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Helz's Stuff... (Proof of Concept, Pg.4)

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Helz posted on 03/20/2006

So after much encouragement from the Ohana, here are some pics at my first attempts at carving. It all started one fateful day in January in Loki's driveway (or better known as the South Florida Tiki Jam I)...

Here's the piece of palm Loki gave me to get me started.

That same day after proper application of angle grinder. Also a few borrowed tools.(Also a gratuitious Marquesan shot...)

Here's a close up from the group shot at the SFTJ. I borrowed GMAN's chainsaw to do the two cuts to form the mouth (Thanks G!). The very next day I went out and got my first chisels, a set of three carpenter's from sears, which is what I've been using ever since. (Yes, more Marquesan)

after much procrastination, I set to make some progress on him last Saturday. This is a before photo. I also did not carve barefooted, I've read the safety thread too many times to do that.

And here's how he looks today. I'm not shooting for him to look as cartoony as he does right now, and I still have no idea how the nose is going to look, but for better or worse...

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement so far, and I'll keep you all updated.

[ Edited by: helztiki 2007-05-30 16:15 ]

Loki posted on 03/20/2006

Nice Helz, I was wondering about this guy. Starting to take shape. I am finally done running around like a mad man, so i propose some carving this weekend?

AlohaStation posted on 03/20/2006

I see other tikis that were started that as well. ????

GMAN posted on 03/21/2006


Don't stop man! Keep going....cut deeper....and deeper still!!! He looks great!


Helz posted on 03/21/2006

Loki, that sounds great, just let me know what you're thinking.

Aloha, The two flanking my meager attempt weren't started there, but they definitely made some great progress that day. To the left is the handiwork of Chip (Which I'd love to see how it's progressing), and the big guy to the right is the product of Stumpgrinder's wonderful artistic talent (which can be seen further along here).

Going much deeper is the plan G. Just need to get the outline of how I want him to look, then the chips start flyin'.

Helz posted on 03/22/2006

Just a couple more pics...

Long way to go, but he's coming around.

AlohaStation posted on 03/22/2006

Shaping up nicely.

JohnnyP posted on 03/23/2006

He is starting to show himself real nice. Go deeper, I know it's hard with chisles.

GMAN posted on 03/23/2006

Yeah Buoy!

tikigap posted on 03/23/2006

I'm with the deeper crowd - keep going! He looks real good so far! Very nice start!

Benzart posted on 03/23/2006

Looking Good Helztiki, I think you are on the right track. Just listen to that inner voice that tells you how to do it. Another Amazing First tiki you have going there and I can't wait to see it finishae.

Sneakytiki posted on 03/25/2006

Nice tiki!

tikimom posted on 03/25/2006

I think your carving is coming along GREAT!!
I really like him.

Helz posted on 03/27/2006

Here’s just another couple of quick progress pics. I’ve gotten a fair amount of time to work on this guy, and it was great to hang out and get some pointers (and a great drink recipe – Thanks SG) from Loki, Stumpgrinder and AlohaStation.

And many thanks to Aloha, Loki, GMAN, Benz, JohnnyP, Sneaky, Gap…I really appreciate the input and encouragement.

And thanks Mom!


rodeotiki posted on 03/27/2006

That looks too good to be a first tiki. Very cool Helz. Its cool that your able to meet and carve with others.

Keep at it.

rodeotiki posted on 04/02/2006

Updates ??

Where are the updates ?!!?!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/02/2006

Helz looking good, more pix please!


GMAN posted on 04/02/2006

I agree, we need updates on this. No slackin, just updates!


Helz posted on 04/02/2006

Many thanks to you guys for the encouragement. I kinda let this guy sit all week, but found a couple hours this afternoon to work on him a bit (also picked up a couple more tools to make things just a bit easier.

I'm at the stage now where there's not a lot of big progress, just refining of what's already there. That is until I tackle the nose, which I've been avoiding a little bit.

But here's a couple pics with the stuff I've been working on...

I worked on getting some more depth around the inside edge of the eye. I'm going to leave the center of the eye pretty much as it is now, just work to a nice, deep round edge on the inside.

I also got a keyhole saw so that I could finally cut his teeth. Now it's just a matter of setting them back in a little bit and rounding them off a touch so they look a little more correct.

Again, I really appreciate the encouragement, and I'll keep ya posted!

  • Helz

[ Edited by: helztiki 2006-04-05 09:13 ]

GMAN posted on 04/02/2006

Great going Helz - you've got him licked! Don't let that nose beat you man....it's only a nose. I can't wait to see what you come up with for that. PM me if you wanna talk noses :)


tfisherart posted on 04/03/2006

good work Helz, nice percison cut's. Are you doin' that in a condo? That's how I started, the neighbor's loved it, especially the chain saw:)

rodeotiki posted on 04/04/2006

Looking good Helz , you must have got skills from your pop. Any idea on what finish you are going to apply?

Helz posted on 04/04/2006

Thanks RT! I'm actually a little surprised myself that it's coming out like it is. It definitely makes me anxious for my next hunk of tree.

As far a finishes go, I'm hoping to get away with just oiling him. I don't plan on him being outside and I really like the natural wood finish as opposed to the shiny that you often get with Poly. But I don't know how to handle the back that still has all the bark on it (Which is how I want to leave it). I wouldn't necessarily mind if he got a little darker though...I'll have to think it through some more, I'm still sketching, trying to figure out that nose.

[ Edited by: HelzTiki 2006-04-04 08:52 ]

AlohaStation posted on 04/04/2006

That tiki is still looking good. If you can't figure what to do next - try my remedy. Start sanding and get ready to finish it and you'll see alot of things that you will want to change. That always happens to me. Just when i think I'm done - boom - I want to start hacking at it again??

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kirby posted on 04/04/2006

I completely agree with alohastation....

Benzart posted on 04/05/2006

Looking good Helz. Can't wait to see it at the South Florida Tiki Jam on April 22nd. Lets see some More, More, More.

Helz posted on 04/12/2006

Well, I think I finally got that nose thing figured out...

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Gotta get him in shape for the SoFla Tiki Jam II!

Thanks again to all of you for your commments and encouragement, it really makes carving all the more fun.

Loki posted on 04/12/2006

i think you picked that nose perfect :)

GMAN posted on 04/12/2006

Yep, that's a proper nose. Nice going. I knew you would work it out. Sometimes it takes a long time of lookin at it to figure out how to get the results you want. I think you are learning a lot with this guy. Keep it up and your next one will be fab.


Helz posted on 06/18/2006

So, I know it’s been a while since I posted up anything, but it’s really been a crazy couple of months, what with deciding to relocate back to Colorado, flying out to find a place, getting a new job, in CO, that has me living with the folks for a few weeks, until I can get back to Florida to get my stuff and The Wahine and get moved out here permanently.

But I have had an opportunity to do a little bit of creating:

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Here’s me trying out power tools on my attempt at a Marquesan…it’s a work in progress

But, I’ve also taken this opportunity of being around Pop and the kiln to give the mug thing a try…

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Here’s my model. I based it off of my first carving. I know that it looks all wonky and rough, but I was trying to make it look more like a carving than a mug, so it’s not quite round, and the angles are rough…but it is what it is..

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Here’s a shot of damming up the model to pour the plaster mold.

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More mold making…

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One just coming out of the mold.

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and from the back

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and completely free from the mold. Yes, those are pretty wicked part lines.

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and a few in greenware

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The whole bunch of them so far, some in greenware, some in bisque, some glazed and some fired.

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And a few in various states in front of Pop's recent handiwork (Some color experiments, a few regulars and, a commission project he took on for a home bar).

My thanks to all of you who offered support and suggestions and recommendations along the way. I really do appreciate all of your input.

  • Helz

[ Edited by: HelzTiki 2006-06-18 11:03 ]

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Chip and Andy posted on 06/18/2006

On 2006-06-18 10:33, HelzTiki wrote:

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and a few in greenware

Nothing gets Pepsi stains out of ceramics better than Oxyclean!.......

Great looking, can't wait to fill one up with a Mai Tai!

Benzart posted on 06/18/2006

Excellent job Helztiki, you and pops are gonna be pro's pretty soon. Nice step by step post and I can tell pop is Proud as he well should be.

GMAN posted on 06/19/2006


I like them! I don't know squat about ceramics or "tiki" mugs, but it looks like a mess of procedure. Have fun and I hope you enjoy your product. They look real nice.


Loki posted on 06/19/2006

Awesome step by step.....i cant wait to get out for a visit and a hands on mug project with you and pop.

we'll see ya soon at the Mai-Kai

Helz posted on 06/20/2006

C&A, You're on...problem is that he only holds 1 1/2 ounces...so they better be strong!

Ben, Thanks for your kind words, I know Pop and I both are having a blast at this

G...I don't know squat about any of it either, but learning is fun.

Loki, you're more than welcome anytime man!

Ok, now the update...

We're still doing a postmortem to determine cause of death, but when the kiln was opened and we eagerly anticipated our first solid crop of little guys, this is what we found...

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Basically 5 of 6 didn't make it. But one little guy who is going to be deported to Canada came through with flying colors...

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But this was just a bit of a setback..and there will be legions of this little guy to come!

  • Helz
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Tikisgrl posted on 06/20/2006

Oh Helz the horror... all those beautiful little mugs shattered... & the only one that survived is the Evil Black one... Quick pack him up and Ship him off to Canada before he curses the next batch of innocent mugs...

And don't forget to perform the kiln cleansing ritual to rid it of all evil!! Two Mai Tais one for Poptiki & one for you, made with the good stuff. Sipped out of the Poptiki Volcano with smoke effect!!!

[ Edited by: Tikisgrl 2006-06-19 18:37 ]

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TravelingJones posted on 06/20/2006


Thought I'd stroll by...la-dee-da...see the 'bang-up' job you've been doin...la-dee-da...and BAM! BIFF! POP! What happened braddah???

YO anyone seen da cat?!?!
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Tearjerkz fo'sho! Diggin the glaze tho! Yeah, I'm wit Tikisgrl...deport the blackened voodoo to the Great White North, PRONTO!

Great pic's and step by step's...Helz, if it was easy...we'd all be makin da kine mugz, SsweeetT brah!!!


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hewey posted on 06/20/2006

DAMN! That sucks - they were such cool mugs. Only the evil little black one made it - dont trust it!

Cant wait to see some finished mugs come through okay :)

They look cool (if you can dsicount the itty bitty pieces)

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hiltiki posted on 06/20/2006

Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!Nothing left to do but to have a shot of good aged rum and start all over again. Best of luck.

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Tikiwahine posted on 06/20/2006

Oh, that is sad indeed.

I'm sure one of us Canucks can think of something to do with him. Perhaps drink from his devilish skull opening?

For some reason, to my husbands dismay, I cannot part with broken tiki mugs. I plant them in amongst the flowers, peering at passers by. I hope the next batch is much more sucessful Helz! The glaze on them looked great!

Benzart posted on 06/20/2006


rodeotiki posted on 06/20/2006

Oh sure !!! Blame Canada !! Just cause the odd ball of the bunch survived.

Sorry to see the misfortune of the other mugs. Any idea what Happened?

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marika posted on 06/20/2006

Ouch. This is rough but the survivor looks awesome and I am sure the next ones will be healthy. I also support the idea of a cleansing ritual!

Helz posted on 06/21/2006

Ok, so upon closer inspection, it turns out that the culprit was actually me. Apparently, I got a little overzealous when glazing the interior of a couple of the mugs, and consequently they got bubbles under the glaze then exploded. But it looks like that only 2 exploded then the shrapnel knocked the others over...and there we have it. So, Lesson Learned, and we'll get more cranked out ASAP...

Yep, TG, He's on his way to Calgary post haste. And the cleansing has begun to commence (See Below)

Jones, thanks for the wishes and we're good to go!

Hewey, I promise not to disappoint, brother...

Hil, Took your advice, grabbed a prototype and raided Pop's stash:
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Wahine, we're back on track and I'll send you the remains to put in your Tiki graveyard.

Ben, Yep.

Well Rodeo, The black guy was done for you, so take that how you will...:wink:

Marika, Thanks and it's on its way to recovery.

[ Edited by: HelzTiki 2006-06-21 00:07 ]

Helz posted on 06/21/2006

Well, after what happend a couple days ago, I decided to stay up and see how my other little experiment turned out. The kiln hit 130 degrees about 10 minutes ago, and I couldn't be happier...

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My special edition gold little guy came through with flying colors!

Thanks again to all of you for your kind words, it means a lot.

tfisherart posted on 06/21/2006

Helz, very nice little shot mug's especially the gold edition.
I tried to make the switch from ceramic to stoneware for the last month six mug's went in the kiln and six came out one w/ the bottom blown out it took out 4 other's. A real bummer seeing they have to fire soooooooooooo long.
p.s. say hi to pop


Helz posted on 12/26/2006

Ok...so apperently Mom and Pop think I'm not carving enough, because under the tree....

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I guess I gotta get to work now!

[ Edited by: HelzTiki 2006-12-25 18:25 ]

Helz posted on 04/05/2007

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[ Edited by: HelzTiki 2007-04-04 18:58 ]

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