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Aloha and Goodbye for now...Personal announcement

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kaha kii posted on 03/28/2006

Aloha TC ohana, all the bruddah's and sistah's out there and all the kind admirers of my work,
First I must say what a pleasure and pure joy it has been to participate in these forums and all the aloha Ive recieved about my carvings. I must say all of you people here on TC are pono fo'shua and filled with love and respect for the ancient art & traditions...

Well da story is, it appears my beloved wife and I are divorcing which means Ill have to shut down my gallery, temporarily relocate and then head back to Hawaii full time by myself. It was tragic, sudden and my heart is broken. Having to close the business and losing the wahine of my dreams has been completely devastating But I do have hope and faith in myself that Ill get through this absolutely horrible time and start my new life and carve once again soon...There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I can see it from where Im at so all hope is not lost...From an old saying reworked by Bob Marley used in the song "coming in from the cold"..."when one door is closed, another is open"...So Im going to keep fighting for my sanity and find a way to make myself whole and happy once again...

Id like to personally thank all of you that have showed me so much aloha here on TC...Ben,BK,JohhnyP,Marcus,Spermy,Mooney,Pablus,congatiki,rodeotiki,hewey,raffertiki,alldo,foamy,tikijosh,loki,surfntiki,chongolio,harro,polynesiac,tiki-bot,aikiman44,midnitetiki,gman,hellotiki and everyone else I may have forgot to mention. Youve all helped "spark" a fire under my okole, touched my heart and have made me feel proud about my work! Any words or comments of support will be greatly appreciated!

So, BIG MAHALOZ to all of you! I will be back again someday soon, mo bettah than before!

Malama Pono!

Loki posted on 03/28/2006

My friend, stay strong, keep your faith, and remember, we are all here for you anytime.

Mr. Dale posted on 03/28/2006

Oh bradduh....I am truly sorry to hear the news, its the biggest fear I have, I'm sorry.
I know you have made a big impact on the board here and will be truly missed.
You have a quality and professionalism that you present in your work that also is a reflection of your life. Just this note you sent to everybody shows your integrity.
I don't know you except through your words and art, but I hope the beautiful place you are from and the people there and here, will bring you peace.
Good luck. Mr. Dale

tikigap posted on 03/28/2006

Wow! That's such a bummer man. Sorry to see you go for a while - good luck with the hassles and tribulations... that's gotta really hurt. I hope to see you back here someday real soon.

kaha kii posted on 03/28/2006

Loki,Tikigap and Mr.Dale,
Im truly touched by all your kind words and support...Youve brought a smile to this broken face and I deeply appreciate your Aloha...I do feel like part of a real ohana when Im here and Im proud to have corresponded with all of you and grateful at all the love Ive felt from all of you here on TC...

Mahalo again my bruddah's and sistah's...

Benzart posted on 03/28/2006

Kaha, heres hoping your pain will not last long and your time asway from TC will be short.
Sometimes things happen for reasons that are not clear at the time. Something good will come. Please keep in touch and Thanks for allof the Aloha You brought to us. We'll miss you

JohnnyP posted on 03/28/2006

On 2006-03-28 10:48, kaha ki'i wrote:
I will be back again someday soon, mo bettah than before!

Malama Pono!

We will be eagerly awaiting your return, but we understand the challenges ahead of you.

I'm sorry for the loss. You've been an inspiration. Check in once in a while to let us know you are ok.

kaha kii posted on 03/28/2006

Ben & JohhnyP,
Your words will help me bear this heavy burden and I really appreciate your aloha and love...YOU bruddah's have been an inspiration to me too and Im truly & deeply honored at the love and respect you have for me & my work!

I will keep in touch when I can as the road ahead of me will be rocky as I start out on my new journey to find Happiness...

I will miss all of you and Ill do my best to make my absence as temporary as I can!

True love and respect to all of you!

Malama Pono!

PockyTiki posted on 03/28/2006

aw man. I gotta say, i've never had the honor of taking a look at some of your art-work, but from what i hear it's a killer. I hope you get through all of this un-hurt and lead a happy life back in Hawaii! I think i'm right when i say, We'll all miss you here on TC. Aloha, bradduh.

pdrake posted on 03/28/2006

i have to say i'm very sorry to hear that. i hope things move along well for you.

'til then i'll be saving my nickels and dime to buy da kine makau.


kaha kii posted on 03/28/2006

Pocky & Pdrake,
Mahalo for your kindness and words of encouragement...When I say I really appreciate all the love & aloha here on TC, I mean ALL OF YOU...
Your words will help me through this horrible experience and I will not forget the wonderful support ive recieved and continue to recieve from my TC ohana...

Mahalo Nui Loa...

Sneakytiki posted on 03/28/2006

That sucks brother, I hope u have a new improved love life and financial life that eclipses all this BS someday. I'll be saying a prayer to the Great Spirit for u. I have greatly appreciated your work and can see the deep spiritual nature u possess come thru in your carvings.

iorana for now,


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2006-03-28 13:13 ]

foamy posted on 03/28/2006

Bummer. I've gone through that myself. It makes you feel hollow inside. Good friends will help a lot. So will family. Idleness will not. Stay busy, get positive (it don't come overnight, but it will come) and spread yourself around.

Looking forward to reading your incredibly positive posts and checking out your great work in the future. Keep it going in drive.

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/28/2006

Whooooaaa...I've been there, Braddah. It will be the hardest thing you ever go through in your life, believe me, harder than death. If you had told me back then that I would have made it to this 36th year I would have laughed. But once you have it conquered (and you will) you can damned near take anything with a grain of salt. Getting over divorce is like slaying a dragon. Doubt is your biggest enemy right now. Doubt and cynicism and sentimentality augmented with too much emotion. Keep it real all the time.

aikiman44 posted on 03/28/2006

Been through it. They say that sometimes it hits men worse than women. You will rise again. Keep busy, talk to friends, work out, get out, keep carving. (After all, I'd like to get my son a makau for his birthday this summer, so you better be back by then).
And the cliche stands: as one door closes, another one opens. Lots of doors out there.

rodeotiki posted on 03/28/2006

I amsorry for what your going through. Stay strong. Dont hesitate to jump on Shout if you ever see my name there and when you come back and start carving again I will be ready and the first in line.
Dont be gone for too long.

congatiki posted on 03/29/2006

Kaha....hang in there my friend. From your first post you have exhibited the true spirit of
brotherhood....and the spirit of ohana that we all talk about....and sometimes...stray from.
My thoughts are with you....make sure you check back...okay? Good luck.

amiotiki posted on 03/29/2006

Kaha - stay strong and know that we're all here for ya when you need us. I too really admire your beautiful work...so come back soon. I'm gonna need a beautiful makau for my daughter this summer also, as well as some sculpture for my soon-to-be new home.

I have been through the pain of divorce also, and it was the support of my friends and family, as well as keeping busy with the things I love to do, that got me through it all. So lean on them - that's what they're there for!


kingstiedye posted on 03/29/2006

aloha vince. i'm sorry to hear of your heartache. as the proud owner of 3 of your makaus, i hope you keep carving and posting. stay strong braddah. bullet

Alldo posted on 03/29/2006


I'm am sorry to hear about your marriage. I have helped consoled more than a few good friends through divorces and from what I see and hear it is very difficult and challenging. Remember that " A long march starts at the very first step". Stay strong with each step and believe in yourself. When your march slows down please drop us a line at TC.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork and attitude!


GMAN posted on 03/29/2006


I am very sorry to hear this news. I can only imagine your pain. Please try to keep carving, it may be one of the things that helps you keep your sanity through this whole ordeal. I think it is clear to all of us here on TC that your artwork is one of the most important things in your life. I will send all of the positive energy I can your way in the hopes that it will help you face what you have before you. As several folks have said already, take it one day at a time. It takes a lot of guts to get up, show up, and face the day each day. I have faith that you will rise up higher than you ever have been before. I believe in you. If you believe in yourself, there is nothing you can't accomplish or overcome. Please come back soon.


pablus posted on 03/29/2006

Thanks for your contribution.
I'm sorry you and your Mrs. couldn't have worked it out.

Take whatever steps you need to get yourself happy.

Stay in touch with friends and don't ditch their phone calls or emails.
Stay busy. Well, that's like telling water to stay wet.

Thanks for the cool makaus, I wear them often and hope you can see me perform one day in Hawai'i, wearing that slick uke pendant.

I'm hoping to get over there in November with one or more of Haole Kats.
Maybe then.


The Sperm Whale posted on 03/29/2006

That is terrible News and I hope everything will work out in the end!!! I really enjoyed and looked forward to seeing what beautiful work you would be posting next. I love the Makau you made for me and I wear it often!!! Please don't leave us hanging over here because you are most definitely part of the "Ohana" here. Hope to see you back on TC soon and thank you for sharing your great artwork with us.

sneakyjack posted on 03/29/2006

Yes sir don't leave us hangin'
Like everyone else said "Things" happen for a reason.

I guess I'll wait on my carving - no worries (I sent you pm a bit ago), you know where to find us if you need us.

Excellent necklace carvings - that skill can never leave you!
Maholla and best wishes

hewey posted on 03/29/2006

Hey man. My folks are divorced, so I kinda know the pain and heartbreak that goes along with it. Its gonna be tough, no two ways about it. But your'e strong, and you will get through it.

You held us all in awe with your work. Looking forward to the days when you come back and share some more of your awesome carvings. In the mean time, farewell and good luck.

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Humuhumu posted on 03/29/2006

I'm so very sorry. I've also been there. Do what you have to do to move forward -- it's going to be a long, hard slog. I know how impossibly painful it can feel -- with time (a lot of it), it does get a lot better. When you're ready, Tiki Central will be here waiting for you.

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hodadhank posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-28 12:26, PockyTiki wrote:...i've never had the honor of taking a look at some of your art-work, but from what i hear it's a killer.

Indeed Pocky. Kala Ki'i's makau are museum quality works of wearable art. Take a look...


Kala Ki'i, Anyone who's gone through a separation can testify that the ground won't feel firm beneath your feet for at least a year, but you will get through and I can't imagine a better place to regain your mana. Keep your chin up and heal in the bosom of the Pacific.

Aloha - Hodadhank

kaha kii posted on 03/29/2006

Aloha again my bruddah's & sistah's,
All I can say is Mahalo Nui Loa to all of you that left such positive replies to my difficult & sad post...I can feel all the positive vibes & prayers from all of you here on TC and the response Ive recieved in just one day has really, genuinely touched this moke's heart! As a matter of fact, I feel Im having the urge to carve now and its due in part (mostly) to all the aloha this bruddah has gotten from all of you!

Sneaky- Big Mahaloz for your thoughts & prayers! I will take with me your (and all the ohana's) kind words and thoughts...Thanks again!
Foamy- Youre absolutely right...Idleness is my enemy right now and I like how you said: "spread yourself around". Theyre are a few people in this world Id love to meet, including all of you! Mahalo brah!
BK-Just read your PM brah...Youre words ring true to me as well and your encouragement will be well used! Big Big Mahaloz brah for your kokua and while Im gone I expect you to kick some serious bone carving okole, kay bruddah?
Aikiman-Mahalo for the kind words brah and no worries cuz! Ill hook you up with a miki'oi makau for the daughter as soon as Im up & running!
Rodeotiki-Mahalo to you up there in Canada! Ill keep your place in line when I return and Thanks for your support and thoughts on my work!
Congatiki-The mensters CD is coming with me brah! Big Mahaloz for your thoughts bruddah. I definitely feel a sense of brotherhood & ohana here on TC and I plan to not leave that behind (only temporary!)
Amiotiki-Mahalo for your kind words as well! I will stay strong and keep da head above water, especially thanks to all my ohana here on TC! Ill be sure to keep you in the loop for a makau and maybe some other work...I wont forget about you or anyone else here!
Kingstiedye-Hey brah, it was a pleasure to work with you and Im proud you wear and love my work so much! Ill be back bruddah, stay pono!
Alldo-Mahalo bruddah! Ive already started marching and I gotta keep going fo'shua! Cant look back anymore, only forward with the trade winds at my back!
Gman-Big Mahaloz brah..Your words touched me cuz. I am getting the urge to carve and since I left this post Ive been nothing but smiles & tears of appreciation for all the aloha from my TC ohana. Your positive energy will be well used too brah, Mahalo again!
Pablus-Mahalo Nui Loa cuz...Im proud you love my work too brah and when you get over to Hawaii to perform Ill be in the front row! Maybe we can kanikapila too someday?! Thanks again for your encouragement brah!
Spermy-Im stoked you like your makau brah! Your wife was a pleasure to deal with and Im grateful for your kind words and I wont leave you hangin' for too long bruddah. Maybe we hit up the Royal Hawaiian for a lapu on me, yeah? (before it either closes or I go to Hawaii!) Mahalo again brah!
SneakyJack-Hey brah!Your pendant is almost finished brah..Its one of my last of the lists before I close the gallery here! I didnt forget about you cuz, Ill PM you in a bit. Mahalo nui loa for your patience & kindness!
Hewey-Got PM brah and big MAhaloz for your thoughts! Your words and encouragement from everyone else here is true kokua which will get me over this hump and back surfing, carving, playing music and just generally being happy...Thanks again Hewey!
HumuHumu-Mahalo sistah for your kind words! I am grateful my TC ohana will be here once Im back and the aloha & love here has just completely touched my heart & soul...
Hodadhank-Hey bruddah, Big ups & mahaloz to you for your support and encouragement! Thanks for spreading the word and the love and maybe someday we get one of my makau around your neck, yeah?! Mahalo again brah, for realz...

Again, I cant say Mahalo enough to all of you. Even though Im on a low (with the wife & business), Im definitely on a high as well from all the love & support from all my bruddah's & sistah's here on the best site in the world! You people are all truly pono and I cant wait to be back for good someday soon!

Aloha Ka Kou and 1000 mahaloz again to all of you!

kingstiedye posted on 04/02/2006

kaha, it warms my heart to read your positive words. please let the ohana know when you're up and running with your carving. i know i'd love to get more of your beautiful art. mahalo braddah, bullet

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Chongolio posted on 04/02/2006

I feel your pain braddah. Don't have much new to add that hasn't already been said, but hang in there and keep doing the things that bring you happiness and aloha. I hope to see you back on TC in the near future.
Your buddy,

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poptiki posted on 04/03/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 05:07:18 ]

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Barbara posted on 08/17/2006

Please call me, I feel as if you were not honest with me. I have left several messages and you dont respond.Im sorry for what you are going through, but as you know I gave you a large sum for your necklace. All I ask is for you to call me back. You seem like a honest and trustworthy person, Ive been contacted about my options but I want to give you a chance to respond to me first,before I persue anything. Im giving you the benifit of the doubt , please call let and me know whats going on...thanks Barbara

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Barbara posted on 08/24/2006

I have just pressed fraud charges on you. Its been over 2 months an no contact from you at all. I have contacted the authoities in your area and also the FBI's consumer fraud divison. I plan to follow this up till either they arrest you or you call me. We could have avoided this easily by you calling me. Now you will have to be looking over your shoulder always. I still dont understand why you did this. But I will get great satifaction when they catch you to prevent you from ripping someome els off as you did me.

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Tikiwahine posted on 08/24/2006

This seems very sad, I purchased a beautiful necklace and was given fantastic service & quick shipping all the way to Canada. I'm sure many others are also very happy.

I wonder why you brought this issue up here when he has been away from TC(tiki central) for many months? This does not seem like the right place to me.

pablus posted on 08/24/2006

I bought 3 at different times and paid cash up front.
Then I got the makaus in due time - pretty quickly for each.

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Coco Loco posted on 08/25/2006

On 2006-08-24 12:34, Barbara wrote:
I have just pressed fraud charges on you. Its been over 2 months an no contact from you at all. I have contacted the authoities in your area and also the FBI's consumer fraud divison. I plan to follow this up till either they arrest you or you call me. We could have avoided this easily by you calling me. Now you will have to be looking over your shoulder always. I still dont understand why you did this. But I will get great satifaction when they catch you to prevent you from ripping someome els off as you did me.


This really isn't the appropriate forum to bring this to. Kaha ki'i g hasn't posted here for 5 months, so he's probably not even seeing your message. We'd love to have you talk about your interest in Tiki, but please refrain from posting further issues about Kaha ki'ithis here. Thank you.

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Barbara posted on 08/26/2006

There will not be any more post from me so you can rest easy. Barbara.

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Barbara posted on 08/28/2006

[ Edited by: Barbara 2006-08-28 00:28 ]

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danlovestikis posted on 09/09/2006


Hi, I've just read all the posts and I think that you should all know the story of Barbara and how it all worked out in the end.

Her husband was killed in Iraq last year. Before she had time to grieve her son was diagnosed with cancer. While undergoing chemotherapy in the hospital he viewed a video on the Polynesian Cultural Center and fell in love with tikis.

She took money that she couldn't afford to have the best tiki necklace carved for him for his birthday. You can imagaine her stress to not get it. At first she was sympathetic to his troubles but when he would not contact her at all or refund her money it was too much. I think all her bottled up emotions just poured out.

Please love this woman for what she has and is enduring. Andy is just home from the hospital, thin and weak. We are trying to give him some happiness by sending posts and tikis.

If you have it in your heart to participate go to General Tiki to Andy Landry loves tikis and post a note. If you have an extra tiki to send him just let me know and I'll send you an address.

The issue of the necklace has been resolved. Benzart sent one he was carving for us to Andy and he will start over on ours, not that guy is a saint. We love Ben and we love Andy and his mother, thanks for reading, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2006-10-14 05:51 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 09/20/2006


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danlovestikis posted on 09/24/2006




kaha kii posted on 12/14/2006

Well everyone...Im back! As most of you know Ive had a trying time this past 6 months and going to hell and back a few times wasnt da kine ride I wanted to take. Ive recently just aqquired a new carving studio and Ive dusted off the cobwebs and this bruddah's jumping in head first...

I spent months "soul searching" I guess you could say, and ended leaving many things behind and letting several people down (including myself). Ive realized a new beginning would never happen if the old life wasnt left behind. Im not a new man, but Im a bit improved!

Ive missed all of you and as some of you noticed, there was a "Barbara" who left many posts accusing me ripping her off...What a story that is. Under a deadline for the makau (which was for her husbands birthday) I completed the makau and shipped it off wikiwiki using USPS priority mail. Assuming everything was fine, I started closing down the gallery , moving etc. and became overwhelmed with problems and put the cell phone, e-mail and my career away for awhile.

Then... The calls started. At first it was just inquiring about delivery, then it got worse. Much worse! the calls started getting a bit ugly and then they got just plain ridiculous and pupule! I was given a deposit of just over $100.00 and shipped out the makau without the balance even being paid! So then theres a message about the FBI, local police and what not...bruddah's and sistah's thats when it got funny. I recieved 3 separte calls stating that the "cops" were after me and I needed to watch my back and the FBI was gonna pick me up, and so on and so on!!!

The final kicker was a call from some moke who was obviously a friend of Barbara's named "big tony" or something like that, telling me he knew where I was, who I was and he was gonna get me! Full gangsta style threatening phone call! Laughing but a bit freaked out, I then decided to call da kine cops! Well, Since I paid for insurance and delivery confirmation on the package (which was never signed for!) The police suggested I collect the insurance, refund the deposit and then press harrassment charges. I had all the phone messages and paperwork from the order still and they believed I should definitely follow through with pressing charges but... You know, I didnt have the time or energy to deal with an interstate harrassment case so I refunded the money and wished them good luck...

What should I have done? Some people are just Pupule and you have let them be (Although if some moke named Big Tony ever comes up to me, he's gonna get a big surprise from this bruddah!)... My reputation as a carver seemed to be in jeopardy seeing as how three times this year my carvings never made their destination, and people were upset. There are many Hawaiian carver's who have given the craft a bad name but Ive ALWAYS made myself accesible to my wearer's unlike many (805-295-0178 call anytime, see?!). I Also guarantee my work and repair or replace the carving for only the cost of shipping, which NO other Hawaiian bone carver will do!!!So now Im back to repair what damage may have been done but I would like to give truly heartfelt aloha's and mahalo'z to all the Tiki Central ohana for the support and kind words Ive recieved. By you believeing in me, it helps me to believe in myself, again.

Please look forward to more work from me and Ill try to respond to any posts or messages (although Im busy with choke orders and new creations!). I cant wait to get back to each and every one of you who supported me with your aloha and prayers during my stint in hell!!!

Again, Mahalo nui loa to all of you and Mele Kalikimaka!

(a close bruddah of mine pulled me aside one day and said: "You know why divorce so hard brah?" I responded with puzzled " shootz,no?"."Well" he said..."Because its worth it!!!!")

pablus posted on 12/14/2006

Nice to have you back.
Looking forward to seeing more great work in the future.

I wore the ukulele you made for me on the night I played on stage at the Mai Kai.
Just thought you'd like to know.

sneakyjack posted on 12/14/2006

Glad to have ya back in the game!!

I'm still interested in our planned deal - let me know when you gots the time!


kaha kii posted on 12/14/2006

Aloha Pablus and Jack!
Big mahalo'z bruddahs...I appreciate the aloha and everyone here on TC has given big kokua to me during my recent troubles. I missed all of you and TC was always on my mind...

I do look forward to hearing back and messaging everyone again!

Jack- Ill have to go back into the archives but I do remember you wanted a piece so Ill check it out and we'll get you on da board brah!!!

mahalo again cuzzin'z!

hewey posted on 12/14/2006

Youre back man :)


Cant wait to see you back into it

kaha kii posted on 12/14/2006

Mahalo Hewey!!!!!
I am stoked fo'shua! I love you folks, for real...

Malama Pono!

Benzart posted on 12/14/2006

Welcome Back.

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