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Tiki Central / California Events

House Industires lectures in LA

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freddiefreelance posted on 03/06/2006

House Industries, makers of Tiki/Hot Rod/Mid-Century Modern computer fonts, are hosting lectures in LA today & tomorrow:


California Lecture Dates

Whether you’re sitting in a traffic jam on the 405 or need to pick up USB cable so you avoid the latest BTCW0051 Bluetooth virus, a sure bet for early week entertainment would be to stop at one of these two LA Basin Apple Store locations. Some comments from past attendees of House Industries lectures: “I needed a place to plug in and check my email and this dude was up there talking ,” and “I’m getting my credit card out now to buy some House Industries fonts because I’m so inspired.”

Apple Store Santa Monica
Monday, March 6, 6:00 p.m.
1248 Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica

Apple Store The Grove
Tuesday, March 7, 7:00 p.m.
189 The Grove Drive, Los Angeles

Posted Feb 22, 04:31 PM by Rich Roat in Events

tikiracer posted on 03/06/2006

these guys rock - I've got their book. It's a beautifully designed book full of beautifully designed work.

To quote a famous english wordsmith: B Matthews


Humuhumu posted on 03/06/2006

Don't miss them! We went to a lecture that Andy Cruz gave last year at the Art Center in Pasadena, and it was fantastic, really inspirational, if you're into fonts & graphic design. There was plenty of tiki to be seen in the presentation, too, as these guys went through a big tiki phase. I'll move this to Tiki Events, since this talk will likely have some tiki, too.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 03/07/2006

these guys are from my area still. Apparently Andy has been collecting tiki mugs since highschool (he's my age and I'm 37 ) never seen his collection but heard it's large .He's a friend of a friend have to try to get a sneak at his mugs .

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