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Going to Chicago Lookin' for Tiki

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Swamp Tiki posted on 03/18/2006

I am heading northward from Atlanta in a couple of weeks for a traditional building confrence and am itching to visit Hala Kahiki. Are there evenings during the week that are better than others? Should I wear an Hawaiian shirt?

tikiskip posted on 03/19/2006

The hala kahiki is great! When we went it was early 5:00 Saturday?. They open at 5:00 But no one was there. we waited 45 mins till they were open. Only a few other customers were there. And yes you should wear hawaiian shits! The gift shop has some cool wall coverings for sale too. (this stuff would be good for light making as well) Have fun! and good luck.

tikibars posted on 03/19/2006

Hi Swamp

Welcome to TC.
Just FYI, there are several current and active threads about Chicago right now, so please check one of them out for all the info you will need.



In the future, most of the people here prefer if you do a search before posting, since we already have lots of redundant posts.

All of that said, I am always up for welcoming some malahinis to Chicago, and will definitely meet you out at HK or elsewhere if I am available.

If you're looking for some Tiki action in Atlanta, I am sure you've been to Trader Vic's, but allow me to take this opportunity to let you know about a big bash happening there in late April...



Swamp Tiki posted on 03/22/2006

Yea, man...

Have already cleared everything off of the schedule for that weekend.

Hang Loose.

Swamp Tiki

Swamp Tiki posted on 04/14/2006

Wow!Chicago was a blast. Here are some pictures from the Field Museum's Pacific Spirits Exhibit. Sorry about the poor quality of some of them. I totally recommend this place for a great introduction to Pacific art and culture. Made it to the Shangri La where I took several pictures with my phone and am still trying to figure out how to get them from the phone to my desk top. The food and decor were great and the waitress was a lot of fun. Told her we had driven up from Atlanta for a bite to eat and a few cool liquid libations. The Mai Tai's were pretty good, but the price has gone up a little. After eating we drove over to the Hala Kahiki for a few Volcano Bowls and pretzels. Great surroundings and the folks were quite friendly. We had a blast and can't wait to go back. I would recommend getting a driver if your staying in town at a hotel. It works out to be cheaper and more comfortable than a cab. Plus you can get a few more people in to defray more of the cost. Looking forward to a return trip.

Swamp Tiki recommends the windy city.

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