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My Bosko Tikis (Copyright Infringement)

Pages: 1 19 replies

Jungle Trader posted on 02/26/2006

Check this out. This guy took my photos off my website from way back and put these on his. Every single photo of Bosko's tikis were taken by me in my backyard. These were sold about 4 years ago. He did not buy them but I do remember him trying to buy them from me at wholesale. I told him to contact Bosko. He said he already did. I contacted Bosko about him at about the same time. So he has these images up on his site along with possibly Wayne Coombs creations and Shags artwork.
What kind of joker do we have here?

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-02-25 18:48 ]

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-03-03 09:08 ]

aquaorama posted on 02/26/2006

Hey JT - He's also got one of Shag's works on there as well. Maybe you should drop him a little hate letter or maybe even let Shag's people do it for ya!

badmojo posted on 02/26/2006

So let's get this straight, the guy steals images from your site, and then has the balls to disable the right click, and warn "Copyright Infringement Holds A Penalty By Law Of Up To $150,000 Per incident"?!?

[ Edited by: badmojo 2006-02-25 19:16 ]

On 2006-02-25 19:16, badmojo wrote:
So let's get this straight, the guy steals images from your site, and then has the balls to disable the right click, and warn "Copyright Infringement Holds A Penalty By Law Of Up To $150,000 Per incident"?!?

you need to stop using Internet Explorer, Firefox allows me to right click. :)


Unga Bunga posted on 02/26/2006

Damn! Even your backgrounds/colors look too close for comfort.
People are now creating websites for tax write off purposes, like a false receipt to show the goverment.
This might be one.

TikiPug posted on 02/26/2006

Hey JT, I am working at the Home & Garden show here in Las Vegas this weekend. The scoundrels that stole your pictures have a booth near mine. If you want I can go over and punch them in the nose.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/26/2006

Hey Pug, do confront him, but don't punch him. (I know you're kidding). I notified Bosko and Shag about this too.

Thanks guys, looks like I need to refine my site a little. I just never expected anybody would do this. I expect people to be honest in their business dealings and this is clearly dishonest. Copyright infringement? definitely, and misleading to the general public.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-02-25 22:04 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/26/2006

Wow, the Tiki police strikes again! TC is so cool, one post and then -bam!- the guy gets confronted personally at a trade show! It must have worked, the link is dead now. I am sure showing him that there is an awareness of Tiki styles out there shut him down.

Things like this are the antithesis of Tiki (as exemplified on TC), where creativity and individuality reign for the love of Tiki first, and then maybe, hopefully for some financial pay back too.

TikiPug posted on 02/26/2006

I will stop by the booth tomorrow and have a little chat with him. A fake lawn business that shares booth space with him is doing some business with us so I already have a little in with them. (and you're right, i was kidding about punching him in the nose, unless you want me to)

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2006-02-25 23:01 ]

Chongolio posted on 02/26/2006

Hey Pug,
Take some pictures of Bargoyle's tiki with the boots in it and tell him this is what happened to the last guy who pulled a stunt like that.

Chongolio Soprano

Lost-Isle Trading Post
Barefoot bloggin'

SilverLine posted on 02/26/2006

This kind of thing happens far too often. I had photos printed (stolen) from my website and put on display at in a chain restaurant in town, and it wasn't the local management that did it; it was corporate!

Here's one solution . . I haven't tried this yet, but it was recently review on slash/dot:


thejab posted on 02/26/2006

I would love to see the guy's face when Tikipug walks up to him and asks "what's your problem?"! I doubt any punches will be needed!

freddiefreelance posted on 02/27/2006

On 2006-02-26 11:56, thejab wrote:
I would love to see the guy's face when Tikipug walks up to him and asks "what's your problem?"! I doubt any punches will be needed!

"...and then this is what my DOG'S gonna do to your skull afterwards..."

Swanky posted on 02/27/2006

You can't stop right click saving of your images (much), but you can change the .htaccess file on your site to keep people from directly linking to your images and thus stealing your images and bandwidth.

Lake Surfer posted on 02/27/2006

Mac OSX has Grab, which involves no clicking but just taking a snapshot of your desktop or window.

I say watermark your images real big.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2006-02-26 20:44 ]

TikiPug posted on 02/28/2006

Here's the update:
I finally got a break around 2:00pm. I puffed up my chest and walked over to their booth only to be deflated when I realized the booth I thought was Jungle Shade was actually Oasis Shade. With head down, I headed back to our booth. I told my friend (who I work for) the story. She said she was very familiar with Jungle Shade. When she and her husband moved to Vegas to set up shop, they met the owner of Jungle Shade and became partners in a store with his products and our products. Within 2 months, my friends realized what a shady guy he was, and they parted ways. He was just in jail for failing to have a contractor's license. I still might pay him a visit because he doesn't know me from Adam.

P.S. The icing on the cake - when they were partners, they had some professionals pictures taken of his product and our product for advertisements. When they parted ways, he threaten to sue my friends if they every used the photo. If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black....

Swanky posted on 03/02/2006

On 2006-02-25 20:02, Suffering Bastard in Maine wrote:

On 2006-02-25 19:16, badmojo wrote:
So let's get this straight, the guy steals images from your site, and then has the balls to disable the right click, and warn "Copyright Infringement Holds A Penalty By Law Of Up To $150,000 Per incident"?!?

you need to stop using Internet Explorer, Firefox allows me to right click. :)


Yeah, good idea. I'd rather use a browser that does not actually run java code correctly. It's a feature :wink:

pdrake posted on 03/02/2006

tikipug, what are your items?

where are you located?

THOR's posted on 03/16/2006

Aloha TikiPug!

I am getting a few days off here to explore Tikicentral and unwind a bit from the insanity these past months. It was great meeting you in the Thor Stor a few weeks ago!! Sorry to respond here on this thread but I wanted to stay in touch and recalled your screen name. Hope you had fun on the Islands!!

TikiPug posted on 03/21/2006

I sent you a P.M.

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2006-03-20 21:31 ]

Pages: 1 19 replies