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opinions about cafepress?

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/20/2003

does anybody out there use cafepress?

are folks who've ordered products from their site happy w/ the quality/delivery etc?

i'm considering opening an account & am wondering if it's the right route to take.

btw, does tiki central still have stuff for sell at cafepress?

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-20 06:50 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 12/20/2003


Here' your answer as to if TC sells on Cafepress:

Selection 1

Selection 2

Selection 3

Unkle John posted on 12/21/2003

I used cafePress untill they started to screw artists over.
I never made a profit off of any item they had to offer. B/c in order to make a prifit you have to jack the price up. The prices are outrageous for someone trying to make extra money. I was bumping mine at least a $1.00 - $1.50. Persoanlly they have flaws with selection. White. UGH! I've come up with many designs that work better on something than white. I do sublimation at my job and white is pretty much the only thing you can use.
They made a change to the agreement terms back in august or so pretty much stating: you make the art, we own the art. I read that, gave my shop two days before it went into effect, then killed it.
If you are someone who wants to try to make a few extra dollars and have better traffic through your site than me, then I recomend it. If you are an artist who cares about your art and who handles it, then make it yourself.

how much did i make? not a penny.
I even had one for my band. We made more from gig sales from shirts we hand made.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-12-20 18:22 ]

Doctor Z posted on 12/21/2003

On 2003-12-20 18:19, Unkle John wrote:
They made a change to the agreement terms back in august or so pretty much stating: you make the art, we own the art.

Does that mean Cafe Press owns the "TIKI CENTRAL Open 24 Hours" logo??

Unkle John posted on 12/21/2003

that's where the line gets hazy IMO.
If you mean to use here on this site, then I would believe "no". but in reference to them (cafepress) being able to use it when they want then "yes".
I took a copywrite law class in college and by my knowlage CP cannot do this. I read and reread to statement, and to my understanding, that is how it plays out. I had many art-friends who stopped using them because of the clause. I contacted CP about it, they danced around the subject so they never said "yes" or "no" on the statement.

user beware, that's all i can say.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-12-20 18:43 ]

Raffertiki posted on 12/23/2003

About quality...the tee graphics seem stiff at first, but wear in nicely with a couple washings. The mugs are awesome, just order one of my "Shark" mugs and see for yourself.


pariartspaul posted on 12/23/2003

Yes we use CafePress at pariarts.com and I think it's more about publicity than making a lot of money. We've sold quite a few T's and mugs through them and got some very small checks back. The quality of the T shirts are okay, yes a little stiff at first - but the image quality is great. The mugs are fantastic - I think it depends a lot on your image quality - but the reproductions on the ceramic material is very good.
I think you've got to sell thousands of items to make any serious money.

Futura Girl posted on 12/24/2003

i have used them for some time.... and been very happy with the products. yes, the prices are outrageous in some ways, but where else can you get 1-off products?

my favorite item is the lunch box, which i have used as a unique press kit cover.

my shop: http://www.cafeshops.com/lottalivin

cousin cherry's shop: http://www.cafeshops.com/cherrycapri

another girlfriend's shop: http://www.cafeshops.com/goodwiccan

i wasn't aware of the copyright policy change, but knowing a little bit about copyright law, there is no way they can legally own something just cause they print it. so i wouldn't worry about it.

Tiki Royale posted on 12/25/2003

Works for me. I ordered a t- shirt and the quality was better than I expected. Looks great after many washes and feel real nioce too. Not unlike Sienfeld's "Golden Boy"


I dream of tiki posted on 03/20/2006

Here's an old thread worth resusitating.
I love poking around Cafe Press to see what our local TC artists are cranking out. How does our current breed of artists on Cafe Press feel about the web-based one off store and how it treats you, its shopkeepers?

My other question is a bit more specific. I love some of the designs made by our slew of artist, but would love to own it in the form of a postcard or small poster. Something that can be framed. How would y'all artists feel I, or someone else in the community, were to ask an artist(s) to posterize and/or postcardize their already Cafe Press accessible REALLY COOL design?

tikivixen posted on 03/21/2006

I've had no problem with quality and delivery time was swift.

But their women's t-shirts are too damn small!!! Junior sizes, gimme a break!!! Or at least have normal misses/womens sizes available TOO. Hmph. Not all of us like walk around busting out of our top like Pamela Anderson. :lol:

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/22/2006

My TC mouse pads (home & work) have logged a few thousand miles and are still holding up fine.

foamy posted on 03/22/2006

I've had my shops for over two years and just last month got a check ($35) for the first time. December was the reason why. The profit margin is narrow. You would need to sell a lot more than I do to really do anything.


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