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Strange ebay auction

Pages: 1 4 replies

laney posted on 01/29/2003

Found this in a search for bar stools. I hope this is my sons father, then I may get some child support...or not.


Tiki_Bong posted on 01/29/2003


If you're having problems with child support, contact the OC District Atty's office.

Some time in the cooler may assist him in making the decision to do the right thing.

laney posted on 01/29/2003

Ummm, done that, also retained an attorney and have been to court, several times. He's bounced checks to the district atty. and they take the money from me???!!! He owes me well over $10,000 (and he makes 6 figures+). That could buy a lot of tikis-or pay the mortgage! Last time I laid eyes on the deadbeat was years ago, in the strip club where I waitress, when I first started working there. Now I know where my child support goes. I had the giant bouncer kick his ass out.
You can't polish a turd....
Wow! so off topic but I feel better.

Tiki Rider posted on 01/29/2003

Sorry to hear that...dead beats like that give single/divorced dads a bad rap.
I cant imagine ever doing that to your child.

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/04/2003

Wow...saw your picture on member photos...you're gorgeous, Laney, (I mean that respectfully, of course, being a married man)...as for the asshole "Der are guys you can get to...you know, make problems like dis go away.......Dey can do, certain tings to persuade"... :)

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