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What is left... by the art coach...03/09/06

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theartcoach posted on 02/11/2006

I thought I would post these here before putting them on ebay.

These are wheel thrown, hand carved tiki mugs by me. They are approxamately 4" tall and 3" wide and hold 6-8 oz each. I have had a time with pricing them b/c it is hard to compared them with a mass produced mugs. So lets say $10 plus actual shipping. PM or email me your choice, send you address and I will calculate shipping. Otherwise I will but these on ebay Sunday evening after 8 pm EST.

The Greenie Meanie Mug $10

Choco-Lono Mug $10

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time ~ Jean Cocteau

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-03-09 20:33 ]

theartcoach posted on 02/14/2006

Three Florescent tiki would look really good in someones bar...esp if you have a black light. Florescent acrylic on muslin. measures 18" X 36.5" I would let it go here for $60 plus tube shipping....or....I will list on ebay after 8 pm on wednesday night. PM or email [email protected]

Thanks for looking

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time ~ Jean Cocteau

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-02-14 05:01 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 02/14/2006

I like the colours you chose for your mugs, very traditional and 'old school'. Nice work! I especially like the green one.

theartcoach posted on 02/16/2006

4 new mugs...all are wheel thrown, hand carved tiki mugs by me. PM or Email questions [email protected] $15 plus actual shipping. send your address and I will calculate shipping. Otherwise I will but these on ebay Saturday evening after 8 pm EST.

Choco-Lono 2
4" tall X 3" wide
textured around

4.25" tall X 3.5" wide
one sided

Pygme Mug
4.75" tall X 3.5" wide
textured around

Greenie Meanie 2
4.25" tall X 3" wide
textured around

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time ~ Jean Cocteau

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-02-16 11:50 ]

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-02-16 13:42 ]

kingstiedye posted on 02/24/2006

aloha coach. i got the mugs today. i really dig them. mahalo! i hope i can score a pygme someday.

Tiki-Kate posted on 02/25/2006

On 2006-02-23 19:34, kingstiedye wrote:
i hope i can score a pygme someday.

Someday will be in about 3 to 5 days.

(Thanks again for the paddle sucker.)


theartcoach posted on 03/06/2006

It has been a while...but life can get in the way of art. I had a lady total my car this past tuesday...well you know how that can be.

anyway...five new mugs below and I have 3 mugs and a special one on the way this week.

all are wheel thrown, hand carved and food safe tiki mugs by me. PM or Email questions [email protected] Price listed plus shipping. send your address and I will calculate shipping. Thanks for your interest.

Big Green Warrior
5.5" tall X 3.5" wide
16 oz

Pygme Mug #2
5" tall X 3.5" wide
10-12 oz

Pygme Mug #3
4.75" tall X 3.25" wide
10-12 oz

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time ~ Jean Cocteau

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-03-06 16:26 ]

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-03-09 20:32 ]

PockyTiki posted on 03/06/2006

interesting. I Suck at wheel throwing. I prefer just sitting down and carving stuff out. Such as the masks i do. Oh fyi, go to my site if u wanna see em.

Tikiwahine posted on 03/06/2006

Damn, I keep missing the pretty green ones.

theartcoach posted on 03/10/2006

Here is what is left this week...email me at [email protected] if you are interested. all are wheel thrown, hand carved and food safe tiki mugs by me. Price listed plus shipping. send your address and I will calculate shipping. Thanks for your interest.

Pygme Mug Tan
5" tall X 3.5" wide
12-14 oz

Pygme Mug #1
5" tall X 3.5" wide
12-14 oz

Big Gulp Warrior
6.5" tall X 4.5" wide
32 oz

Choco-Lono 4
4.25" tall X 3" wide
8-10 oz

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time ~ Jean Cocteau

[ Edited by: theartcoach 2006-03-14 20:14 ]

aikiman44 posted on 03/11/2006

Hey! Got my pygmy, fast. Very cool.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/16/2006

I love my green warrior.
I finally christened him on Friday, and he is such a joy to use

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