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The Mysterious Molokai Mule Mug

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the75stingray posted on 01/30/2003

Although decisively NOT Tiki, I found a Daga mug at the thrift store yesterday and, for .32 cents, I could not pass it up.

It is dark brown and shaped like a crock-pot for beans. It has a comical donkey inside a horseshoe on one side and the Sheridan logo on the other.

I noticed that there are two listed on Ebay, which tells me that they are not that hard to come by – however, this is the first time I’ve ever seen one in my neck-of-the-woods.

For once, I have done my search engine thing: I know there are tons of hits for “Molokai Mule” tours. But does anyone know if there is a drink named for this mug and, if so, what’s in it? How is it?


MauiTiki posted on 01/31/2003

It was probably sold as a souvenir and used for coffee. But don't take it from me. e-mail Roy M. Horner and ask him yourself. muleman@aloha.net
He's been running the Mule Rides on Molokai for years.

the75stingray posted on 01/31/2003

Maui- Thanks! I'll give that a try.
Much appreciated!

PolynesianPop posted on 01/31/2003

Why don't you just call Daga directly and just ask them? Here's their contact info:

Daga Restaurant Supply
500 Alakawa Street #220
Honolulu, HI 96817

Good Luck.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-01-31 07:55 ]

Alnshely posted on 01/31/2003

I always thought A molokai Mule was a riff on the Moscow Mule.

Moscow Mule:
3 OZ Vodka
Juice of half lime
chilled ginger beer
slice of lime
Pour lime juice and Vodka into a chilled collins glass over ice cubes. fill with ginger beer and garnish.
(from "International Bartenders Guide")

I thought the "Molokai Mule" would be made with Oke Or Rum, instead of Vodka, something like that. I looked in my bartending library and my online bar resources and came up with nada.

Notice where the Sheraton logo is. Not very dignified. It looks like a horse apple.

the75stingray posted on 02/03/2003

You know, I never thought about contacting Daga direct...although I would doubt that they would have taken the time to locate, much less tell me, what was in a Molokai Mule.

Unlike Al! Thanks bubba! I think I'll have to find some Ginger Beer and give this a try.
We kinda thought a Mule would be a coffee type drink..I don't know why. Maybe the style of the mug, maybe the sound or imagined taste...But Vodka & Ginger Beer?
(I don't even know what a ginger beer is! But I'll find out.)

I could not find a mix recipes anywhere for this.

And yep, that looks just like my mug with the logo and everything. Like I said, not Tiki, by any means, but goes with the theme.

To Al and everyone else, thanks! We very much appreciate the info.


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