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What did You Do today....

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RevBambooBen posted on 05/16/2005

I (Bamboo Ben) built a set with Crazy Al http://www.tikimania.com and Wes of House O tiki, hung loose all day on top of Toes on the Nose roof smack dab in the middle of Main Beach Laguna.

Look for a Tv show called "Action Figures" coming to a station near you. There was this Cool Cat in a wheel chair(www.liferollson.org) and a wacky Rockabilly Hawaiian band too . And, many others like Drew Brophy, etc.

more pics later.........

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2005-05-15 21:54 ]

tikichic posted on 05/16/2005

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:58 ]

hewey posted on 05/16/2005

Looks like a sweet set! Good weather too.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/16/2005

Jesse was saying during the interview that he surfed a 10' North Shore wave recently. That's insane for " normal people" like us but to do it paralized from the chest down?

Jesse Rocks!!

Here's a few of Drew Brophy.....

Drew Rocks too!

The Sperm Whale posted on 05/16/2005

Be sure to let us know when it airs Ben. Congrats on your work!!!

Lake Surfer posted on 05/16/2005

Very cool Ben... you California cats got it made... sand, surf, sun, tiki... :)

Great work by all of you!

I learned of Jesse in "Step Into Liquid"
Rob Machado and crew surfing with Jesse at Cardiff... the kid's an inspiration.

(I managed to eek out a 4 foot tiki today under a cloudy 45 degree sky... wish it would have been clear blue Laguna Beach)

Benzart posted on 05/16/2005

COOL, must be nice, You get the Neatest jobs. Way to go Benno.

thebaxdog posted on 05/16/2005

Everybody remembers the STAR names.
But just how the HELL did all that shit get on the roof B E N ????

Tiki Matt posted on 05/16/2005

Ben, you're such a show off....Great work as always, bro!

Riptide posted on 05/16/2005

Ben, that looks great. Can't wait to see you, Crazy Al, and everyone else when it airs.

What did I do today....????
Well, lets see. The Sperm Whale and I went by this cool shop in HB called "Bamboo Ben's". Unfortunately it was after 4ish? So the shop was closed and the doors were shut tighter than Michael Jackson's bedroom door during a slumber party. You should check the store out sometime, though. The lady that works there is really nice, although no one is really sure about this "Ben" character. I think he is an "invented" person like Alfred E. Newman, Elmer Fudd, and Corey Haim.

cheekytiki posted on 05/16/2005

I think Riptides on to something here, it's like those Paul Newman salad dressings (like he really makes them).
When I was over, he wasn't there either, although there was some guy down by the beach, reckoned he was him.
But then I'm sure a load of people would have said the same :)

[ Edited by: cheekytiki on 2005-05-16 08:48 ]

cheekytiki posted on 05/16/2005

Oh and by the way, good work Ben - whoever you are

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/16/2005

I will have to say it was damn hard to look out at Main Beach Laguna and play at the same time.

But someone's got to do it...

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tiki mick posted on 05/16/2005

Thanks Al and Ben! We had such a great time Sunday! That was a blast!

I hope you enjoyed us Smokin Menehunes!

Thanks for the invite!

Gee my orange bass looks great in the sunlight, huh?

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rodeotiki posted on 05/16/2005

wow thats just too cool

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Chongolio posted on 05/17/2005

Thats pretty cool, nice job fellas. I want to know how many of you fell off the roof before they wrapped.

On 2005-05-16 05:02, thebaxdog wrote:
But just how the HELL did all that shit get on the roof B E N ????

Poor Ben usually the drummer has to do all that stuff :lol:


RevBambooBen posted on 05/17/2005

On 2005-05-16 05:02, thebaxdog wrote:
Everybody remembers the STAR names.
But just how the HELL did all that shit get on the roof B E N ????

I was a little wacked/tired last night but Bax Doggy Dog was there Sat. at like 4 a.m. ready to Spiderman the stuff onto the roof cause the lift key was missing. He was throwing all sorts of Tiki Tiki up there, scaling the walls and catching it before it hit the roof! Bax Doggy Dog is da man!

We were bummed that you didn't show up for tear down :( Speaking of tear down, if anyone here locally needs a good Chiropractor check out Surf City Chiropractic on Main St. in HB across from the Electric Chair. Dr. Dan is the man! Tell him I sent you.

thebaxdog posted on 05/17/2005

So we get there and there is this rental lift to get the stuff up on the roof, well it has a short in the wiring that was smarter than all of us.
So it is time to think like an Egyptian.
While Ben and Al are doin what they do, we have a small army just standing there.
Wes, Juice(little Wes), Red44(little Bax), camera men and some other misc. folk.
So we just hand over hand everthing on the roof, the whole set, bars, couches, cameras, mic. stands, ice chests, cords, cables, and the kitchen sink.
I was bummed Red and I did not get to see any taping or help with the break down.
But I gotta say that Crazy Al, Ben-doggy, and people like Wes really make life worth living.
The shit that comes out of thier heads is just AWESOME.
I am blessed to be able to help when I can and wish I could do more.

Those that create should be pushed hard to do so.
Those that aren't as creative should do the pushing.
We all move foreward.


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Jungle Trader posted on 05/17/2005

Saw the baxdog
at the pool
and on stage
he was different somehow
I could not ascertain
a beast on stage
a smile by the pool
then it hit me
t'was the absence of belly
dat was just cool

Way to go Baxdog!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/17/2005


(Bax Rocks!Tiki Tiki!)

Also check out http://www.drewbrophy.com
There is an art show called "the Sea Monsters Ball" June 10th in Dana Point for local peeps.

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2005-05-17 08:55 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/18/2005

Today, MTV2 stopped by the Bamboo Ben compound.

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Also, Ralph Macchio stopped by after.........

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Now, a little heads up on What did You Do Today, but tomorrow. We did the decor for the Bamboo Bar and Grill in Laguna Beach. It'll be open soon. Back to work.

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crazy al posted on 05/18/2005

Ben work all day... post all night...

what the helll.....

go go go smoke smoke smoke.........

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Unga Bunga posted on 05/18/2005

On 2005-05-17 19:58, RevBambooBen wrote:
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What the Fu#% is this?
Kung Fu meets Tiki?
Grass Hopper, Steal the bamboo shoots from my hand, and you shall be set FREE

hewey posted on 05/18/2005

Old Chinese Proverb: Man who drink many alcohol, then try to balance on unstarted tiki, will find his health go little freaky.

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rodeotiki posted on 05/18/2005

On 2005-05-18 07:28, hewey wrote:
Old Chinese Proverb: Man who drink many alcohol, then try to balance on unstarted tiki, will find his health go little freaky.

What about man who carve in flip flops is man risking loss of toes.

Nice work. Any chance of doing a carving demo and putting it to dvd?

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keigs20 posted on 05/18/2005

looking good Benboo so you gonna be on mtv workplace cribs?

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crazy al posted on 05/19/2005

wise man carve in flip flop... save shillings on not discarding jacked up socks and shoe.... walk rice paper many time with chainsaw and you keep toe........

RevBambooBen posted on 05/19/2005

Wait till youz out there see "Wise Mans" video of " The Running With The Logs."

He was like an orgami swan floating through the air! Such grace and spirit and in flip flops too!

The "Wise Man" knows !!! Trust his ways.

RevBambooBen posted on 06/03/2005

The "Action Figures Show " airs tonight at 6pm on channel 25 KVMD in Los Angeles. Check out the Birthday Boy Crazy Al carving a Tiki !!!

actionfigurestv.com? or .tv?

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mrs. pineapple posted on 06/03/2005

We have a video from Tiki Oasis 3 that these 2 producer guys did, that's got a thing on a real hawaiian restaurant, a thing on T.O.3 (and our wedding!!!) and CC Rider, carving out in the desert, and he's carving with a chainsaw, in flip flops, and he's got this HUGE bandage on his lower leg, everyone in my family who saw it asked if he was drinking while carving...

PolyPop gave it to us, I don't know where he got it...

whatever happened to CC?

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PolynesianPop posted on 06/04/2005

On 2005-06-03 11:44, mrs. pineapple wrote:
We have a video from Tiki Oasis 3 that these 2 producer guys did, that's got a thing on a real hawaiian restaurant, a thing on T.O.3 (and our wedding!!!) and CC Rider, carving out in the desert, and he's carving with a chainsaw, in flip flops, and he's got this HUGE bandage on his lower leg, everyone in my family who saw it asked if he was drinking while carving...

PolyPop gave it to us, I don't know where he got it...

whatever happened to CC?

That video was from our own Grant Wheeler aka "WheelersIsland" here on TC. He's the guy in beginning saying, "So what are we doing here in the middle of the desert in search of tiki?" I believe that video was originally being marketed to be aired on the Travel Channel. Its a great video indeed.

And yeah, whatever happened to CC?

Hung out with Grant at Oasis this past May. He said his narration buddy in that DVD was seriously bummed he couldn't be there.

**Poly-Pop ***

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He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2005-06-04 09:19 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 03/05/2006

I posted this image to share with all of you today
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amiotiki posted on 03/05/2006

OMG JT - That is so adorable!


PS - all I did over the last two days is bushwack down my field of nightmares (30' x 100') and weedwack the bejeezus out of the creeper and weeds that were under the 6' tall brush.

Now I just need someone to buy this place, sigh...

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teaKEY posted on 03/06/2006

Snowboarding for the first time and I nail it. That was the best feeling. Now i need a Shag snowboard.

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Kailuageoff posted on 03/06/2006

I finished nailing the last piece of bamboo into the Honolulu Lounge, then invited a local wahine over to enjoy a genuine Chuck's Steak House Mai-Tai with me and wahine Marian. Afterwards we grilled up some teriaki steaks on the hibachi and ate it with sticky rice. Overall, it was a righteous day.
"Embrace the tiki"

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Tikiwahine posted on 03/06/2006

Yesterday(Sunday), I got the supporting legs and the first couple pieces of bamboo trim on the new desk.
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crazy al posted on 03/28/2006

OK, not today but last Sat 3/25/06.......tiki ice sickles any one? carving in the snow

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Mr. Dale posted on 03/29/2006

Keep it up Ben....and nobody is gonna like you.

RevBambooBen posted on 03/29/2006

On 2006-03-28 16:21, Mr. Dale wrote:
Keep it up Ben....and nobody is gonna like you.

I thought you were gonna say you ate my cookies!!

C'Al is a nut!

Almond Joy?!?

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Unga Bunga posted on 03/29/2006

Isn't Bamboo beautiful!
(No Ben, I wasn't talkin bout you)

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Mr. Dale posted on 03/30/2006

Bamboo Ben is one thing.....Ben's bamboo is a whole different subject.

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