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Exotica & Lounge Music on the Usenet

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/25/2006

This thread got me thinkin'

Is there any interest in having me post a weekly or semi-weekly list of exotica and lounge lps that I find in the music newsgroups on the Usenet; that are available for free download by anyone? I subscribe to Easynews.Com, which makes searching the Usenet for Exotica very easy. I could pass on my finds to you all, and then you could find them and download them much easier. Any interest?

Here's a few more I found recently to add to the previous thread:

alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1950s - Eden Ahbez - "Eden's Island", posted Feb 14
alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1960s - Dick Hyman & Mary Mayo - "Moon Gas" (1963), posted Feb 14
alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.world-music - Putamayo Presents Brazilian Lounge (promo 2006), posted Feb 19


Kono posted on 02/25/2006

Would we have to subscribe to access them for the downloads?

I used to peruse some of those groups back in the old days. Wasn't access to usenet groups part of the old email browsers?

parrothead040 posted on 02/25/2006

Yes I would be interested as long as I don't have to subscibe. I would rather find something that is strictly free download.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/25/2006

I used to get access to the newsgroups for free via Microsoft Outlook myself. It's been awhile since I accessed them this way. Unless you know exactly which newsgroup contains the file you want, it can be like looking for needles in haystacks. That's why I ended up paying for Easynews. But if I supply you the group and date, it should be fairly easy to access the files via Outlook or other programs, (I hope). How do other people here access the Usenet on the cheap or for free? How many days worth of files does Outlook give one access to?


c10 posted on 02/25/2006

The Xnews program works pretty well for automagically converted encoded binaries on the Usenet into binaries (mp3 or whatever). It also groups all of the related posts together for you, I think this is a lot harder or impossible to do via Outlook.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/25/2006

Here's a website on how to use Xnews, and it's free. So that's good.



pappythesailor posted on 02/25/2006

I'm in. I'll even post stuff!

P.S. Alot of people don't even know that their ISP gives has a news server. Be sure and find out if yours does b4 you start subscribing places.

PPS. I'm drunk!

tikigap posted on 02/25/2006

Sabu - Yeah, I'm very interested! It would be great to be able to find 'em like that.


Jawa posted on 02/27/2006

Excellent idea Sabu, and most appreciated!

I currently use an old version of Agent for browsing my RoadRunner newsgroups. I wonder if the new version or Xnews handles things better...

tikibars posted on 02/27/2006

Apple users will want to use a program called Thoth, which kicks butt for USeNet.

As mentioned above, make sure your ISP offers USeNet access.

For example, my ISP (SBC Global) offers it, but (GRRR!) has banned certain groups, including some of the 'alt.binaries' groups where you can get music.

I also use YottaNews (for any platform) which offers all UseNet access for free, but restricts dlownloades to 1 GB per month.

pappythesailor posted on 02/28/2006

How about alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica ?

Anybody else have that newsgroup? Seems like the obvious place to post stuff.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/28/2006

Hah! It looks like you're the sole poster to that group in the last 30 days, Pappy. Maybe the Tiki-Centralites should take this dead group and make it their own. That might get the other Exotica posters on the usenet to hop on board.

Pappy has now posted some nice exotica to the group:

alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica - Bob Keene's "Masque d'Afrique" posted on Mar 1.


tikibars posted on 02/28/2006

On 2006-02-28 07:11, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Maybe the Tiki-Centralites should take this dead group and make it their own.

This is an excellent idea.

BUT I just checked BOTH of the UseNet servers I mentioned above, and neither of them support this group.
Perhaps it is too obscure to use?
Anyone else having trouble seeing it?

[ Edited by: tikibars 2006-02-28 08:13 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 02/28/2006

I notice that a lot of users double-post their mp3s in two groups at once, a large, catch-all group like alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 and then a more-specific group like alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1960s. Maybe this is done for the reason tikibars notes above; that not everyone has access to the less-popular groups? Most of the exotica I listed earlier in this thread and the previous one, were all double-posted this way. If users here want to double-post in alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 and alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica, I can note both groups when I make my weekly list.


Jawa posted on 02/28/2006

In addition to newsgroups, the hosting service for my site offers 1000GB a month of transfer. Maybe I can offer some sort of "Exotica Repository" ...if you will... for items that are no longer available or hard to get like Exotic Moods of Les Baxter, etc.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 03/07/2006

Here are the latest Usenet finds for the week. No new exotica, but some Hawaiian, lounge and spy:

:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3
:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1990s
:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.world-music - Israel Kamakawio'ole - "Facing Future" Mar 6th.

:down: hr.alt.mp3.binaries.albumi - Space Capades (Ultra-Lounge Vol III), Mar 5th.

:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.surfnhotrod - Al Caiola - "Sounds for Spies and Private Eyes" Feb 26th
http://rapidshare.de/files/16086271/al_caiola_spy.zip.html - Download

:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.surfnhotrod - Perry and the Harmonics - "Intrigue with Soul" Mar 4th
http://rapidshare.de/files/16092272/perryharmonics_spy.zip.html - Download

:down: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.surfnhotrod - Daws Butler and Don Messick - "James Bomb" Mar 4th.
http://rapidshare.de/files/16092086/james_bomb.zip.html - Download


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-03-06 16:05 ]

[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy 2006-03-21 15:14 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 03/21/2006

I've uploaded the Spy albums above to Rapidshare and added links to the post above so that anyone can download them for free in a single zipped file, (which includes the cd cover art). I think I'll do this for all the good stuff I find on the Usenet from now on.


Kono posted on 03/22/2006

On 2006-03-21 15:16, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I've uploaded the Spy albums above to Rapidshare and added links to the post above so that anyone can download them for free in a single zipped file, (which includes the cd cover art). I think I'll do this for all the good stuff I find on the Usenet from now on.


Appreciated Sabu.

Traitor Vic posted on 03/23/2006

That is So Sweet!!!

I've been kind of bummed since that update because I found, of course, that of the Bunches and Bunches of music groups available to me none of those were.

If and when I do bump into pertinent stuff on the sites that I can reach, however, I'll ad posts here as well.

Have any of you other guys noticed that a lot of what is posted in the Sharity blogs shows up on the Usenet at about the same time? Is Rapidshare.de simply using the usenet, perhaps, as an unlimited storage space? Or are the files being downloaded from Rapidshare and posted onto the Usenet by concerned individuals?

pappythesailor posted on 03/23/2006

Posting Michele Magne's 'Tropical Fantasy' to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica

Scott McGerik posted on 03/24/2006

[ Edited by: ScottMcGerik 2007-03-08 06:49 ]

pappythesailor posted on 03/28/2006

Posting Tak Shindo's Mganga to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica

Kono posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-28 03:10, pappythesailor wrote:
Posting Tak Shindo's Mganga to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica

I just installed XNews and my ISP (Earthlink) does not carry that group. :(

pappythesailor posted on 03/29/2006

OK. Is that album 60's or 50's?

pappythesailor posted on 03/29/2006

According to a single Net source, Mganga came out in 1958 so I posted to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1950s

Kono posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-28 18:02, pappythesailor wrote:
OK. Is that album 60's or 50's?

50s I think?

My google-fu is weak.

pappythesailor posted on 03/29/2006

Can anybody please post the Surfmen?

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 03/29/2006
tikibars posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-28 16:47, Kono wrote:

On 2006-03-28 03:10, pappythesailor wrote:
Posting Tak Shindo's Mganga to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica

I just installed XNews and my ISP (Earthlink) does not carry that group. :(

I use two different news servers and neither of them have that group either.

You know, we could pretty much take over alt.exotic-music for our own purposes.

It's pretty much a dead group with no postings and just a little spam there every day. It's not specifically listed as a binaries group, but that doesn't mean we can post binaries (MP3s) there anyway, does it?

pappythesailor posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-29 09:44, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

I found it for download here:


Tanks, Sabu!

pappythesailor posted on 03/29/2006

Posting binaries to non-binary groups is tabu. At best, you'll only get flamed. At worst, your ISP or news host will suspend you. What will likely happen is your posts won't get propagated between servers AND you'll get flamed.

tikigap posted on 03/30/2006

On 2006-03-29 09:44, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

I found it for download here:


Hey thanks for finding this stuff for us Sabu...

I downloaded this one, and it's real good - but it's got a nasty low-level hum in it. Still good stuff though.

Kono posted on 03/30/2006

On 2006-03-29 16:24, tikigap wrote:

I downloaded this one, and it's real good - but it's got a nasty low-level hum in it. Still good stuff though.

Yeah, that blog is known for the noisy mp3s. I quit visiting, everything sounds like a Jesus and Mary Chain cover. I ripped this album (The Surfmen) a while back and had an empty blog just sitting around so give me few minutes and I'll post it (rapidshare link).

That XNews is very easy to use for downloading. I was quite impressed. I'm too tired to figure out how to upload, maybe this weekend.

Kono posted on 03/30/2006
tikibars posted on 03/30/2006

On 2006-03-29 15:06, pappythesailor wrote:
Posting binaries to non-binary groups is tabu. At best, you'll only get flamed. At worst, your ISP or news host will suspend you. What will likely happen is your posts won't get propagated between servers AND you'll get flamed.

Pappy, yeah, I am well aware of UseNet etiquette about not posting binaries to non-binaries groups (I've been on UseNet since 1994), but I figured that if it was a dead group anyway, no one would care.

However, thanks for the warning about the messages not propagating, and ISP's getting annoyed. That I did NOT know, and it effectively kills my plan.


pappythesailor posted on 03/30/2006

On 2006-03-29 17:26, Kono wrote:
OK, here it is:


Thanks, Kono.

Anybody want some 30's & 40's Hawaiian Swing? I have tons of that stuff.

Scott McGerik posted on 04/02/2006

[ Edited by: ScottMcGerik 2007-03-08 06:48 ]

Scott McGerik posted on 04/02/2006

[ Edited by: ScottMcGerik 2007-03-08 06:48 ]

pappythesailor posted on 04/07/2006

Posted Si Zentners Exotica Suite to alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bizzaro-exotica and alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1960s

pappythesailor posted on 04/11/2006

Anybody care to post Gene Rains' Lotus Land? Or got a hot lead to wheres I kin git it?

mahalo mucho,
Pappy san

pappythesailor posted on 04/11/2006

Me again. If people have alt.binaries.multimedia.disney.parks there's some stuff there from Adventureland and from the Polynesian resort. Some interesting, some not.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/11/2006

On 2006-04-11 06:26, pappythesailor wrote:
Anybody care to post Gene Rains' Lotus Land? Or got a hot lead to wheres I kin git it?

mahalo mucho,
Pappy san

I'd definitely be interested, Pappy. I haven't heard that one yet.


pappythesailor posted on 04/12/2006

On 2006-04-11 16:50, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

On 2006-04-11 06:26, pappythesailor wrote:
Anybody care to post Gene Rains' Lotus Land? Or got a hot lead to wheres I kin git it?

mahalo mucho,
Pappy san

I'd definitely be interested, Pappy. I haven't heard that one yet.


Sorry, I wasn't clearer. I don't have it either.

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ccff3f1b02b10af1aa2e867d8c435c57?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
freddiefreelance posted on 04/12/2006

On 2006-03-29 17:26, Kono wrote:
OK, here it is:


Thank you Kono!

The file is in .rar format, so you need a .rar uncompressing program like the WinAce Archiver.

tikibars posted on 04/12/2006

On 2006-04-12 08:08, freddiefreelance wrote:
The file is in .rar format, so you need a .rar uncompressing program like the WinAce Archiver.

...or UnRarX for Apple OSX.

Kono posted on 04/12/2006

On 2006-04-12 08:08, freddiefreelance wrote:

Thank you Kono!

The file is in .rar format, so you need a .rar uncompressing program like the WinAce Archiver.

Thanks prof. I'm surprised the link is still OK.

I'm going to start uploading more LPs. I just put up Alfred Newman's Ports of Paradise and will probably get another one or two up tonight.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/14/2006

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=388&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikiroom.net%2Fgallery%2Falbums%2Ftc%2Fbmi.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c84a6651680f66f3c74280c71cb46b26

Arthur Lyman's "TABOO 2", recently harvested from the Usenet. I've uploaded it to Rapidshare for easier sharing:



pappythesailor posted on 04/14/2006

Sabu --you're definitely on my Tiki Central All Star team--thank you!

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