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The tiki awards / And the winner is

Pages: 1 4 replies

I don't know if this has ever come up. But We should have an on line awards poll. Best mug,new bar,event, That kind of thing. The new mug award could be called the shecky award. The artist of the year award could be called the hedley award. And so on.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2006-03-26 12:38 ]

hewey posted on Sun, Mar 26, 2006 6:46 PM

We looked at doing a featured artist of the month, and decided not to due to peoples egos getting in the way, playing favourites etc.

I would be interested in such awards, but I think we should go forward carefully.

Who are the judges? How do they judge? Who can enter? Lots of questions that need to be asked. Is it juts TC or all of tiki culture outside of TC too? How do we include non TC tiki people?

Also, someone like Benzart could take out best carver every year (and he would deserve it too). Do we want the same person to win every year. Could you only win once? Should we have an encouragement award for newbies? I think we need to recognise our existing talent, and also promote and foster newbies too. We were all newbies when we began. Maybe a tiki hall of fame for the masters? With a new entrant each year? Like Shag?

Just some thoughts, we need to think about what we are doing.

I don't know if the forums are the right place for something like that. I like the idea of the awards. Perhaps if they were presented at an event/dinner like Hukilua or Tiki Oasis. Just a thought.


I really don't think we should think about giving awards for anything.. Like you said earlier, too many issues to think about even besides ego when you are judging peoples art and there is no fair way to do it. The people who need to be recognized as far as art goes are the new artists who have the courage to create something and then Post it here for everyone to see and evaluate. Its like what is better, Ford, CHevy, Honda?? They are all loved by different peeps and a ford lover will not be swayed into thinking a Buick, or Toyota is better. I think we should just leave well enough alone when evaluating art works and artists. They are only a small part of this community.
Thats kinda how I feel about the awards ideas.

I think tc should be a place of help, encouragement and support for members. Don't get me wrong, I'm as competitive as the next guy, but awards should be else where.

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