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Bamboo Bar at CostCo

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Angry Tiki posted on 01/07/2003

shopping at the local CostCo this weekend and came across a bamboo bar for sale. I couldn't see the front because it was pushed up against a bunch of boxes and there wasn't enough room to turn it around.
It was around $300-$400.
Just looking at the back, it would serve its purpose if you didn't have a lot of room for a bar. Also with a little dressing up, it would make a pretty good tiki bar.


Kailuageoff posted on 01/28/2003

I saw this bar at our local Costco warehouse on Sunday. Is has a matted top that is about 5 feet long and rounded at both ends. The front and edges are done in rattan and it has shelves on each end, with two small drawers and shelves inside. The rattan bar stools were prety nice too. Overall, I thought it was a good setup for about $375.

Formikahini posted on 01/28/2003

...and I checked it out in Texas. There are none to come, ever!

Their computer said they were $360 in most states, and $380 in Hawaii! (I love the idea of exporting THESE to Hawaii!)

More: It's called "Nevada Bamboo Bar Set", with the stock number of 601206, in case you're on the hunt.

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2003-01-28 11:53 ]

TikiPhil posted on 02/24/2006
teaKEY posted on 02/25/2006

That above link, **just saw them setting one up like it at Target and its three hundred. **. This is like the first one I have ever seen in a store and its got me thinking. It also has that your outdoors feel.

TikiPhil posted on 02/25/2006

The huge price difference is due to the fact that Target's is made of PVC and the 2 from Costco are real bamboo.

Kono posted on 02/25/2006

I bought one of the Target bars and it is 100% bamboo. No PVC whatsoever. If it was PVC it would've been a hell of a lot easier to put together.

My friend told me that she thinks the Target "bamboo" bar stools were made of an artificial material. I didn't check 'em out as I already had bar stools.

rugbymatt posted on 02/26/2006

I just picked one up at the Target all the way up here in Allentown, PA. I also felt compleled to buy the bamboo look firepit. Gotta agree about the stools, a wee bit on the flimsy side. The bar itself looks top notch though. The only question is when will the last snows hit up here so I can put the bar together and get crackin withthe mai tais.

teaKEY posted on 02/26/2006

I thnk that bar would look good in your house. In the mean time, set it up now and transport later. 365 days of tiki

rugbymatt posted on 02/26/2006

teaKEY, Mahalo. That's an excellent point, gotta live in the now. I will have to put the bar assembly off until next week as I am heading off to Germany for work tomorrow afternoon. The good news is I will be in Berlin on Friday night and have made plans to check out the new Tabou Tiki Room there (will probably hit the Vic's too). As soon as I get back though, I am on it. I may as well get it ready for my big bash on St. Pat's (green mai-tai's anyone?).

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