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"International Day After Tiki Day" 8/10/03.........

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Great pix vintagegirl. We want to thanx Bax & Sarah for the hospitality, Al for the great drinks, all the musical talent, the hula girls, Bax's dog Coal, my agent, my publicist... Sorry, lost train of thought for a moment. What an excellent evening with great friends. We slept most of the day Sunday. Can't wait until next year. Hopefully the hot tub will be in by then.

Mr. & Mrs. Pug

P.S. After my Monday morning constitutional, I thought I had a stomach flu and then I remembered the blue pancakes. I didn't get back to "normal" until Thursday. Thanx for the scare.


Eggggcellent photos...thought about all you guys while in NY...looks like a great time!
What? No photo of Atomic and Coal "sleeping" on the lawn?? :)

Mrs. B,
Damn, your right! I missed a great photo op there. Coal kept waiting for Atomic to dive in so he could "save" him. I guess my documentary skills were just not up to par that day. Was too busy with all that teriyaki chicken and dancing.


Are you 2 appearing at Saturday's gig? Coal won't be there, but I'm sure we can find something for AC...sandcrab, seagull, lost baby....who knows :)


On 2003-08-13 09:27, thebaxdog wrote:
The idea came from a guy named Bong
He cared not if it right or not if it wrong
First off we needed a place you see
Let's do it at Baxdog's, hey that's me
So now the real work had to begin
Collecting the booze, but not to much gin
Decorate the house, put up the lights
Lots of long hours, to many bug bites
My wife and my kids helped out every day
Listening to grumpy daddy was their only pay
Now the day was here, nothing out of place
It sure kicked my ass and put my wallet in outer space
Crazy Al was first, he trickled in at two
He should have won best dressed, he was tiki thru and thru
The food it started piling up almost thru the roof
When we started to put it away at 3:30 it was gone with a poof
The man that made drinks, some know him as Al K.
Never left his post all night that started as a day
The band set up on a stage that was in the trees and grass
King Kuk opened with some fun, the Menehunes kicked some ass
Now more fun with the Uke and Kuk joined by Iuka Grog
Bubble machine was flowing and stage right there was some fog
Chief Toma and Wahines created music and dance Polynesia
With fire and swaying hips it created a slight amnesia
There was 60 or 70 I did not count I'll never know
It could have been 100 if it wasn't for Don Ho
I love my Tiki family I want to kiss them on the lips
Especially the 3 Wahines that went up and shook their hips
To many to name, but to all thanks so much
You all made ITD go off with a soft touch
So it was off to tent city with rum filled heads that ache
But when you sleep at the dog pound in breakfast you partake
3 pounds of sausage 3 pounds of bacon
That's just enough grease to keep the heart ache-in
I thought the cakes would be fun the color blue
I didn't know, I didn't know, it does the same to poo
I'm tired now I have to sleep, one more thing to say
Who's house is next year for International TIKI Day?

Bax I hope you are working on this years poem, this was a great read and by the pictures was an even better party.


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