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anyone live in connecticut? i found something cool

Pages: 1 9 replies

fatuhiva posted on 12/16/2002

i was in an antique mall the other day and saw an orange djinn chair (2-seater) for a measly $150.

the djinn chair is a french 60's design that was featured throughout stanley kubrick's

2001: A Space Odyssey

i would have bought that baby if i had the means to get it home- if youre in the area, you may want to check it out- reply if you live in the area and ill give ya directions


[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2002-12-15 23:39 ]

Trader_Rick posted on 12/16/2002

Man, I wish I lived in Connecticut! Er, and had $150. 2001 is my favorite movie of all time. I always thought everything in the movie was made spcifically for the film.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 12/16/2002

If I lived anywhere close, I would scoop that baby up quick.
$150 is a totally smokin deal!
Deals like that do not happen in my neck of the woods.

aquarj posted on 12/17/2002

fatuhiva, could you email me the details / directions for this? kapu@mindspring.com

I actually dig those chairs personally, but even more appropriately, I have a friend Dennis who's a 2001 superfan and who has been coveting those chairs for a long time, but never found any within his budget. He's maintained a 2001 website for years, had an ongoing communication with Arthur C. Clarke, contributed artifacts and models for a museum exhibit, commissioned re-creations of the original costumes, and on and on. So I'd really love to see him get a shot at those chairs. Incidentally, his website is http://www.2001exhibit.org, and his email is elusive94401@yahoo.com. If it worked out, it would probably make his year.


fatuhiva posted on 12/17/2002

ok im sending you an email-

he sounds like a fellow 2001 fan- he'll love the chair, since it was definitely in the film, in a memorable scene- this is a must for a 2001 fan, although it would be better if it was red, but the cotton fabric zips off, so its possible it could be dyed. it could use a light cleaning, but its in nice shape- its a two seater with sidearms.

ive seen that site before and really liked it- he def deserves that thing!

[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2002-12-16 20:23 ]

johnnievelour posted on 12/18/2002

I have always wanted to do a 2001 bedroom. Including a giant monolith at the foot of the bed.
The kitchen would be blue like in Wierd Science. All other rooms, tiki.

fatuhiva posted on 12/18/2002

hahaha yeah me too! but i figured it would be pretty difficult getting the lighting to come up from the floor rather than the ceiling.

You can, however, get the 2001 Jensen flatware from the MOMA store.

Hey, BTW- Your pad in "PAD" was my personal fave- I've got a collection of Tackett eggheads too

Caber-Net posted on 02/05/2003

I don't usually have time to read "Collecting Tiki" or I would have responded sooner.
I do live in CT and if anyone needs me to pick this up for them let me know. Our state is so small it can't be more than an hour in any direction to get it. You can send me the address I'd like to check out the antiques anyway. eagleson@att.net

dmprdctns posted on 02/25/2009

I happened across your posting re: the 2001 bjin chair.
Do you happen to know if it is available?
Can you refer me to where it might be got, if it is?
Thanks so much!
Maybe I can reciprocate... If you see something on my webisite, I'll try to get you it.
Best to You...
David R. Maier

On 2002-12-15 23:36, fatuhiva wrote:
i was in an antique mall the other day and saw an orange djinn chair (2-seater) for a measly $150.

the djinn chair is a french 60's design that was featured throughout stanley kubrick's

2001: A Space Odyssey

i would have bought that baby if i had the means to get it home- if youre in the area, you may want to check it out- reply if you live in the area and ill give ya directions


[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2002-12-15 23:39 ]

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/25/2009

On 2009-02-24 20:13, dmprdctns wrote:
I happened across your posting re: the 2001 bjin chair.
Do you happen to know if it is available?
Can you refer me to where it might be got, if it is?
Thanks so much!
Maybe I can reciprocate... If you see something on my webisite, I'll try to get you it.
Best to You...
David R. Maier

On 2002-12-15 23:36, fatuhiva wrote:
i was in an antique mall the other day and saw an orange djinn chair (2-seater) for a measly $150.

the djinn chair is a french 60's design that was featured throughout stanley kubrick's

2001: A Space Odyssey

i would have bought that baby if i had the means to get it home- if youre in the area, you may want to check it out- reply if you live in the area and ill give ya directions


[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2002-12-15 23:39 ]

Uhhh...that post is like 6 years old. I'm thinking the chair is prolly gone. But welcome to Tiki Central!

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