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Reissue news: Les Baxter's TAMBOO!

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rupe33 posted on 02/11/2006

One of my favorite music blogs, ROCKOVERGRACELAND, reveals the news that TAMBOO! is going to be reissued by a company called "Universe Italy." It's listed on Amazon already, and indications are there will be 7 bonus tracks. I noted that the cover appears to be a different one than the one which came in my 2-fer CD where this is paired with Skins! Oddly it appears an actual photo has been subbed for the painting on the cover. The photo is in stark contrast to the lettering... I'm not sure why they'd do this:

Here's a link to the article:

CD Universe has a track listing up -- looks like 4 songs have been added to the 3 on the Skins! reissue:


Jeff Central posted on 02/11/2006

Well, it's always nice to see Les Baxter's work rereleased but in this case the only thing "new" is the cover, which I like by the way. As mentioned this album was recently released by the Collectables label with Skins!. As far as the so called "bonus" tracks, how many times do we need "April in Portugal" and "The Poor People of Paris"? Why don't they release the album that started it all "Ritual of the Savage"? This is the album that still has not seen a legitimate reissue. Oh well, at least we got a new cover.

Cheers and Mahalo,

hodadhank posted on 02/12/2006

What was wrong with the old cover?

BryanDeanMartin posted on 03/01/2006

[ Edited by: BryanDeanMartin 2017-12-11 14:14 ]

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