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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

My Latest Tiki Drawing

Pages: 1 12 replies

PockyTiki posted on 03/01/2006

Hey guys, i just made this drawing today while sitting in on an art class. So i decided to draw a tiki in a tropical local. Enjoy

PockyTiki posted on 03/01/2006

oh and um, sorry about the blurriness of it.

Benzart posted on 03/02/2006

Looks Great Pocky. Your first one was fine too, I just wanted a bit more ZAZZ!

PockyTiki posted on 03/02/2006

Again i apologize for not meeting your approval. I'll put in a little bit more life into the next drawing.

Tikiwahine posted on 03/02/2006

Great drawing pocky!
I especially like the tiny little tikis, as well as the sway of the palms.

PockyTiki posted on 03/02/2006

hehe, thanks bruddah. I was merely bored at the current time and this is what came out. Tikis are my favorite thing to draw now lol.

Benzart posted on 03/02/2006

Pocky, you Definitely met my approval, I just thiought you were holding back and I wanted it All. You can do some awesome work, we want to see it.

hewey posted on 03/02/2006

Looks cool, has a good vibe to it. You gotta show us what happens when sit down to specifically MAKE somehting, not just filling in the hours.

PockyTiki posted on 03/02/2006

you wanna see some stuff to my full potential? I won't specifically show the pictures in here (In efforts to try and NOT get myself yelled at) so i'll just post the links to some of my various other drawings.
oh, and just to throw in one of my many comics:

PockyTiki posted on 03/02/2006

oops...i accidently showed that last picture. Sorry mods, don't beat me up. :(

hewey posted on 03/02/2006

Sweet sketches! Looking forward to seeing some more tiki sketches :)

Bete posted on 03/02/2006

Cool tiki picture at the top of this thread and funny cartoon below it, good stuff.

PockyTiki posted on 03/02/2006

glad you all approve of my art work. Today i drew some mini tikis on the top of some paper, so i'll be sure to post em up here shortly. aloha!

Pages: 1 12 replies