24 05:29 ]

That is really weird. Maybe not the weirdest thing ever, but pretty darn close. I like the idea that it's the result of a tiki eating something. Sort of like how owls poop out rodent bones and other undigestible bits. Whatever your tiki ate, the boots are all that's left. Maybe they were a bit too big to pass?
The hollow body is pretty strange, though. I am fascinated/abhorred by the idea that the boots could be murder evidence. I don't know if there's any way to check that.
Weird. I wonder what the guy was thinking when those went in there-- maybe something along the lines of "Ha, if this thing ever cracks in cold weather, someone's gonna be really creeped out!"


Whew!!! that's just a picture you took of a broken tiki. Christ, I thought for a second it was a screen shot of my latest colonoscopy.

Kicking it up to 50% bran fiber, first thing tomorrow a.m.,


...or maybe the murderer decomposed the little girl's body in a big vat of resin. They used to use horse parts to make glue, you know. Maybe in somebody else's tiki you'll find her rain coat, in another her gloves. And maybe, Bargoyle, HER FEET ARE STILL INSIDE THOSE BOOTS! God, this line of thought is creeping me out...


Cut it out mbonga!!! I'm a paranoid freak enough without you egging me on.

Great...now I gotta go stick my fingers in the boots to make sure there's no foot in there! Thanks....thanks alot.

I would think all you'd have to do is smell to determine if there are any feet in there.

Unless of course, they are coated in resin.


That's it. I can't look at this post anymore if I want to sleep at night.


Can you guys cut it out already? I'm heading to the Mai Kai tomorrow and now I'm going to be holding my kids close and saying "stay away from the tikis". Fortunately, no resin tikis there. But what about the one in my backyard?!? OMG!!


What happened to Baby Jane? The mystery is solved.

I see a stellar eBay opportunity here...

Should rank up there with the ghost in a jar and the haunted baby doll, dontcha think?

Well, I was thinking about it, and this is what I came up with. It's probably not the answer, but it's my only guess. Just an idea.

It's a hollow tiki made of resin. Easy to topple. Perhaps the boots are made of a heavier material like porcelain, and they were put down in the bottom of the tiki, to weight the bottom down?

Anyone watch "Lost"? The Virgin Mary statues? I think Bargoyle has stumbled upon a "minature-pink-bootie-smuggling-ring"!

It is ok as long as it is not filled with bits of Benzart tikis!

I read somewhere that Jimmy Hoffa wore pink boots. Hmmmm. Where is Leonard Nimoy when ya need him?


Well, the boots are definately resin...and no feet inside them. They seem to be a pretty thin resin, so I dont think they're adding any weight to the base to keep it upright. And I don't see how they could add support to the outer walls, so I'm really at a loss for WHY they're in there!!

I might have to "accidentally" knock over the display of these next time I see them...see if anything is inside the others...I need to know!!!!!

Its not good to let my paranoid mind wander.... I'm already starting to think that maybe it was some super toxic batch of resin, and rather than dispose of it properly (and expensively) they just hacked the pieces of the tainted statues up and threw them inside the other stuff they were making......

....and now poison gas is slowly being released inside my house.... with mutagenic effects that will turn me into some sort of pink-booted melted-plastic man-thing!!!.....Oh man.....I've gone & freaked myself out again. Ok, it's going in the garage until spring.


This is pretty weird. It reminds me of a couple of things. First-Years ago where I worked we had this part-time guy who was in seminary school to become a preacher. He grew up on a farm and he told a story about his father putting in a new fence around a pasture. He was digging post holes and I guess they were a couple of feet deep. In one hole he found a childs boot! (Not one of his own kids boots). It creeped him out so much that instead of investigating further, he filled in the hole and went on. Second- My grandfather had a car that had a mysterious rattle in a fender. He never knew what caused it until a fender bender sent it to a repair shop where they found a small wrench that must have been lost by a worker in the assembly plant. The mechanic who found it said he had heard of people finding a bunch of empty beer cans placed inside car doors by auto workers hiding the evidence of drinking on the job.
So my weak theory is this: someone in the production facility is making the tikis and a buddy of his from across the building comes over and asks him to hide the evidence from stuff he breaks on the job. This weird find of yours is nothing but a couple of workers hiding their poor work production or horseplay from their boss so they don't lose their jobs. I have met quite a few of these types of guys over the years so I would bet my resin tiki on an explanation like this (if I had one). I suggest that since you have this guy cut in half, fill the inside with a bit of concrete to keep it from falling over again and this will also cover up the mystery boots. Then glue him back together and never speak of it again. Good luck.

Remember where the WB frog came from!

Lost-Isle Trading Post
Barefoot bloggin'


Another possible theory.

Maybe the tiki was OK up until that night. But two people got lost in the blizzard while walking home from the bars. They start arguing, and in a drunken rage, one picks up your tiki and smashes it over the others head, knocking the person unconscious. Thinking he has just committed murder, and in a drunken, illogical act of reasoning, decides to hide the body and the evidence. The pink boots are so bright, that he decides he must get rid of them first. He takes the pink boots off, and tries to stuff them away in some hiding place - and the nearest thing is the now broken tiki.

After stuffing the boots in the tiki, the other person starts moaning and then wakes up ... and because they are still drunk, they both decide to scamper away as fast as they can out of there - even though one is now wearing only wool socks on their feet.

Perhaps in a couple of days, you will hear a knock on your door, and when you answer, a disheveled person with a tiki-shaped depression still embedded in their forehead will ask 'Say, you wouldn't have happened to see a pair of pink boots lying around, would you?'

I think I've watched too many Twilight Zone episodes as a child.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2006-02-24 18:00 ]


On 2006-02-24 06:48, Bargoyle wrote:
Cut it out mbonga!!!

OK, but you haven't heard my radiation theory yet. As you know, nuclear processing facilities dispose of enormous amounts of radioactive material, including all the clothing worn by the those who handle such materials. But since the disposal of hazardous materials is so costly, this attracts organized crime, which offers to dispose of hazardous materials at bargain prices. Those organizations then dump the untreated waste in unsafe places such as landfills or using other methods, and make huge profits. You may also have heard of the theory that the reason water is fluoridated is that fluorine is deadly so the secret solution for disposal was to dispose of it a little at a time in public drinking water, under the pretext that fluoridated water helps to prevent cavities. Well, then, put two and two together. Those resin tikis may all contain dangerous radioactive or toxic clothing that is being illegally disposed of, and even being near them could cause radiation sickness or genetic damage. What appears to be resin could actually be radiation hardened rubber: boots made stiff due to prolonged exposure to dangerous levels of radiation. That would also explain the strange melted protrusions on those boots. Bargoyle, YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE RADIATION SICKNESS. And all areas of your house and garden where that tiki stood could also now be radioactive.

Worse, since you've publicly acknowledged your discovery with photographic proof, you're now a potential target by organized crime, who of course will have to silence anyone connected with your discovery, and remember: they're highly connected, and they can track you down with ease. Not only yourself but everyone you know could now be at risk.

OK, I'll stop now. Just a theory, anyway. Have a nice weekend. :)

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-02-24 18:58 ]

Judy Garland's illegitimate son is working in a sweat shop in Shanghai since he was captured at the Chosin Reservoir in 1950. His only hope of rescue is to put red slippers in everything he sends to America in hopes that someone will crack the code and get him out.


OK, before I went ahead and cracked mine open, I thought I would take a closer look at Bargoyle's pics. If you zoom in a bit, it almost looks like the boots are attached to a base of some sort. But I also like mbonga's Toxic Waste theory.

(Thanks Mach!)


On 2006-02-24 19:35, badmojo wrote:
If you zoom in a bit, it almost looks like the boots are attached to a base of some sort.

That's no base, that's an EGG SHELL!

Until now we've assumed the reason the tiki was lying on its side is that the wind blew it over. But maybe instead of something outside knocking it over, maybe what was inside was struggling to get OUT. Whatever it was, though, it's gone now and probably hiding out in the next largest nearby structure... :)

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-02-24 20:35 ]


*On 2006-02-24 20:31, mbonga wrote:*maybe what was inside was struggling to get OUT.

I'm now picturing the Terror Dogs from Ghostbusters


Thats it. I'm raising the house alert to DEATHWATCH PLAID!!

It should be ok though, I've quarantined the tiki in a garbage bag. That'll prevent any radiation or spirits from escaping right? right?

hewey posted on Sat, Feb 25, 2006 3:57 AM

Thats kinda weird. Do you reckon there are people with tikis in there little cermaic dolls?

On 2006-02-24 10:28, procinema29 wrote:
It's a hollow tiki made of resin. Easy to topple. Perhaps the boots are made of a heavier material like porcelain, and they were put down in the bottom of the tiki, to weight the bottom down?

That was my theory too. Maybe the boots were a defective casting, and the manufacturer didn't know how else to get rid of them.


I was hoping Bargoyle was going to tell us there was a note inside the boots that read: "Ha ha! Made ya look!" Kind of like those microscopic messages on computer chips that the chip designers expect no one to ever read, but are intended to blow people's minds if they ever do.

I wonder if the boots-in-a-tiki thing is like some kind of weird fortune cookie? The metaphorical significance of boots escapes me, however. And breaking open tikis is a rather expensive and wasteful way to read one's fortune. :)

You should buy a plastic skeleton that's proportionate to the boots and place it in there...then tell people your tiki gets loose sometimes and feeds on its own...


Great..thanks a lot.now I am sitting looking at my Tiki idol wondering if there's something inside?? I'm really tempted to now to drill a long hole to see whats on the dril bit...decayed...foot flesh..lolol. You know..I showed this to my wife..now's she's sort of freaked out about our idol now. Only because we have a baby boy about the foot size of those boots...?? I'm not an expert on Tiki God idol folklore..but does anyone know what Tiki GOd that is...LOve God..Harvest God..you know..which God is it ?? LIve life well..

Spooked out..BOYAKA

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