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Female in Bay Area for Tiki Brainstorm

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I am in need of a female fan of Tiki Mugs for a Tiki Brainstorm session. You must live in the Bay Area and be able to attend on Wednesday the 26th from 7:30 til 10pm.

If interested please fill out the below questionaire and e-mail it to me at: [email protected]

Thanks1 XOXo Baby Doe

  1. Would you say you are a:
  • Advance Tiki Mug Collector (over 100)
  • Medium Tiki Mug Collector (50+)
  • Just starting out /or have less then 50 mugs
  • Totally into this but do not have the $$ to be a collector of Tiki Mugs
  • Collect other things then Tiki Mugs
  • other
  1. Do you buy coffee table books (such as The Book of Tiki, Pad)
  • Often (I want to own almost all coffee table books in existence)
  • On occasion (if it is a subject that I like)
  • rarely (I like to look at them in the store but never purchase them!)
  • Give them or get them as gifts only
  • other
  1. What is your age?

  2. What is your occupation?

  3. Where do you live?

  4. Are you mainly into the Tiki 'scene' or do you consider yourself more into other 'scenes'?
    i.e. you are into rockabilly, mod, ceramic collector, just a big gorilla x fan.....

  5. What is your knowledge of Tiki Mugs?

  • advance (bring it on baby I can talk Tiki like the Big Boys)
  • moderate (been collecting for awhile, know some of the different manufactures and styles)
  • low (I just like the pretty colors...)
  • other
  1. Why are you into Tiki stuff?
    (Okay I know that is such a broad question but we want to know if you like Tiki stuff because you like to wear hawaiian shirts and eat pu pu platters, because you like the music, like to collect all things related and so forth.... just to give us a general idea of who you are in relation to Tiki Mugs.

Thanks in advance!
We REALLY appreciate this.

XOXOX Baby Doe

  1. Would you say you are a:
  • Just starting out /or have less then 50 mugs
  • Collect other things then Tiki Mugs
  1. Do you buy coffee table books (such as The Book of Tiki, Pad)
  • On occasion (if it is a subject that I like)
  1. What is your age?

  2. What is your occupation?

  3. Where do you live?
    San Francisco (Sunset)

  4. Are you mainly into the Tiki 'scene' or do you consider yourself more into other 'scenes'?
    Mostly tiki, some Cacophony, some Miata.

  5. What is your knowledge of Tiki Mugs?

  • moderate (been collecting for awhile, know some of the different manufactures and styles)
  1. Why are you into Tiki stuff?
    The food, the drinks, the music, and the ohana!!

Had to check the response. You gals gotta hook up. Sounds like a good brainstorm for a Tiki Mug Book. I figure you to be a more-than-moderate collector of Tiki Mugs, eh, babydoe? And someone with a high level of interest in Coffee Table Books.
Cynful should be the perfect interviewee. She's moderately interested in both. She's very interested in talking about it, I would think, and she'd probably give better insight into the Potential Tiki Mug Collector (or Non-collector, as many Potential Tiki-Colectors turn out to be after a while) than a Serious Tiki Mug Collector, who can only offer their own, limited, obervations of thier own obsession.
Hope you gals have a good meeting! Wish I could be there and havin' a Sufferin' Bastard to be with (Us guys tend to stick together, too).

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