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Pages: 1 2 replies

Palika posted on 04/03/2006

Aloha Kakou:

My name is Palika. I am the new member of the Smokin' Menehunes. We had our debut performance yesterday evening at Buster's Beach House in Long Beach. What a blast!! Met many of you tiki wahine and tiki kanes, and look forward to being part of your group.

My fellow musicians Kila and Moki Mick are awesome to kanikapila with, and I know we will be making some great music together in the coming years. Look forward to meeting many of you at the big festival in Catalina this summer, or sooner at other events.

A hui hou!

Al-ii posted on 04/03/2006

Welcome Palika,
I was lucky enough to catch the Smokin' Menahunes yesterday. Great show, you guys sounded great.

Tiki Bird posted on 04/03/2006

Welcome Palika! Your a great addition to the Smokin' Menahunes, looking forward to your next gig.


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